on another note. though u like to take the risk, be careful of customer who feed you regularly. then one time order big, u think no problem, they pull the plug. encounter before. so now, i take necessary precaution unless there is letter of guarantee or similar, then i release goods.
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If the check clears tomorrow, maybe you buy us drinks to celebrate 1)End of payment issue, 2)You get to keep your 320.
Haha sure no prob! My AD just called, morrow there is a piece of PAM 270 arriving!!!!! There is a 233 along with the shipment as well!!! Wah lao eh!!!! How sia????
Ho sei liaoz!!! I extend the warmest welcome to you for joining club 233!
Thanks bro! Can heave a sigh of relief finally! and also finally gotten my 233! You are right! The 233 ghost haunted me every night till I finally gotten it. Think finally tonight I can have a good sleep without the 233 chasing after me and asking me to find it! hahahaha
Thanks bro! Can heave a sigh of relief finally! and also finally gotten my 233! You are right! The 233 ghost haunted me every night till I finally gotten it. Think finally tonight I can have a good sleep without the 233 chasing after me and asking me to find it! hahahaha
Are you sure u can sleep good tonite? Or just stare and hug the 233 for whole nite till cant sleep? Hahaha...