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Forumers of SG-ROC not matured in general?

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  • Forumers of SG-ROC not matured in general?

    A sensitive topic I am touching on today.

    By now I have met up with many buyers/sellers from this forum and the other local forum, and in most cases had a good chat with fellow watch lovers before/after the deal or viewing. Coincidentally, in two recent such occassions, I heard comments that forumers from SG-ROC are not matured enough in general. The two gentlemen who made such comments are seasoned watch collectors who own some very impressive watches that I can only dream about. One of them is also a full-time private dealer and a member of SG-ROC. The other one does read the posts in SG-ROC but chose to sell his watches on the other forum only.

    I love SG-ROC, but I must admit that I agree with their view to some extent.

    What is your view from your experience with other fellow forumers in SG-ROC? Or from what you have read in SG-ROC so far? What do you like about the people in this forum, and what are the behaviour you think need to be changed, and how?

    Are we matured enough to discussed this topic?

    Please share your view without criticising other forums
    Watches are like potato chips - You never stop at one

    Never political, seldom diplomatic, always honest

  • #2
    how do you define maturity in the first place? it is something which is subjective, to me forum member A can be deemed immature as me. but to others forum member A is deemed to be mature.

    i would like to know why both the people you come across and you expressed the point of view that members in this forum is not deemed mature enough?

    one thing i like about this forum is there has never been any discrimination against other brands. even if one does not own a rolex watch, they are free to join any organized gathering. unlike some gatherings which i came across, if i dont own the particular brand of watch, i wont be allowed to join. to me there are many ways to show your support for a particular brand of watch.

    when it comes to selling a product, it is about managing expectation. i have customers calling the office i work in to buy product A. will you believe me that the company actually turn down such sales and ask the buyer to go to somewhere else to buy because the price is more than 20% different?

    a trade between buyer and seller is not just about the price of the product itself, the condition of the product itself. there are many other factors as well. this include 'expectation'. managing expectation is important.

    the one thing i took away from a maid agency when i employed a maid for the first time. there are no good and bad maids. it is whether the maid performance meets your expectation or not. another friend of mine who owns an accountant firm tells me, there are no good and bad employees. why? because there are different types of cases are 'assigned' to different categories of employees.

    all forums have 'mature' and not-so 'mature' members. one can deal or make friends whoever one chooses.
    if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

    i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

    kindly email with
    1. subject heading indicating your issue
    2. your nick
    3. your corresponding email address
    4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

    if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

    your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

    disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


    • #3
      Good morning triton

      First of all I want to say I fully agree with you that "all forums have 'mature' and not-so 'mature' members. one can deal or make friends whoever one chooses". And that I have a lot more good than bad experience and have made many friends from SG-ROC.

      To answer your question of "why both the people you come across and you expressed the point of view that members in this forum is not deemed mature enough"...

      The two gentlemen referred to the content of the discussions in SG-ROC (assumingly those about watches not the Kopi Talks), and also mentioned about the kind of "navie" questions that some of the buyers asked, as well as the extreme low-ball offers from some SG-ROC members that the matured and in-the-know watch lovers will not make.

      For me I have no problem with what are posted in this forum, as I consider myself one of those who always talk nonsense here. We indeed interact in a more fun and "localised" way in SG-ROC forums, attracting many casual opinions which could be viewed as immature by some.

      But I have a problem with people who made you an offer, agreed to deal, and then went disappear. From my own experience and from what I heard/read from fellow SG-ROC forumers, there are quite a number of such people here. I cannot understand why a grown-up does not have the basic courtesy or the gut to inform the seller that they have changed their mind. However I must say that I have a lot more dealing with members from SG-ROC so my assessment is not based on comparison with my experience from other forums, and I am aware many members of SG-ROC are also members of the other local forum.

      Finally let me just say that immature itself is not necessary a negative thing. It is part of growing up that most of us have gone through or are going through. Let's just treat such comment as a feedback or observation and not argue if it is fair or unfair. My purpose of this thread is simply to share what I have heard about what I feel is becoming the image of SG-ROC which you and I are part of, and to hear more views from fellow members.
      Watches are like potato chips - You never stop at one

      Never political, seldom diplomatic, always honest


      • #4
        Under what perspectives?

        Only has experiences on 2 forums (Sgroc n s*x)

        In general:
        S*x - More professional/mature. Inspect watch, pay, leave. (unfriendly, rigid?)
        Sgroc - friendly n more fun (less mature?) Talk co*k while checking watch then finish checking still don't want pass money, still continue talking then money n watch exchanged, still talking... (haha, not that the talking has ever stopped)

        I believe it's the environment. More laid back here where I prefer to sell my items here and meet some new friends and for a lot of informative and entertaining reads


        • #5
          .. woah .. a sensitive topic indeed ..

