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Just to view, my friend?

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  • Just to view, my friend?

    This has been on my mind for some time and I cannot remember if it has been posted here before. I just came across this thread and thought we can share our views on this.

    From my experiences/encounters selling watches and other items here, I often come across people wanting to view the sale items. I think it is only fair to view and feel what you want to buy but I think we also have to be fair to whoever we are making the request with, ie if the seller is a watch dealer or plainly a collector/owner who has a main occupation/job. I believe this is self-explanatory right?

    I feel that the purpose of "viewing" should be mainly to ascertain the condition of the item to be bought and whether the descriptions and authenticity of the said item are correctly described by the seller. Of course unless the seller welcomes "non-obligatory viewing" whatsoever, any would-be buyer should bear in mind that not every seller has the luxury of time and mobility. At the end of the day, the potential buyer can still back out of the deal for whatever reason he/she may give but it is good if we can all have certain common understanding for one another.

    If you read this and happen to be a seller/buyer over such dealings, pl don't take things to heart. We all want convenience to ourselves but a little understanding will go a long way.

    The Crown Of Achievement

  • #2
    ........buyer viewing at seller convenience........
    劳心者治人, 劳力者治于人。 治人者食人, 治与人者食与人。



    • #3
      Often than not, it is not this case, at least for me. Maybe I should learn to be a bit more adamant and not give in to buyer(s) when he/she asked for his/her convenience ?

      Most of the time, I would try to accomodate the buyer and if not, both would give and take a little. But what frustrates me more is one who takes advantage of another person's kindness and only wanted to view the watch for pleasure. I can understand and accept if the sale item is a rare one and is not easily available, otherwise, why the need to "view-first-decide-later"?

      It is even more frustrating when despite having stated all the necessary details/information of the sale item in your thread, with pics of the actual item. And when the "buyer" sees it, says, "OH, I THOUGHT IT IS THE BIGGER ONE", "EH? I THOUGHT IT WAS BLUE COLOUR?", etc
      The Crown Of Achievement


      • #4
        Some personal experiences to share

        This is not meant to attack anyone in particular but mainly for learning and awareness:

        Encounter No. 1

        I was selling an item and posted the full descriptions of it. Mr A contacted me and showed interest. He asked for the size (of the item) and I pointed out the measurements I had posted. He asked to meet me at his convenient time and place and I agreed. I made my point and he also agreed that if the descriptions were correct, he would make the purchase. When we met and he saw the item, he said it was not the size he wanted ..

        Encounter No. 2

        I was selling a watch and similarly posted all relevant information. Mr B contacted me and requested to view. I clarified that viewing should be mainly for dealing sake and not for pleasure because I have to work and really had to make arrangements on my work and personal schedules. I also advised Mr B to view the watch first, at any of the watch retailers because the model was easily available, before we meet. It would also help him in making a decision to buy it new from a shop or from me, and it could also help him compare prices. Guess what? After he had inspected my watch, he complimented me for being honest and of the watch's condition, and said he had to consult his wife first .. (he never came back)

        Encounter No. 3

        I was selling a watch and Mr C contacted me to ask for viewing. I politely clarified about the "viewing to deal" issue and he did not like it, mentioning that this was "part & parcel" of wanting to sell things online. I was like

        Of course, most of my other dealings/transactions were positive, sometimes fun and fulfilling.

        Tx for reading
        The Crown Of Achievement


        • #5

          I have many such encounters. I am ok if the person is sincere (which I can tell) but there are also a few who obviously has no intend to buy at all...just view for fun type. Just LL lor cos the world is made up of different people. On the other hand, if too adamant, people will think why this seller so KL.

          I still have not learnt to insist on deposit after being played out a few times. Maybe cos I sometimes quite happy that the watch is not sold.


          • #6
            I like potential buyers to know what they are buying.
            Therefore, I am more than happy for potential buyers to inspect a watch that I am selling first.
            The venue and time will be at my discretion though as I accept that the viewing may not translate into a deal.

            "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence,
            three times is enemy action and
            over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or some sh*t


            • #7
              Originally posted by Oceanklassik View Post
              This is not meant to attack anyone in particular but mainly for learning and awareness:

              Encounter No. 1

              I was selling an item and posted the full descriptions of it. Mr A contacted me and showed interest. He asked for the size (of the item) and I pointed out the measurements I had posted. He asked to meet me at his convenient time and place and I agreed. I made my point and he also agreed that if the descriptions were correct, he would make the purchase. When we met and he saw the item, he said it was not the size he wanted ..

              Encounter No. 2

              I was selling a watch and similarly posted all relevant information. Mr B contacted me and requested to view. I clarified that viewing should be mainly for dealing sake and not for pleasure because I have to work and really had to make arrangements on my work and personal schedules. I also advised Mr B to view the watch first, at any of the watch retailers because the model was easily available, before we meet. It would also help him in making a decision to buy it new from a shop or from me, and it could also help him compare prices. Guess what? After he had inspected my watch, he complimented me for being honest and of the watch's condition, and said he had to consult his wife first .. (he never came back)

              Encounter No. 3

              I was selling a watch and Mr C contacted me to ask for viewing. I politely clarified about the "viewing to deal" issue and he did not like it, mentioning that this was "part & parcel" of wanting to sell things online. I was like

              Of course, most of my other dealings/transactions were positive, sometimes fun and fulfilling.

