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My apologies & remark retraction to Jonathan Tee, his family & Passions

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  • My apologies & remark retraction to Jonathan Tee, his family & Passions

    Dear Jonathan Tee, family & Passions:

    Here are my unconditional & sincerest apologies & remark retraction for the following misleading remarks stated in this link:

    I hereby tender my sincere apologies for all my misleading & defamatory remark against you, your business & especially to your family in the above thread.

    I understand & take full responsibility that have offended you & defamed you in a bad & negative manner here in this forum with my wrongful, irresponsible & untruth defamatory remarks above that could have affected your business & cause you unneccesary distress.

    I hereby fully retract my above remarks that you said one thing previously & different thing now as it's not true & uncalled for from me.

    I also would like to retract all my negative remarks about your, your company Passions & your family in my above irresponsible & uncalled for remarks as it's untruth & defamatory in nature that will damage you, your family & Passion's integrity that you all have work so hard to build upon.

    I fully understand that my irresponsible & untruth negative remarks here have put you, your business & your family in bad light & much distress.

    I hope you, your Passion team & your family will accept my small apology as it's never in my intention to defame you, your family or your company's integrity in this forum or any other means of media or damage you intentionally with malice intent.

    I understand no effort on my part can correct what I have done to damage your family, your company (Passion) & your integrity and all that I can offer is just my sincerest regret & apologies.

    I hope we can move on as this in an unfortunate incident that'll never happen again.
    This is the only incident that I can recall & I fully retract and apologize for this one off remark that I shouldn't have made against you or anyone.

    I also have not defame or offended you thru anyone, or any means of media or forum here & anywhere else before or after this incident and I hope you can appreciate this one of infraction as a one of mistake from my part & accept my sincerest apologies for all the damage it has cost you, your family & Passions.

    Kindly let me know if this apology here will suffice.
    Again kindly pls extend my apologies to your family & Passions team.


    Fred Tan

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