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How long to the next purchase?

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  • How long to the next purchase?

    My latest purchase was an Omega AT 2/2010. Hope can wait for 4-5 years before the next purchase altho" there is a slight itch to get the next watch every now and then. And I want to add 14060m and Gold Rolex King to the collection.

    Regardless whether I can afford it or not, I will try to resist the temptation to get another watch now, but recently has been looking at Breitling Superocean or even thinking of getting a PP (maybe aquanaut) to kill any more desire (dunno can work or not).

    Wonder any of the watch lovers here whose last purchase was say 4-5 years ago, and kindly tell us what was the secret (besides pocket bo lui) to tahan the itch.

  • #2

    Trust me when I say that it can be slowed down, but it can never be killed. and if it ever gets killed, it is likely that it has been replaced by a hobby of equal or higher expenses .

    In the words of a famous entity 'Resistance is Futile'.....


    • #3
      I believe this topic (or quite similar nature) was created and talked about some time ago. But what the hack, we can still talk here . I only have this to say:

      "4 to 5 years (gap) to buy a watch is now, no longer possible for me - I'll probably go crazy"

      The Crown Of Achievement


      • #4
        Ponder this

        The day before you actually know what sex is all about, you can say that you need no sex. And yes, from birth to puberty, you do not need any. But when you had your first, and probably several later, do you think you can abstain from sex for 4 to 5 years?

        "4 to 5 years (gap) to not have sex is now, no longer possible for me - I'll probably go crazy"

        The Crown Of Achievement


        • #5
          my CFO say 1 year later than can buy

          fm95.0 hear only the good things. actually she said 10
          I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


          • #6
            My OC lay down the term watch purchase over 500bucks will be after 5years
            Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

            Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

            Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


            • #7
              Originally posted by feilong108 View Post
              My OC lay down the term watch purchase over 500bucks will be after 5years
              that was before or after ur new datejust
              I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


              • #8
                erm..that is the straw that broke the camel back u see...hai.....once she see she told me that i have some sort of amassing stuff mental issue...always buy,sell,trade....same model and brand i can buy and trade or sell for countless times...hahahahahaha

                So she stated her term beri seriously better heel her last warning before i really have to bunk in with the DOG....which is outside of the cosy house....hehehehehe.....
                Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

                Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

                Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Oceanklassik View Post
                  The day before you actually know what sex is all about, you can say that you need no sex. And yes, from birth to puberty, you do not need any. But when you had your first, and probably several later, do you think you can abstain from sex for 4 to 5 years?

                  "4 to 5 years (gap) to not have sex is now, no longer possible for me - I'll probably go crazy"

                  Quite true, i can't stop buying watches for the past 3 years until i finally bought my grail which is the ss daytona this year. I can only buy 1 to 2 years later. . Maybe target the new Sub LVC or save up for something better.

                  Sorry for off topic for a while, a article from Hk, even 4 yo needs sex as his father never keep his dvds well. :0


                  ...互聯網色情資訊氾濫,缺乏完善監管。香港年輕一代容易受不良訊息影響令性觀念越見開放。屯門區一名四 歲男童昨晚趁父母睡覺偷看父親收藏之色情光碟,疑因興
                  奮過度通宵自慰。由於該男童只有四歲,陰囊尚未發育成熟以至無法射精。陰莖充血過久令周圍幼嫩組織抵受不住 壓力爆開。男童父母驚聞兒子慘叫入房查看,見男
                  童下體淌血,昏迷不醒,電腦正播放日本色情電影,大驚之下報警求助。救護員到場將男童送到屯門醫院急症室進 行搶救。由於男童陰莖傷勢極嚴重,大部分組織已
                  經壞死,幾乎整條斷開。經三小時搶救後醫生決定為男童進行陰莖切除手術。男童手術後需留院觀察,現情況穩定 。

                  父親激動落淚 專家警告兒童勿沈迷自慰

                  四歲男童自慰受傷入院,需切除陰莖。男童父親聞訊後情緒激動,更一度哭不成聲大叫:「我個仔以後點娶老婆, 點生仔?點解我無收好批碟?」,情況令人心酸。
                  而該男童母親對記者表示,兒子一向性格乖巧而且學業成績良好,平時喜歡卡通人物美少女戰士,實在無法想像原 來男童有次癖好。男童父母可能會考慮為兒子進行
                  變性手術。香港大學醫學院泌尿科主任陳健康表示,兒童身體心智未成熟,宜多作戶外活動,不宜沈迷色情資訊。 過早開始自慰行為有機會令陰囊萎縮及陰莖組織壞
                  Current Collection :

                  1) Rolex YG White Mother of Pearl Roman Dial Datejust 16018 (8 mil Serial)

                  2) Rolex YG Black Computer Roman Dial Datejust 16238 (L Serial)

                  3) Rolex TT Blue Submariner 16613LB (M Serial)

                  4) Rolex YG Red Vignette DayDate 18038 (8 mil Serial)

                  5) Rolex PT Pinkish White MOP DayDate 18206 (A Serial)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by feilong108 View Post
                    erm..that is the straw that broke the camel back u see...hai.....once she see she told me that i have some sort of amassing stuff mental issue...always buy,sell,trade....same model and brand i can buy and trade or sell for countless times...hahahahahaha

                    So she stated her term beri seriously better heel her last warning before i really have to bunk in with the DOG....which is outside of the cosy house....hehehehehe.....
                    Then better heel her warnings, bear for the coming 5 yrs. haiz...
                    Current Collection :

                    1) Rolex YG White Mother of Pearl Roman Dial Datejust 16018 (8 mil Serial)

                    2) Rolex YG Black Computer Roman Dial Datejust 16238 (L Serial)

                    3) Rolex TT Blue Submariner 16613LB (M Serial)

                    4) Rolex YG Red Vignette DayDate 18038 (8 mil Serial)

                    5) Rolex PT Pinkish White MOP DayDate 18206 (A Serial)


                    • #11
                      I really, really, hope to get a brand new ROLEX DAYTONA in the next 2-3 years
                      The Crown Of Achievement


                      • #12
                        ya now i better lurk in the affordable sub forum bian want to buy JDM seikos oso got issues liao...hehehe...

                        Anyway oso good lar....can lie low awhile for wallet to recover....n stick to my datejust for daily wear lor...hehehehehe....

                        Better not to ruffle OC case my JLC Dream is gone for
                        Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

                        Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

                        Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by feilong108 View Post
                          ya now i better lurk in the affordable sub forum bian want to buy JDM seikos oso got issues liao...hehehe...

                          Anyway oso good lar....can lie low awhile for wallet to recover....n stick to my datejust for daily wear lor...hehehehehe....

                          Better not to ruffle OC case my JLC Dream is gone for
                          don worry, I have space in my watch box. you can always pass to me for safe keeping

                          thats what friends are for man!
                          I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                          • #14
                            hehehehehe.....actually hunting for a mm300...kana poisoned by Mr have to secretly stash some funds...
                            Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

                            Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

                            Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by feilong108 View Post
                              erm..that is the straw that broke the camel back u see...hai.....once she see she told me that i have some sort of amassing stuff mental issue...always buy,sell,trade....same model and brand i can buy and trade or sell for countless times...hahahahahaha

                              So she stated her term beri seriously better heel her last warning before i really have to bunk in with the DOG....which is outside of the cosy house....hehehehehe.....
                              Originally posted by zidaneong View Post
                              Then better heel her warnings, bear for the coming 5 yrs. haiz...
                              Guys, it's "heed" her warnings; not "heel" her warnings..
                              The Crown Of Achievement


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