do you own one (or a few), collect, use, etc?
Me: I collect and use. I have one whereever I go. As long as it is legal it is on me.
Of course in places like aircraft, just put in my luggage and straight into my pockets on the other side.

That is easily half of what i originally have, I have yet to find the other half of my collection
since i move house, many things misplaced and lost 
As for what i want to aquire soon.
1) Rescuetool
2) Swisscard lite translucent
3) Lockblade "locksmith"
Me: I collect and use. I have one whereever I go. As long as it is legal it is on me.
Of course in places like aircraft, just put in my luggage and straight into my pockets on the other side.

That is easily half of what i originally have, I have yet to find the other half of my collection

As for what i want to aquire soon.
1) Rescuetool
2) Swisscard lite translucent
3) Lockblade "locksmith"