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Temasek Made another loss....

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  • Temasek Made another loss....

    Temasek Selling Merrill Lynch
    Half or total of 87m shares have been sold off at a loss, according to US recorded filings. By Seah Chiang Nee
    Jul 24, 2008

    Temasek Holdings has sold off half its ill-timed investment in Merrill Lynch - or about 87m shares, according to a mutual funds report on institutional trades on US stocks.

    The online report, MFFAIRS (Mutual Fund Facts About Individual Stocks), reported it sold off 86,949,594 shares (50%), leaving a current holdings of 86,949,594 shares (50%), according to the filings made public.

    The report gave no exact date or price of the sale.

    Neither has there been any confirmation from Temasek, which had paid US$48 a share last year.

    Last week Merrill Lynch was traded at $31.

    At that price Temasek would have suffered a loss of $17 a share - or a total loss of about US$1.48b for the 87mil shares.

    Despite massive write-downs and capital injection, Merrill Lynch's outlook remains uncertain, reports Bloomberg.

    The company's equity capital position is weak relative to competitors, said Brad Hintz, a New York-based analyst at Sanford C Bernstein, reports Ambereen Choudhury.

    "With $19.9b in CDOs still frozen on the balance sheet and with counterparty risk rising on the hedges underlying these troubled positions, the potential for additional material write-downs remains a concern,” Hintz said.

    The New York-based firm's credit rating was cut last week by Moody's Investors Service to A2 from A1.

    The third-biggest US securities firm probably will report a loss of $6.57 a share this year, compared with an earlier forecast of $1.07, Hintz said.

    The revised estimate assumes the company generates no earnings in the second half.

    Merrill may have to take an additional $10 billion of pre-tax write-downs related to its holdings of mortgage securities, Moody's estimates.

    Huge paper losses

    The disposal leaves Temasek Holdings and the Government Investment Corporation (GIC) still holding substantial parts of big troubled Western banks.

    Its remaining investments in UBS (Switzerland), Citigroup, Barclays and Merrill Lynch - at an original cost of US$21.88b - have declined on by some 47 percent in value.

    That is a paper loss of US$10.28b. However, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew had said these investments were made as a long-term strategy of 30 years.

    But as the Merrill Lynch sale shows, Temasek is not inflexible about cutting losses, if things threaten to get worse.

    The political leadership has defended its investment of these sub-prime banks as “an opportunistic” foray that can happen once in a long while.

    It believes these companies will survive the crisis and emerge stronger.

    Some experts believe that Temasek has made an error of judgment.

    Investment guru Jim Rogers said in July he believed that US bank stocks could fall further and predicted that Singapore's state investors would lose money on Citigroup and Merrill Lynch.

    "I'm shorting investment banks on Wall Street," the successful investor said. "It grieves me to see what Singapore is doing. They are going to lose money."

    At the Nomura Dialogue recently, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew reported to investment mistakes, but that no one had benefited from it.

    Singaporeans who want to see greater transparency in the government’s investments in troubled companies are unhappy with this vague answer to a serious problem.

    One writer said, “Should we just move on? I do not think so. The patently huge mistake is not merely the result of recklessness but rather a systemic lack of accountability in making some of our largest investments.

    “Let it be clear, the harm is terminally done. The entire reserves system must be re-examined and audited.”

    Said slohand, "I saw the interview on TV last night and felt shortchanged.

    "He brushed aside the issues with the logic that since the officers who made the decisions were not the beneficiaries in any sense of the word, such lapses are mistakes and are therefore acceptable...

    "..The size indicates that it can only come from the very top."

    The skies are dark but the storm has not broke yet.
    By Seah Chiang Nee
    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

    Just me and my NT...

  • #2
    Well written article, i remember many years ago when someone ask if old man is chair of GIC he say no.. it seems he is at it again. Lying like nobody's business. e skies are dark for us indeed.
    "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

    One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


    • #3
      Update ...

      Temasek Calls Reports of Sale of Merrill Stake `Speculation'
      2008-07-25 07:17:49.530 (New York)

      By Chia-Peck Wong
      July 25 (Bloomberg) -- Temasek Holdings Pte., Singapore's
      state-owned investment company that manages more than $100
      billion, said reports on the sale of its stake in Merrill Lynch
      & Co. are ``market speculation.''
      Investors should refer ``only to official sources of
      information'' for announcements regarding Temasek's major
      transactions, Myrna Thomas, a spokeswoman at the company, said
      today in an e-mailed statement.
      An online report said Temasek sold half of its shares in
      Merrill, quoting filings made on July 22. Temasek invested $5
      billion into Merrill since late last year, making it the biggest
      shareholder in the third largest U.S. securities firm, according
      to data compiled by Bloomberg.

      For related news:
      For top financial news: FTOP <GO>
      For finance & banking law reports: BLBF <GO>

      --Editor: Linus Chua

      To contact the reporter on this story:
      Chia-Peck Wong in Hong Kong at +852-2977-6532 or
      [email protected]

      To contact the editor responsible for this story:
      Philip Lagerkranser at +852-2977-6626 or
      [email protected].
      运筹帷幄 决胜千里


      • #4
        What's new here?

        Money won't drop from the sky. the hole they make, someone has to fill it up. Gahment has pool of scholors and elites to pool in money from the peasant.
        Current Inventory
        Explorer II Black (M)
        Submariner LV (M)
        Datejust TT
        Omega Speedmaster Date
        Adidas (my 10yrs workhorse)


        • #5
          Originally posted by ahwoon View Post
          What's new here?

          Money won't drop from the sky. the hole they make, someone has to fill it up. Gahment has pool of scholors and elites to pool in money from the peasant.
          Qn is will u let them?
          "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

          One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


          • #6
            This will prolong me to get my CPF
            You'll Never Walk Alone


            • #7
              one way is to give up citizenship. are you willing? seems that it is one way where u can get back the money u put in, then they leave and someone complain they got a brain drain problem. so how do u balance?
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              disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


              • #8
                I agree with Triton, e only way to get e full amount of CPF is to renounce ur citizenship..
                "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

                One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nooch View Post
                  Qn is will u let them?
                  you arent given a choice thats the problem, they implement you pay! Simple as that
                  [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
                  [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
                  Blue 6694
                  Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
                  [U]"My collection"[/U]:
                  [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


                  • #10
                    I also made a loss today heart pain pain

                    Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


                    • #11
                      but hor you lose your own money no one say you, because when you earn you also dont share with us.

                      but temasek lose money DIG from you, gains they keep and say "good job" nabei! one way st!!
                      [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
                      [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
                      Blue 6694
                      Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
                      [U]"My collection"[/U]:
                      [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


                      • #12

                        eh they clarified la...they did not sell 50% of's 5m of the error

                        Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


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