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I found this advertisement this guy is just rude...

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Ender View Post
    wall of text attack!

    I have even bring many clients to ur shop and recommended many more.
    Why flame e members here when I only take away business of 6-7 watches from ya tis yr?
    Why bother creating so many phantom membership here and give each of ur phantom members up to 20+ good trade feedback since 2008 in SG-ROC and only post to frame me with false accusations?
    Who are these 20+ good trade feedback members?
    Well, if u see all e threads that are flaming members against me & attacking me, u know who they are. I dun have to name em


    • #47
      Did u see me say anything in that thread?

      Originally posted by Ender View Post
      wall of text attack!

      Now u r adopting a in-direct attack by calling me thru food names.
      I like it!
      Thanks to ur posts in another thread last week where 5000+ have seen ur post, I've sold 3 watches (317, 249 & 318) in less than 2 weeks. really appreciate e wanton noodle publicity.
      It really works.
      I guess you are being sarcastic here. But if it works, then let it be loh...
      I didn't know about this thread till last week when it has been going on since 17-Mar.
      I was wondering why there are so many enquries outtta sudden during e last 2 weeks of May.
      I tot I will never sell any of e 4 watches.

      Now I know & that's why u dun see making noise there in that thread.
      In fact I'm sad that it has stop.
      Maybe they should keep it up.

      OK, I am being sarcastic I?


      • #48
        Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
        TURF, sorry not TZ-UK, I copied & pasted my bookmarks wrongly.
        My point is have u seen the same things with same completeness, same condition & same pics been sold in other forum with others' name?
        There's only one name that I've ever used.
        In fact we have the exact situation in SG-ROC where traders uses multi-login or hire moles to post & lynch me.
        are you saying that i cannot adopt different nicks on different forums to sell the same watch? i didn't know there is such a rule...
        if there is no such rule, of course there is no breach right?
        as i have said, this is not the issue that made members/ collectors worry, if you do not already know.. ppl started taking notice of you when you started having id crisis on and tried to inflate prices via a diff nick..
        "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence,
        three times is enemy action and
        over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or some sh*t


        • #49
          Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
          How do u know they are not going against me for stealing their business.
          I'm not saying it's them....
          How do you know?
          errrh, you are the one who brought this issue of members being moles targetting you on behalf of grey dealers who may have lost biz because of you.
          i just pointed out that if it is purely grey dealer vs grey dealer, you don't see other long-time dealers getting the nonsense your infamous name seems to generate.
          by your reasoning, how do you know that these grey dealers couldn't care less about you and all these 'attacks' you are whinging about are from genuine individual collectors?
          "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence,
          three times is enemy action and
          over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or some sh*t


          • #50
            Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
            Well, if u see all e threads that are flaming members against me & attacking me, u know who they are. I dun have to name em
            again, you made vague allegations that insinuate alot of things but when asked to back it up, you refuse...disclose them i say, and let readers make up their own mind if what they say or what you say has any basis.
            your unwillingness (or is it inability????) to back up your claim does not help you on the credibility front, which is one of the main grouse against you...
            "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence,
            three times is enemy action and
            over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or some sh*t


            • #51
              Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
              I didn't know about this thread till last week when it has been going on since 17-Mar.
              I was wondering why there are so many enquries outtta sudden during e last 2 weeks of May.
              I tot I will never sell any of e 4 watches.
              Now I know & that's why u dun see making noise there in that thread.
              In fact I'm sad that it has stop.
              Maybe they should keep it up.
              OK, I am being sarcastic I?
              For any other members, i wld be sure that it's sarcasm but it's you... so i really donno....
              "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence,
              three times is enemy action and
              over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or some sh*t


