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Most youth will defend Singapore. How true is it?

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  • #16
    Youth these days r naive n easily brainwashed by society.
    Now they have righteous thinking, WHEN they matured enough, they may think likewise..
    anyway, time will tell...


    • #17
      in singapore... most youth are taught to follow instructions, all education system only teach them what is yes and no, never teach them how to think. how many of us here will be 100% truthful to the survey we did in the past?

      i believe when we are in primary school, we will do the same too. how many of us here followed our ambition we stated in the past. how many of us here wrote to be a doctor, lawyer or even police because we want to do good to the society and not because of the income?

      if there is war, everyone here will pick up a gun and fight not because of "singapore" but for your own families and friends.

      the teens did state that they will defend Singapore, but they never write it clear enough. they are stating "we will defend singapore from preventing FTs to snatch our house, jobs, kid's placement in school and transport!!" heehee...

      lastly, just to check any benefits being a singaporean compared to FTs? latest news is that now FT or their kids don't even need to do NS anymore so that singapore can attract "potential new citizens". only some new citizens will be selected which are the poors.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ender View Post
        spot on.
        the ppl surveyed also probably believe in the easter bunny and tooth fairy etc...
        i believe that once they have gone to the army, and worked a 1-3 years, they will feel very different.
        HUAT AH!
        I fully concur with this statement!!!

        Asking primary, secondary and even JC students about defending our country?!!! They know **** at this age!!! Wait till they go Army, listen to MG, Arty and SAR21 live firing, then tell me they got the balls to fight with bullets whizzing by!!!

        Look at today's news about those cowardice youth of 8 men, carrying parangs slashing innocent, defenseless youth playing football. These youths only know how to attack the helpless!!! Count on them to defend against enermy firing.....HOPELESS!!!
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