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What do you think of Singapore's performance at the Olympics so far?

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  • petrovic, don't be so sad.

    the govt already said we can no longer totally depend on locally born singaporean to excel in the global market. we have to face fact that in this world winner is always a winner. Running a country is like running an organization. As long as the company/country is making money, who cares where the workers from... keep it short, only the best can represent Singapore regardless born here or not...

    Originally posted by petrovic View Post
    Mark Richmond on the daily round up on Friday say their success inspire the younger generation to a greater heights….

    Erm, how huh? When the man and women team all players and coaches are from CHINA.

    They used to placed one “Dummy” singapore players in the team, now they could not be bothered now….i felt an insult when I see this.

    Also, few months ago, some angry parents wrote to ST Forum. Their children trained very hard for the entire year just to get into the school table tennis team. Last minitue was sub by some foreign talents…. The boy felt very very upset cos he put in a lot of effort in his traning….

    Now even the schools are having same mindset as our govt.

    They prefer instant noodle…..haha

    they win the silver but lost my heart


    • 154th in press freedom le.. same as Somilia le..Msia and Zimbabwe better than us.. sigh.. I hear e Rally I also want to hamtam him, talk cock..He say many countries doin tat ie importing players. I want to correct him, other countries have but not as much as us.

      Ex Nat Players like Jing Jun Hong, Zhang Xueling etc, take our $$ and our passport. y never say they happily retire back in China???

      Last edited by Nooch; 18-08-08, 04:06 PM.
      "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

      One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


      • Originally posted by Nooch View Post
        154th in press freedom le.. same as Somilia le..Msia and Zimbabwe better than us.. sigh.. I hear e Rally I also want to hamtam him, talk cock..He say many countries doin tat ie importing players. I want to correct him, other countries have but not as much as us.

        Ex Nat Players like Jing Jun Hong, Zhang Xueling etc, take our $$ and our passport. y never say they happily retire back in China???

        i also wanna humtum him..tok nonsense very good..can con ah peks but dun expect to get me conned..

        alot of countries are getting china players to play for them, but not 100% FTs..still got one or 2 local ang mohs inside the team..


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