Tomorrow surely will watch the KAN CHEONG FINAL.... Whether we get trash 3-0 or not is not paramount.. its that the team have to show their fighting spirit like the they did during the Semis!!
Desired horologes ... - IWC Portuguese Automatic
- Reverso Squadra Hometime (7008620)/ Reverso Squadra
- Master Eight Days (1608420)
- U1
- IWC Aquatimer
An exquisite timepiece, brings timeless memories and precious moments...
I think we have not reached the stage of having as much money as Thanksin (and crazy enough) buying soccer teams... btw where is Thanksin now huh... ha ha ha....
I think we have not reached the stage of having as much money as Thanksin (and crazy enough) buying soccer teams... btw where is Thanksin now huh... ha ha ha....
Yay!!! Let us support our fellow Chinaporeans, opps..Singaporeans!!
"夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮
One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang
We're just importing foreigners to play for us. With enough money, you can import anyone. Where's the sport in that?
why should i be proud of the win when half the team is not 100% locally brought up but BOUGHT....over with $. might as well buy over the US swim team, Chinese weightlifters, and we would be in the running for the overall championship...haha. But on a serious note, i am not proud at all at the achievements. Why should we singaporeans be proud ?????.... btw, it not us or our environment that they are doing well here but rather, if China can send more than 1 team, they will alos beat us...I am a singaporean based in China for work and mind you, they have a large pool of talents and players who are definitely on par if not better than Li JiaWei and Co.. If CHina send 2 teams, we will get bronze, if they send 3 teams, we will get fourth....this i will bet my last dollar on it.
correct lor..I would rather see locals winning..most of the countries got ex-PRC for their table tennis teams..but at least they still mix a local ang moh inside..not 100% foreign import..heard that Feng came to singapore in 2007 and got citizenship in 2008? Like that also can?
we should buy federer and nadal..sure win gold in tennis liao..
tat is a different thing altogether, they haf roots here, wat abt those ppl?? They live here a few yrs then gif them citizenship to play for us..u feel proud meh??
These ppl have no roots. of cos to each is own. YMMV, i rest my case.
heard feng came to sg in 2007 and got citizenship in 2008..sounds like a mercenary..
Of course they are responsible lah... $1M for Gold leh...
But one thing is you are right... "they weren't THAT good or rather THE BEST before they came here... ", so we should also credit to the "person-in-charge" who has very good "taste" by picking the right person from overseas...
Also many bros here compared our FT sports ppl with our "our fore-fathers", yes you are right, they are the same... but many of our fore-fathers would rather die back in China (as they believe "Singapore" at that time was a foreign place for them)....
I hope I didn't offend anyone but just pointing out my views...
but still proud Singapore flag will be flying high at the Olympic games... whether the medal is "bought" over or "earned" over... at least we can!
if i almost going to win Jit Pa Ban..I also happy until least i can get the new SD plus GMT2 C plus daytona..LOL
okie lah, u bros !!! not sg born not sg born lah... look at them as individual loh.... mst gv these players some lah....
it's not easy leaving homeland and come over guts...hahaha
they might not be the first choice in their home country, but come over to sg and going bck to cn to fight for a medal is really something ... of cos if they are the first choice in cn, they wouldnt leave, cos big country mah, they will earn more from private, co sponsor and endorsement etc... so for those tht join us, gv them some credit, courage to come over to sg to hv a second chance.
lots of athletes hop ard, i think todays TNP already mention afew. was watching the 1500m heat, i think mention tht some bahrain runner origin from kenya & morocco it's not just sg loh.
we dont hv much sport FT ard, and they are not taking up our 'jobs' .. cos we cant do it/ produce.... hahahhaha