I think big purchase muz take ur time n think otherwise later u regret. Like that day I took super long b4 deciding on the F1,walked out of the shop after a long time. then said walk 1 round then go back. But that guy think aiyah muz b wont come back 1. When i came back his expression was like this !
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
I think big purchase muz take ur time n think otherwise later u regret. Like that day I took super long b4 deciding on the F1,walked out of the shop after a long time. then said walk 1 round then go back. But that guy think aiyah muz b wont come back 1. When i came back his expression was like this !
he undecided to buy or not to buy or he undecided because choices too many...
i too have to take some time before buying. but he cannot make decision maciam is between choices.
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bUT actually I help him narrow down to 1 choice. I think he considering if he shld pay for it.
Actually I got another better suggestion...I recommend another cheaper bag,coz personally I find that for now I shldnt spend so much money on a bag unless i got enough money until i can burn or like pet liddat then buy. Otherwise Get something cheaper,can buy a Tag or something liddat...
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
bUT actually I help him narrow down to 1 choice. I think he considering if he shld pay for it.
Actually I got another better suggestion...I recommend another cheaper bag,coz personally I find that for now I shldnt spend so much money on a bag unless i got enough money until i can burn or like pet liddat then buy. Otherwise Get something cheaper,can buy a Tag or something liddat...
i got alot of 'money' burn ... only during 7th month ... hahahhaa
other thn tht, the rest of the 11month, boh lui... hee