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Two Singaporeans pawned by bond-breaker!

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  • #16
    if i don't post how would i know whether can i post or not.
    only by posting it up, then will let mod decide.

    i agreed not all PRC or other nationality are bad. but most that i encounter are such especially when they are expose to higher level.

    it might be their culture or style in doing things. i'm not stating that they are wrong. but what i posting is on the bad experiences with them.

    of cos there are some nice one but not generally.


    • #17
      Poor Teacher L n SAF guy, wonder will the Phd student feel sorry for them n she is laughing all the way to Harvard's toilet n ......For sure, never be kind to such a big sum...Unless we are touch Toto CNY special price of S$ 8m..


      • #18
        Originally posted by voltshin View Post
        if i don't post how would i know whether can i post or not.
        only by posting it up, then will let mod decide.

        i agreed not all PRC or other nationality are bad. but most that i encounter are such especially when they are expose to higher level.

        it might be their culture or style in doing things. i'm not stating that they are wrong. but what i posting is on the bad experiences with them.

        of cos there are some nice one but not generally.
        it shouldn't be that way, letting others decide if what you've posted should be allowed when you already felt that it's not right... if you don't feel it's right to say what you said, don't post...

        and out of over 1 billion PRCs how many have you met, to come to that generalisation?... you can't just use what was circumstantial in the original post and your own anecdotal observations to simply brush it off as a general fact that PRCs are generally not nice...

        again, i repeat from my original response "you probably need to widen your horizon and not just focus on the negative side"...


        • #19
          come on guys.stay cool.every ppl has their own point of view there's no right or wrong.just that some ppl had seen alot and had experience it and some might not.just see everything with a open heart.cheers and let's enjoy the weekends.
          累了才放慢脚步; 错了才想到后悔;苦了才懂得满足;伤了 才明白坚强; 醉了才知道难忘 ; 笑了才体会美丽!



          • #20
            i'm cool and i do believe pov differs, most times, there are no right or wrong view... but xenophobia, in any form, can never be right...


            • #21
              Originally posted by clokwerk oranje View Post
              it shouldn't be that way, letting others decide if what you've posted should be allowed when you already felt that it's not right... if you don't feel it's right to say what you said, don't post...

              and out of over 1 billion PRCs how many have you met, to come to that generalisation?... you can't just use what was circumstantial in the original post and your own anecdotal observations to simply brush it off as a general fact that PRCs are generally not nice...

              again, i repeat from my original response "you probably need to widen your horizon and not just focus on the negative side"...
              i did not state that i'm wrong and i shouldnt have posted if i felt that its not right. even i feel i'm right but that doesnt mean i have the right to post anything in other people's forum especially to some, talking about other nationality can racist or discrimination which might be a sensitive topic.

              and seriously i should throw the questions back to you. since there are more than 1 bil PRCs out there, how many have you met to judge my own opinions on them. whatever i post about them is based on my own experiences. you can have your own pleasure and fruity experiences with PRC. no one is stating that you are wrong with them.

              lastly, in case you missed out what i posted. we are sharing "bad" experiences in this thread. therefore, i don't think focusing on the negative view is wrong right now.


              • #22
                Originally posted by voltshin View Post
                i did not state that i'm wrong and i shouldnt have posted if i felt that its not right. even i feel i'm right but that doesnt mean i have the right to post anything in other people's forum especially to some, talking about other nationality can racist or discrimination which might be a sensitive topic.

                and seriously i should throw the questions back to you. since there are more than 1 bil PRCs out there, how many have you met to judge my own opinions on them. whatever i post about them is based on my own experiences. you can have your own pleasure and fruity experiences with PRC. no one is stating that you are wrong with them.

                lastly, in case you missed out what i posted. we are sharing "bad" experiences in this thread. therefore, i don't think focusing on the negative view is wrong right now.
                you already know before your original post that what you're going to post is bordering on the xenophobic, and yet you post? are you seeking validation? so if the mods did not delete or no one point you out, you feel you are right?

                ask yourself this question, who's the one here making the sweeping generalisation? let me refresh you on what you said about PRCs "of cos there are some nice one but not generally."... and then you'll understand why i asked about how many PRCs that you've actually met...

                if it was suppose to be just your personal opinion/experience, don't make it a general inference... you do realise that China's population is not one homogeneous entity, majority are Han chinese but there are hundreds if not thousands of other ethnicities...

                in case you missed what the thread is about, the topic at hand is about guarantors being played out by bond breakers... why did you have to pick up that bond breaker happened to be a PRC (circumstantial) and go on your xenophobic spiel?... a few years back the local papers did a story on bond breakers, and iirc, there were singaporeans among them...

                like i've said before, i've encountered both negative and positive experience along the way... but at no point can i make an inference of any peculiar traits (either +ve or -ve) to a given nationality... i simply choose not to dwell on the negative...


                • #23
                  Nvm.. I feel we are going off topic. It's pointless to justify my own view compared with urs. If the mod delete my post, it doesn't prove that I am wrong. It's just that it's not suitable to discuss in this forum.. That's all...

                  Is that word "generally" so difficult for u to understand? Did I state clearly that it came from my personal experience? Even if I only met 10 PFC n 8 have bad experiences... This consider as generally in my personal context.

                  U dun dwell in neg view..that's ur problem. I'm just here to share my bad experiences and not influencing anyone in case u misread my post.

                  Anyway, this will be my last post to u since it's offtopic n pointless to justify MY OWN views against YOURS.


                  • #24
                    From a third party (neutral) point of view here, I feel that voltshin was merely sharing his own experiences and in so doing, happened to highlight a particular nationality. When I read it, it did not generate any ill feelings in me towards any "PRC", so I don't actually see the point of agitation here. So I beg all here to read with an open mind and make your own sound judgement.

                    Correct communication is IMPORTANT! Make peace, not war.

                    The Crown Of Achievement


                    • #25
                      don't feel anything wrong with the post, in fact i find that it serve as a reminder to us.


                      • #26
                        Yes, there is nothing wrong with the post. It is a fact. Most PRC r jialat, with (my) experiences with them at least. (just my personal views) but I must admit no matter where u go or where u r, there r bound to be the good, the bad n the ugly. I think bro voitshin is just saying what he encounter n not necessary saying all PRC r bad. Maybe we both have mostly bad experiences with PRC that y we think like that. Lastly maybe the ppl involve in the article is PRC that y got such a big response. I am sure there r sg or other countries citizens also breaking bonds. It kopi talk section, no quarrel k


                        • #27
                          Ha..ha.. Did u read the Malaysia's Chinese paper a week back saying the 1/3 of the TCm is likely qualified but other 2/3 are...........God blessing... Your case is good that u got it back n move on with other professionals..


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