          This discussion requires a certain amount of time to think and contribute so I may not be able to go at length now. Briefly, how one perceives 'maturity' differs from person to person but making a sweeping statement to stereotype a group of people, be it in an online forum setting, or otherwise, is not naturally healthy.

          I will come back again when my brain decides to work harder ..

          (sorry hope I did not sound 'immature' here)
          The Crown Of Achievement


          • #6
            I think in all forums around the world, there are good and bad buyers/sellers. It's really up to the buyer/seller's discretion.

            If one cannot deal with that, then it's perhaps better to put the item on consignment to handle the transaction.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Cartman View Post
              Under what perspectives?

              Only has experiences on 2 forums (Sgroc n s*x)

              In general:
              S*x - More professional/mature. Inspect watch, pay, leave. (unfriendly, rigid?)
              Sgroc - friendly n more fun (less mature?) Talk co*k while checking watch then finish checking still don't want pass money, still continue talking then money n watch exchanged, still talking... (haha, not that the talking has ever stopped)

              I believe it's the environment. More laid back here where I prefer to sell my items here and meet some new friends and for a lot of informative and entertaining reads
              I believe this is a common experience of SG-ROC members

              Originally posted by Oceanklassik View Post
              .. woah .. a sensitive topic indeed ..

              This discussion requires a certain amount of time to think and contribute so I may not be able to go at length now. Briefly, how one perceives 'maturity' differs from person to person but making a sweeping statement to stereotype a group of people, be it in an online forum setting, or otherwise, is not naturally healthy.

              I will come back again when my brain decides to work harder ..

              (sorry hope I did not sound 'immature' here)
              You definitely sound mature, act mature, and look every bit mature I look forward to hearing your well-thought opinions.
              Watches are like potato chips - You never stop at one

              Never political, seldom diplomatic, always honest


              • #8
                So saying now that I am old right ? Don't flend u liao
                The Crown Of Achievement


                • #9
                  I try to recall what the private dealer said, and on second thought, his "immature" comment could be referring to in term of watch collecting/watch appreciation, not just the behaviour of buyers.
                  Watches are like potato chips - You never stop at one

                  Never political, seldom diplomatic, always honest


                  • #10
                    sometimes...after work... I like to behave in a "immature" manner , especially among family and friends

                    de-stress so must loosen up and talk co*k
                    My 18K Gold Day Date "President" Collection:
                    1) WG DIA 18239
                    2) YG DIA 18238
                    3) WG 18239
                    4) YG 18238
                    5) YG 18248G Bark
                    6) WG DIA 18039
                    7) WG 18039
                    8) YG 18038
                    9) Tridor DIA 18039B
                    10) YG DIA 18078 Bark
                    11) RG 1803 (Mint V.Rare)
                    12) WG 1803
                    13) YG 1803

                    50th Anniversary Collection:
                    1)GMT II 116718 18K
                    2)Sub 16610LV Mk1 x 4pcs ( 3F + 1 Y!)

                    1)Daytona RG 116505 18K
                    2)D15037 14k
                    3)DJ16238 18K


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cartman View Post
                      Under what perspectives?

                      ...... friendly n more fun (less mature?) Talk co*k while checking watch then finish checking still don't want pass money, still continue talking then money n watch exchanged, still talking... (haha, not that the talking has ever stopped)
                      I machiam like that one, talk alot cock during transacting....... hehh hehh


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ian Limm View Post
                        sometimes...after work... I like to behave in a "immature" manner , especially among family and friends

                        de-stress so must loosen up and talk co*k
                        Regardless of age, we all have the playfulness and childishness within, don't we?
                        Watches are like potato chips - You never stop at one

                        Never political, seldom diplomatic, always honest


                        • #13
                          Just my thts to the points made by the more 'matured' individuals and hence, feel that they have a right to judge others.

                          Originally posted by pegasi View Post
                          The two gentlemen referred to the content of the discussions in SG-ROC (assumingly those about watches not the Kopi Talks), and also mentioned about the kind of "navie" questions that some of the buyers asked,
                          Just wondering, what kind of questions are deemed naive? We all start somewhere and what I feel is, the kind of questions asked most probably shows if the person is lazy (i.e. got internet but don wanna google and so just ask as the easy way out) or hardworking (ask cos wanna comfirm whatever that he had read online or heard). Of cos, some are just trouble makers asking questions just for the fun of it, but I think this is pretty minimal

                          The problem with most of us (me included), is that we are afraid to ask questions cos we are frightened that it may be a dumb question perceived by others and hence, keep quiet. But in other countries, people dare to speak up and by falling, they learn and become more experienced. It is not always by prevention that you learn something. Sometimes, failing would help a lot. Who are we to judge which method is the correct or in this case, 'matured' method?

                          Maybe someone matured enough could write a 101 for non naive questions? but that would be hard to get assertion wouldn't it?