              • #52
                Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
                It's not my intention to sell a fake Rolex Bracelet with my watch.
                The watch is real and the bracelet that came with it was a fake.
                I don't have much knowledge is Rolex especially vintage and when it was pointed out, I removed the post in all post including SG-ROC immediately.
                It's not my intention to pass a fake as real.
                I have also informed moderators here in SG-ROC and all forums that the post has to be taken down as the bracelets is fake very the moment expert in VRF pointed it out.
                I've reposted the same watch sans the bracelet in VRF without any issue as below:
                Do not accuse me of selling fakes as no one has ever received anything fake from me
                all i pointed out was that you tried to sell a fake rolex bracelet.
                that is a fact.
                the good mods of VRF gave you the benefit of doubt on you not knowing that you were selling a fake bracelet and did not ban you but even so, the fact remains you put up a FS post which includes a fake bracelet.
                as for assembling a rojak 'complete' rolex and selling it without letting potential buyers know...did you also not know that it was assembled? did you also not know that such info was not disclosed?
                "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence,
                three times is enemy action and
                over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or some sh*t


                • #53
                  Did I call ppl names, put ppl down or flamed or attack other members

                  You call that attack/flame/put ppl down?

                  I'm merely stating my point. That's all to it.
                  No attack, flaming or putting ppl down.

                  I am merely putting my honest opinion across.
                  So, is that wrong in this thread, tell me?

                  There are actually many more post that was removed by Moderators in this particular thread but not mine.

                  The removed posts from this thread attack me directly for merely stating the fact that not all PAMs price are down and most models from other brands are down.

                  Apparently some of e attackers has been banned & but there are back with new nicks.

                  So, it's wrong to say the truth & what I think. I guess some traders & collectors of the brand that I said e price are down are not happi with me till today and has been flaming me since.

                  And till today, certain OP and all of Rolex/AP/PP & etc price is still down since my last post.
                  And there're still going going down if u look at Rolex.
                  Was I right then in my post & now?

                  Look at all the certain OP models like 23, 29, 88, 90, 104, 164, 183, 210, 212, 213, 233, 237, 270, 301, 310, 311, 312, 317, 318, 320 & all of Rolex/AP/PP/IWC models & etc that are being posted & collecting dust here & all forums worldwide since my above post.
                  Was I right?
                  Or, was I wrong?

                  And even myself are not right is the case of PAM1, 4, 9, 22, 26, 56, 115, 117, 123 & 239 where price have actually gone down since my above post when I predicted they will maintain their price.
                  I can be wrong & I admit it when I am.

                  Rolex GMT2c, Ex2, DSSD, SD, Sub-Date, LV, Milgauss price is still going down & down.
                  Even my 1680 & 5508 that I posted for sale have not a single taker.
                  One one enquiry so far for my 5508.

                  My 3 BNIB Panerais (249, 318 & 317) are selling in less than 3 week since posting the 4 BNIBs up in middle of May.
                  All my BNIB 219L, 292J & 292K plus my earlier 317K were all gone in less than a mth between Mar - Apr.

                  Look at the dealer's corner here in SG-ROC & tell me if any 5512, 5513, 1655, 1665, 1675, 1680, 16800, 6694 and etc are moving since 18 mths ago way even before I posted in the above thread?

                  Are these vintages price going up or going out?
                  In VRF 2-3 mths ago, someone labelled as a VRF contributing member said that price have dropped by as much as 62% since 2008 & still dropping and he is recording all transaction asking price in all forums & even eBay....someone more skill in Excel than me, u c!

                  Look at the PP steel 5980, 5712 & 5711/1As these days.
                  Calatrava is as good as dead.
                  Is price going up since my last thread?

                  Look at the AP Safari, Navi, Diver, Volcano, Bumble Bee, T3, EOD, Alinghi, Shaq, All Star right e price still going down?

                  If u have IWC, u will bleed to death when u sell.
                  Of cource ppl buy watch not bcos of value.

                  I buy bcos I can & bcos I want & I couldn't care if e price is down by 99.88%

                  And look at pre-V PAM and vintage PAM and even 127, 217, 232 & 249 since my above post? Have they maintained and even recovered?

                  And about the servicing, someone in the thread are so pissed when I told him off about his complaint about Richemont Service Ctr as unfounded.
                  So he's not happi with what I think & I must be happi with everything that all of u say & do?

                  I select & sell watches that are free from "4", "5", "6" & "9" at e same price, if not cheaper than those who tried to sell u one that has any of e above digits.