              Tx for reading
              The buyer in your 2nd encounter is really inconsiderate and lack common sense. Why meet when they have not decided or "consulted their wife"? they can always view a model at a retailer unless it is a rare or obscure model. They are wasting other people's time and detering jaded sellers from selling on the sales corner. Its easy to buy but not sell online as you will get lots of time wasters or people asking for photos for mint or new watches.


              • #8
                To me, the first thing that needs to establish & agree is the PRICE before viewing. If the price cannot reach an agreement, then there's no point in viewing the item.

                After agreeing on the price, then viewing is to confirm & verify if the conditions match the description. If yes, then the deal should be closed.

                Else, it would be wasting everyone's time.

                This is at least how I proceed with my online sale.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by PamDino View Post
                  To me, the first thing that needs to establish & agree is the PRICE before viewing. If the price cannot reach an agreement, then there's no point in viewing the item.

                  After agreeing on the price, then viewing is to confirm & verify if the conditions match the description. If yes, then the deal should be closed.

                  Else, it would be wasting everyone's time.

                  This is at least how I proceed with my online sale.

                  I agree. But got people tell me "I never see the condition how to agree on price?" I just say thank you and move on. But, I not so power like you. Never sold online but got buy online before.
                  Best is got people viewed and then agreed on price and time of transaction, then MIA.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by PamDino View Post
                    To me, the first thing that needs to establish & agree is the PRICE before viewing. If the price cannot reach an agreement, then there's no point in viewing the item.

                    After agreeing on the price, then viewing is to confirm & verify if the conditions match the description. If yes, then the deal should be closed.

                    Else, it would be wasting everyone's time.

                    This is at least how I proceed with my online sale.

                    EXACTLY !

                    Originally posted by KuchingKu View Post
                    I agree. But got people tell me "I never see the condition how to agree on price?" I just say thank you and move on. But, I not so power like you. Never sold online but got buy online before.
                    Best is got people viewed and then agreed on price and time of transaction, then MIA.
                    The Crown Of Achievement


                    • #11
                      Come to think of it, sellers are also at risk of buyers backing out after verification of authenticity is done. Possible? I think I better start asking for deposit now, if a buyer wishes to do verification. Imagine this:

                      Seller meets buyer at place of authentication, be it service centre/independent watch technician. Buyer verbally agrees to buy the watch and only after the watch is verified. No money transaction takes place at this point yet. Buyer hands the watch in for authentication. Technician finishes and hands over the watch to buyer after buyer paid the fee. Buyer further inspects and discovers some damages on the watch. He decides not to buy, returns the watch to seller.

                      The Crown Of Achievement


                      • #12
                        I agree with Bro Dino

                        If the buyer can't agree with the selling price what the meaning to meet up to view the item. Car dealer also give a price first before viewing the condition of your car.
                        You'll Never Walk Alone


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Oceanklassik View Post
                          Come to think of it, sellers are also at risk of buyers backing out after verification of authenticity is done. Possible? I think I better start asking for deposit now, if a buyer wishes to do verification. Imagine this:

                          Seller meets buyer at place of authentication, be it service centre/independent watch technician. Buyer verbally agrees to buy the watch and only after the watch is verified. No money transaction takes place at this point yet. Buyer hands the watch in for authentication. Technician finishes and hands over the watch to buyer after buyer paid the fee. Buyer further inspects and discovers some damages on the watch. He decides not to buy, returns the watch to seller.

                          This type really LL. As long as buyer have not handed over cash, the deal can still be called off. Most common reason used....wife not happy. Shouldnt this be already resolved way before you decide to view the watch? I have met a few. Now, I better ask before viewing whether the person got permission from wife or not then proceed. Ha


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Oceanklassik View Post
                            Come to think of it, sellers are also at risk of buyers backing out after verification of authenticity is done. Possible? I think I better start asking for deposit now, if a buyer wishes to do verification. Imagine this:

                            Seller meets buyer at place of authentication, be it service centre/independent watch technician. Buyer verbally agrees to buy the watch and only after the watch is verified. No money transaction takes place at this point yet. Buyer hands the watch in for authentication. Technician finishes and hands over the watch to buyer after buyer paid the fee. Buyer further inspects and discovers some damages on the watch. He decides not to buy, returns the watch to seller.

                            Can check the condition before authentication mah
                            You'll Never Walk Alone


                            • #15
                              I always bring my wife along to purchase the common EXCUSES of wife not happy or must ask wife 1st do not apply to me when meeting sellers to buy watches from them...hahahahaha
                              Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

                              Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

                              Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


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