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17/07/2010 Heavy Thunderstorm

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  • #46
    ha ha... I am not expecting too much, I am expecting where got flooded this morning... ha ha...

    Originally posted by Goemon View Post
    MM quoted today, flood is unavoidable, its the act of god.... Singaporeans are expecting too much..... Well, which bosses wouldnt expect their "talented" employees to perform when they are very well paid (to peform) in this competitive corporate world?

    I remembered Mr Malboro Tan metioned "There are no free meals in Singapore"


    • #47
      Originally posted by 116520 View Post
      ha ha... I am not expecting too much, I am expecting where got flooded this morning... ha ha...

      Its an act of "GOD" so better dun expect any Since are ministers had already done their best! We can only expect surprises.......


      • #48
        Originally posted by Goemon View Post
        MM quoted today, flood is unavoidable, its the act of god.... Singaporeans are expecting too much..... Well, which bosses wouldnt expect their "talented" employees to perform when they are very well paid (to peform) in this competitive corporate world?

        I remembered Mr Malboro Tan metioned "There are no free meals in Singapore"
        Act of god??
        So by having high annual pay means going against the ppl and gg against god's will...
        maybe its BY GOD'S WILL at coming GE... Things may change this time round.

        What SGporeans expect too much??
        We expect things to be prevented, to be solved, and not expect excuses n excuses n explainations thru taichi.

        Of cos no free meals for us definately!
        The high paid assbrains got all the freebies liao!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Frogmen View Post
          Its an act of "GOD" so better dun expect any Since are ministers had already done their best! We can only expect surprises.......

          Act of god says tyranny cannot be condone..
          Act of god says tyranny must be uprooted...
          papaya still deserves to be highly paid if they "reali" done their best???

          What to expect?


          • #50
            Originally posted by bigwatchroom View Post


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