Kopi on...waiting for our kind and helpful Bro illusion84 to provide his magical touch in the kopi session arrangement...
To Bro Itsc..yeah...i am still the mad fellow that love ULU non mainstream cheapo watches...hahahaha...i am glad you still remember me...Kopi on me on the 'HOT' kopi session...hehehehehe
I'm too excited ... We can have Hot kopi " Hot Susu gtg soon ! Yeah !!
Woow !! Tis legend will be so proud his peace message is widely promote in the whole universe" ~~~Kopi On ~~~
Now I figure out what illusion84 mean Liao.
Illusion >> Magic . See who can turn fire into
Good nite guys
Have dealed with you twice bro, if i can recall 17-09-09 night near your hse..... know you are another passionate fews who love this forum and watches just like bro Johnfish .
Count me in if gonna have Kopi or teh or susu
As some cannot make this Sat, the meet has been cancelled. Another would be Next Sun, 11th Jul. Any bros here ok with this date?
"夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮
One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang
No worry... Fei shu shu also kena menstruation lah"Kekeke. Yeah lor !! His was trigger by me " but mine hor is by U !! Next time dun fool uncle here wait long long 3 days 3 nite tour to nowhere !! I dislike joyride.. Cos motion sickness not fun at all leh"
Paiseh uncle...
I treat you kopi next time.....
Charged to fei shushu's account
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)