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Most youth will defend Singapore. How true is it?

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  • Most youth will defend Singapore. How true is it?

    Read this article on the internet, 95% of the youth survey are willing to defend sg when there is an imminent threat. I wonder how true this is, and what is your take on this?
    Nobody is Perfect, I am Nobody.

  • #2
    Originally posted by soulmama View Post
    Read this article on the internet, 95% of the youth survey are willing to defend sg when there is an imminent threat. I wonder how true this is, and what is your take on this?
    No country no family. I guess the youth know this and they are willing to defend it when under attack. I really impressive with them. They are our further. Hope the government can groom them well.


    • #3
      I think its rubbish.
      "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

      One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


      • #4
        youth? age 35 and below?

        Gov survey bias wan lah........ not accurate. only statistical proven!
        劳心者治人, 劳力者治于人。 治人者食人, 治与人者食与人。



        • #5
          haha...they can't even defend themselves from each other, how to defend Singapore (refer to teen's death at Downtown East)


          • #6
            in the event of actual threat, i think its every man for themselves. i know if there was a riot in perth, id be pretty well equipped
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            • #7
              A majority of people surveyed are "74,000 pupils and students in Primary 4 and 6, Secondary 2 and 4, and second-year junior college".

              In the first place, they don't know how their future jobs and livelihood are affected by PAP's policies. Low entry for foreign talents, high property prices, high inflation, stagnant wages, high stress levels, long retirement age are all result of recent policies. If they are not happy with their lives here, they would probably migrate. Defend? Maybe next life time.

              Secondly, the report was not clear. Defend against what threat? What kind of "defence" are we talking about, fight in war? What do students know about fighting in the war? Defend against foreign talent invading local jobs? To what extend are they willing to defend - lay down their lives in a war? Sacrifice their home, property and possessions to save the country in a financial crisis/war?

              Lastly what do they mean by "threat"? Internal or external? Never specified.

              This kind of survey was very poorly structured and not detailed. Obviously, garbage in, garbage out.

              Maybe "defend" means buying some NDP tickets and get together to sing some silly songs and wave.


              • #8
                Sad to say... to what I have observed in the recent flood cases, I noticed only men (age 30+) are willing to come out to help... I don't see any teenagers or 20+ young men carrying sand bags....if there is a war, I think most of them will hide themselves somewhere...


                • #9
                  Com'on guys, cut our youths some slack will you! Give them a chance. I'm sure there are many out there - true, blue Singaporean youths, who will come out to defend the country in tough times/national crisis. In our own little circle, we may only know so few but there are aplenty out there whom we do not know yet.

                  Have faith guys, have faith. It's like "monkey-see, monkey-do". We (old folks) must set the right example first.

                  The Crown Of Achievement


                  • #10
                    WILLINGLY??? Talk is easy during peace time, when the real threat or war comes, how many of them are really willing to step out on their own to protect their country and not because they just have to do it as they are the NSF, NSMAN, regulars? A big ? , as least to me.......


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wind128 View Post
                      A majority of people surveyed are "74,000 pupils and students in Primary 4 and 6, Secondary 2 and 4, and second-year junior college".

                      In the first place, they don't know how their future jobs and livelihood are affected by PAP's policies. Low entry for foreign talents, high property prices, high inflation, stagnant wages, high stress levels, long retirement age are all result of recent policies. If they are not happy with their lives here, they would probably migrate. Defend? Maybe next life time.

                      Secondly, the report was not clear. Defend against what threat? What kind of "defence" are we talking about, fight in war? What do students know about fighting in the war? Defend against foreign talent invading local jobs? To what extend are they willing to defend - lay down their lives in a war? Sacrifice their home, property and possessions to save the country in a financial crisis/war?

                      Lastly what do they mean by "threat"? Internal or external? Never specified.

                      This kind of survey was very poorly structured and not detailed. Obviously, garbage in, garbage out.

                      Maybe "defend" means buying some NDP tickets and get together to sing some silly songs and wave.
                      spot on.
                      the ppl surveyed also probably believe in the easter bunny and tooth fairy etc...
                      i believe that once they have gone to the army, and worked a 1-3 years, they will feel very different.
                      HUAT AH!
                      "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence,
                      three times is enemy action and
                      over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or some sh*t


                      • #12
                        I guess there are only 2 options to choose from if there is a threat. Option one is to fight the threat head on. Option two will be to work with the threat. Of course, by going with option two I guess you will be called a traitor etc.....but then again, it is the survival of the fittest in this current society. To each his own.
                        Nobody is Perfect, I am Nobody.


                        • #13
                          They not only like to pull wool over the Sporeans' eyes, but also like to do likewise over their own eyes.


                          • #14
                            During WW2 alot of volunteer are youth too. I do believe our youth are willing to do that.


                            • #15
                              Cut the craps!


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