                  Of course not many ppl care about numbers.
                  But, I cam assure u, that u will care when u try to sell.
                  Or course there are buyer who couldn't care if ur watch is 569/700 and 1144/2000 or 1414/2500, right?

                  I even ensured u have all e catalogues & books and even paper bags if they have one.
                  How many grey traders give all e 2 books & 2 catalogues & OP paper bag?
                  I bet some of em are keeping it to sell as accessories in future to milk more $ from u.

                  The very ppl that u think are good traders could be ripping u off with fake inner parts, short change u by not giving u all e tang tie, rubber protector, price tag & even e tanned brown box.
                  The very ppl that u say are n business more longer than me and cause no problem are the same ppl who sell polished watches as LNIB or Minty and claim they are not.

                  Bring me any watch that u bought from these grey-traders as LNIB, Excellent & Minty and indicated not polished right now & show it to Richemont Service Ctr & ask if they have been polished.
                  I dare to tell u almost all will be polished before especially the LNIB and even some BNIBs.

                  I merely select & sell u e best number that u can heave to minimize e losses should u need to sell at a lost or maximize ur profit if it goes that way.

                  But, when I started this no 4, 5, 6, & 9 trend, I guess many collectors and traders are not happi with me for making their watches less valuable.

                  Common, I respect everyone here & all watch afficianados.
                  Ppl who knows know I do.

                  But I cannot respect ppl who will go against me just because I'm a flipper.


                  • #54
                    of course not

                    Originally posted by Ender View Post
                    are you saying that i cannot adopt different nicks on different forums to sell the same watch? i didn't know there is such a rule...
                    if there is no such rule, of course there is no breach right?
                    as i have said, this is not the issue that made members/ collectors worry, if you do not already know.. ppl started taking notice of you when you started having id crisis on and tried to inflate prices via a diff nick..

                    If u sell as John ABC in SG-ROC, u better be JohnABC or JABC or ADCJohn or J.A. in other forum to be known as u should be known.

                    I will personally not deal with someone who call himself KuchingSarawak here and by other names like KinabaluSabah, KuantanPahang, KTTrengganu & etc in P, VP, BW, WN, TZ, VRF & etc!!

                    Would you?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Ender View Post
                      all i pointed out was that you tried to sell a fake rolex bracelet.
                      that is a fact.
                      the good mods of VRF gave you the benefit of doubt on you not knowing that you were selling a fake bracelet and did not ban you but even so, the fact remains you put up a FS post which includes a fake bracelet.
                      as for assembling a rojak 'complete' rolex and selling it without letting potential buyers know...did you also not know that it was assembled? did you also not know that such info was not disclosed?
                      Accidentally selling parts that are fake is normal in VRF.
                      This is not a big deal in any forum as long as u remove the post & stop the sale.
                      There're so many fakes even the long term sellers have been caught there but everytime they got highlighted like me, they took action to remove it.

                      So, in what way was I intentionally trying to rip someone knowingly when I have even remove all post not only in VRF but all forums?

                      As for the rojak, in which way I didn't disclose this?
                      I post a WTB to make e set complete & sell the set as complete so that I can improve my profit.
                      When I posted the WTB, it's under my name & ppl who bothered to search will know.

                      There's nothing wrong with that and improving profit my adding tags, boxes, blank papers & anchor is acceptable.

                      Hey, it's my 1st Rolex FS post in VRF, I didn't know that I must state this watch as rojak and I was told to state it after my 1st post in VRF by moderators.
                      And that I did immediately.
                      So what is the problem here?
                      U have posted all u post correctly e 1st time in all sale forums?

                      I'm still posting without any issue after that in VRF & SG-ROC

                      BTW, a moderator here in SG-ROC did contacted me after I ask for my sale post to be taken down & he offered to help & he also indicated understand my situation and clearly know that my intention NOT to cheat knowingly.

                      Do not try to make an issue outta no issue, if that what u r not intentionally doing.


