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A Hunt For A New Notebook

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  • A Hunt For A New Notebook

    HEhe.... planning to get a new toy... Ah Gong Siao...
    This new toy to replace my current 13.3" ASUS W5F.

    Brands I would ONLY consider for a 13.3" size Notebooks are :
    ASUS (forgot to include..)

    ALL others I will not consider.... personal experience and opinion. Anybody care to share your feedback on the above three brands?

    Very tempted to get the APPLE.. hmm.....

    Notebook is for work to do mainly EXCEL, ACCESS and some image software for my photography hobby. Must be reliable and can last min 6hrs (hopefully)

    Considering a MAC I really yearn to plan with one and moreover, now they are even supporting dual OS...
    Last edited by jazz_samz; 07-08-08, 10:36 PM.

    Desired horologes ...

    - IWC Portuguese Automatic
    - GMT II
    - GMT IIc TT
    - Reverso Squadra Hometime (7008620)/ Reverso Squadra
    - Master Eight Days (1608420)
    - U1
    - IWC Aquatimer

    An exquisite timepiece, brings timeless memories and precious moments...

  • #2
    personally i will go for a toshiba given those choices. do remember that mac abit hard to get s/w if u know what i mean.

    im not a sony fan as it is propreitory
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    disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


    • #3
      Yeah... share yr opinion on Sony as well but they are in contention bcos its pretty reliable and priced quite decently.... MAC not really need of other softwares cos what I need, I already have the original on Windows, so if install on windows OS, its not much an issue..
      I reckon you are mentioning more on the MAC OS correct?? Hmm.. true that I duno what i need for that part of the component but hey my buddy works at MC2.. kekekke

      What I've listed is actually according to priority though..
      Originally posted by triton View Post
      personally i will go for a toshiba given those choices. do remember that mac abit hard to get s/w if u know what i mean.

      im not a sony fan as it is propreitory

      Desired horologes ...

      - IWC Portuguese Automatic
      - GMT II
      - GMT IIc TT
      - Reverso Squadra Hometime (7008620)/ Reverso Squadra
      - Master Eight Days (1608420)
      - U1
      - IWC Aquatimer

      An exquisite timepiece, brings timeless memories and precious moments...


      • #4
        sorry me out of touch with lappy.. .but now the batt can last 6hrs?

        Originally posted by jazz_samz View Post

        Must be reliable and can last min 6hrs (hopefully)



        • #5

          Originally posted by pingpong View Post
          sorry me out of touch with lappy.. .but now the batt can last 6hrs?

          Desired horologes ...

          - IWC Portuguese Automatic
          - GMT II
          - GMT IIc TT
          - Reverso Squadra Hometime (7008620)/ Reverso Squadra
          - Master Eight Days (1608420)
          - U1
          - IWC Aquatimer

          An exquisite timepiece, brings timeless memories and precious moments...


          • #6
            I think Toshiba gets my vote. Well for Sony,quite alot of my classmates using it...I feel you are paying for the brand/design/colour more than anything else. Nothing really much special but my fren's 4k Sony TZ series lappy gets heated up real fast and is damn noisy.

            Toshiba...great workhorse!

            Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


            • #7
              if under budget, go for aixoo. support our local brand. (couple of 13.3 model with fancy colors)
              tag less than a k, yet pack with a punch.
              if you just uses your laptop for work/school/leisure apart from gaming
              Time is the essence of man


              • #8
                my vote to asus, solid workhorse, abit ugly but whats under the hood that matters more
                [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
                [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
                Blue 6694
                Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
                [U]"My collection"[/U]:
                [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


                • #9
                  my ASUS W7J black?


                  • #10
                    i was considering that notebook. good quality, nice price (reasonable!) but if i was to buy one, the HDD is coming out, and XP is going back in
                    [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
                    [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
                    Blue 6694
                    Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
                    [U]"My collection"[/U]:
                    [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


                    • #11
                      MacBook! Cheap (and if you are eligible, free iPod touch for the moment!), stylish, and a workhorse too.

                      I DROPPED mine quite a few times, thrash it and still working fine, 2 years on.


                      • #12
                        i personelly use B4 >sony,lenovo & Hp lap top...

                        Sony run very hot,the batt not very tahan...mayb old model?
                        Lenovo batt super tahan!! but some time abit jam jam.. not hang..
                        Hp batt seems in between this two...

                        Like now, i using sony lap in room, never off for weeks...but it pass my endurance test of working on it for at least 10 hours..& is fully operational when temp get -8 degrees in china duing starting of 08..(only start up a bit slow...warm up?)The venterlation hole lik no power de..

                        Lenovo is also quite tahan, especially the batt..but design not so nice.the hole for ventalation seems hv blow out wind very big,lik got fan inside also pass my bro test for his sch work(he on dunno how many days downloading movies)& download frend work to copy..hahaha

                        HP i hv was old model, is not even duel core.. so i cannot say how gd it is compare to the core2duel HP lappy now..

                        Design> i go wid SONY or HP> more nice(certain models)
                        Tahanability> i go wid SONY,HP,TOSHIBA(seen the abuse my friend do)
                        Batt> never go for sony IMO> cos it happen to me..

                        My bro getting a new lap top soon, if this thread can last till then, i abuse it then say some review lor..
                        Money Money come to me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by maek.mark View Post
                          MacBook! Cheap (and if you are eligible, free iPod touch for the moment!), stylish, and a workhorse too.

                          I DROPPED mine quite a few times, thrash it and still working fine, 2 years on.
                          Hahaha...UNCLE jazz_sam not eligible

                          I am...hehe maybe I get a Macbook next year

                          Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


                          • #14
                            apple products abit over priced .... but good resale value
                            [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
                            [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
                            Blue 6694
                            Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
                            [U]"My collection"[/U]:
                            [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by seiko.citizen View Post
                              apple products abit over priced .... but good resale value
                              Rolexes are over priced.....but also good resale value...hehehe

                              It's all about branding

                              Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


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