                          "I am matured. These questions are hence certified matured questions" ????

                          as well as the extreme low-ball offers from some SG-ROC members that the matured and in-the-know watch lovers will not make.
                          Lowball offers I feel is pretty subjective. I met many peeps that like to say that they know alot of this, that, in the market, you cant get this kind of prices, blah blah blah. f thats the case, why aren't their items moving and they need to 'promote' it in such a manner?

                          Now, think about this. if an in-the-know guy wants to sell a rolex cos he needs the money very very urgently. Someone else in-the-know is aware of this and isn't his friend. Do you think he will pay the asking price and not make a low offer to get a bargain? So who says in-the-know guys wont make lowball offers whereever possible given the chance? (of cos, theres 2 sides of the coin and there are exceptions and some might even pay a premium to a stranger just to help him out? ). finally, who doesnt love to get a bargain if they could?

                          Its just a matter of timing, demand, supply and how bad the seller needs the cash.

                          But I have a problem with people who made you an offer, agreed to deal, and then went disappear. From my own experience and from what I heard/read from fellow SG-ROC forumers, there are quite a number of such people here. I cannot understand why a grown-up does not have the basic courtesy or the gut to inform the seller that they have changed their mind.
                          The above I do agree to a certain extent. But probably, some are mere indecisive people who keep changing their minds, coupled with a self importance attitude that buyer is King.

                          By the way, I think people who judge others' maturity are in a certain extent, looking down their noses at others who are less informed or maybe less well to do than them. There are people in all walks of life online. We need to be more accomodating and not make subjective judgements without basis.

                          Guy A: "Aiyah, that guy ask this kinda naive questions. haiz "
                          Guy B: "Why naive?'
                          Guy A: "Cos in the know people say one"
                          Guy B: "......"

                          Peace out
                          I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                          • #14
                            there are many ways how a forum conducts itself to give public a 'perceived' opinion.

                            what type of content is deemed mature? if SG-ROC is like any other forum where 'mature' content is always discussed, then it is no different from other forum. if you can google and find answers why discuss again?

                            as mentioned by another member, we are start from somewhere where we dont know much, through the years we learn and try to share. yes, some of the members here may say i am nuts about 6694. but till today, i cannot tell you i know everything of the watch history. why? because everyday there is something new and different.

                            when i first started in this forum, i dont know what is end links, what is the difference between bezel and insert. through time, i read and ask and learn. no one is born to know everything.

                            as mentioned in previous post, watch trading is also about managing expectation. i have come across members who see, agree, pay. i have also come across buyer who meet me then tell me eh, i thought what you describe is model A not model B you show me. i was like....

                            if a buyer wants to back out of a deal, there are many ways to find excuses. i have help people who ask me for discount for this model is how much, i give. but never fully commit. if they want to deal, then go to the shop or meet the seller to discuss further.

                            as to low ball, it is common. no show is also common. that is why i try to meet during office hours or location that is more general. there is always tools and instruments you can make use of in this forum. . im sure there are at least 2-3 members who knows how to make use of the available instruments and made well used of it. this is because they have contacted me to ask further questions.

                            that is why there is also gathering, for everyone to join. once a person can put a nick to a face, believe me it helps alot.

                            i also encourage new members to join gathering because it is an opportunity to not only meet senior members who can help you in 'referral' but also build your network in whatever you do.

                            Originally posted by pegasi View Post

                            To answer your question of "why both the people you come across and you expressed the point of view that members in this forum is not deemed mature enough"...

                            The two gentlemen referred to the content of the discussions in SG-ROC (assumingly those about watches not the Kopi Talks), and also mentioned about the kind of "navie" questions that some of the buyers asked, as well as the extreme low-ball offers from some SG-ROC members that the matured and in-the-know watch lovers will not make.

                            But I have a problem with people who made you an offer, agreed to deal, and then went disappear. From my own experience and from what I heard/read from fellow SG-ROC forumers, there are quite a number of such people here. I cannot understand why a grown-up does not have the basic courtesy or the gut to inform the seller that they have changed their mind. However I must say that I have a lot more dealing with members from SG-ROC so my assessment is not based on comparison with my experience from other forums, and I am aware many members of SG-ROC are also members of the other local forum.
                            if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

                            i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

                            kindly email with
                            1. subject heading indicating your issue
                            2. your nick
                            3. your corresponding email address
                            4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

                            if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

                            your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

                            disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


                            • #15
                              actually depends on topic to be formal or informal, the person you dealing with.

                              some people are pro business like you said it's private dealer so maybe he expect you to see, pay, go.

                              but most of the forum bro/sis here are collecting watches as hobby or accessories. so do you want to have a formal meeting to talk about watches?

                              everyone got a younger/childhood side from them and i mean everyone.
                              so when there isnt a need to be serious or mature.. why should we pretend to be?


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