                      • #56
                        Genuine collectors do not post to attack all e time

                        Originally posted by Ender View Post
                        errrh, you are the one who brought this issue of members being moles targetting you on behalf of grey dealers who may have lost biz because of you.
                        i just pointed out that if it is purely grey dealer vs grey dealer, you don't see other long-time dealers getting the nonsense your infamous name seems to generate.
                        by your reasoning, how do you know that these grey dealers couldn't care less about you and all these 'attacks' you are whinging about are from genuine individual collectors?
                        When all e members' post is only attack on one member, what do u call that?


                        • #57
                          Can you substantiate the point which i have BOLD and underlined so that the community can benefit.

                          Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post
                          The very ppl that u think are good traders could be ripping u off with fake inner parts, short change u by not giving u all e tang tie, rubber protector, price tag & even e tanned brown box.
                          The very ppl that u say are n business more longer than me and cause no problem are the same ppl who sell polished watches as LNIB or Minty and claim they are not.
                          if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

                          i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

                          kindly email with
                          1. subject heading indicating your issue
                          2. your nick
                          3. your corresponding email address
                          4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

                          if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

                          your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

                          disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by dilutedmagnetics View Post
                            Hey Everyone...

                            I actually met someone who thinks he met FRIED wanTAN before leh!

                            We had a little GTG with a Risti from New York... my 312 is between his 202A and 6152...

                            This NY Risti said he THINKS it was FRIED wanTAN he saw but he wasn't sure. Ok, that's the closest I ever got to identifying this International Man of Mystery. LOLOLOL...

                            Anyway, the follow picture is for Mr KuchingKu. LOLOL... FRIED wanTAN!

                            Hi DM, I am pretty sure that NM 202/A and the 6152 actually belong to the Malaysian Artist Eng Tay. As other pics on another forum from another GTG will almost confirm.


                            • #59
                              I didn't know much about him until his posts. Used to respect him because of the nice watches he post. That was before his arrogance surfaced. Did a search in this & other forums, wow, his reputation has gone down hill each time he posts. Digging the hole deeper and deeper. If 1-2 persons complain, maybe it's bias. But with so many negative posts from different folks here and abroad...

                              Good luck trying to sell or buy again


                              • #60
                                wah lots of wall of text. me don wanna join in the war since I am a nobody, but since this is in kopi-talk I tht just wanna post my 2 cents.

                                I have many friends/potential buyers who lurk SGROC for deals just like me (Its all DA's fault for introducing this forum to us ). Many have seen Fred's posts in the private dealer sales section and am very impressed with the detailed pics that he posted. HOWEVER, many were turned off with the way he phase his comments like story tellers, low ballers, etc etc etc....all my friends found it to be rude and that this seller is very arrogant. Note. not that any have met him since neither would even bother to contact him in the first place after reading his posts. The impression was just gotten from the post thats all.

                                Anyway, the point is, no matter what we say, as long as Fred doesnt feel that he is being rude, then its pointless for us to argue otherwise. We cant force him to see what we see. Further more, out of every 10 customers that find his post rude, there might be 1-2 who enjoy the direct/blunt nature of his posts

                                just my 2 cents. now I faster get out of here liaoz cos seems like Fred is pulling other grey dealers out for certain misconducts WHICH I FEEL he did not provide evidence to support his remarks as highlighted by Triton. (Even tho he did not point fingers, but still, its quite insulting to many honest dealers).

                                PS: If Fred wants evidence to the claims we make against him, how come he make such broad statements and don need provide evidence?

                                oh ya, side track. does anyone have the link to the rojak Rolex that Ender mentioned which Fred is trying to sell as a 'complete' set? I read his comments and found that if he did disclose in this selling thread that its a rojak set, then its fine. But his comments was that he posted WTB looking for parts, then I feel its not appropriate. I mean, why don directly list in the selling thread? Indirecty implying that the buyer should know cos Fred posted WTB threads and hence, the Rolex is a rojak set to me is indiectly trying to withhold information in the hope that the buyer doesnt know. kinda dishonest, like my bloody ERA agent which I complain and complain like siao. His response whenever he never tell me properly is that HDB webbie got put. WTF! Kudos to the government for stepping in on such dishonest practises.
                                I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


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