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DR Goh unanswered Qns...

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  • DR Goh unanswered Qns...

    Chk it out guys..

  • #2
    Those ppl are just talking trash there... questioning the dead...

    If they want to know the truth, ask them to open their eyes and look how SG looks like now when compared with our neighbours...


    • #3
      I guess the main issue is not how Singapore has transformed today. It is about the truth & recognition who is the real personal who has done the job & was been declined for a man whom he deserve to continue to contribute. Was he short change just because someone wanted that hot seat?

      Quoted by respondent in that forum.

      The answers are right before our eyes!

      Dr Goh is too old at 65 to contribute but it is perfectly fine for LKY at 87 and Nathan at 85.

      Now ask ourselves this, who is sitting on the throne ?

      Now ask ourselves one more time, would Dr Goh respect a leader that still needs his papa to hold his hands ?

      Let’s cut the pretence, it is a national shame.
      Don’t take my word for it, ask around.


      • #4
        Happened to watch the state funeral on TV that day and the eulogy by LKY seems to be saying that he's the 1 making the right decision to appoint GKS as Finance Minister as this Minister and as that Minister blah blah blah.It's like saying without his decision to appoint GKS to various position or appointment,GKS will not have the chance to contribute to Singapore growth and will not be so great who deserve a State Funeral.Dun quote me,this is just my own point of view and from my understanding of eulogy by LKY.

        R.I.P Dr Goh. u will always be well remembered for the National Service contribution and making us boys become men and have a chance to contribute to the defense of our home,our country to be a strong small red dot on the map of the world.
        累了才放慢脚步; 错了才想到后悔;苦了才懂得满足;伤了 才明白坚强; 醉了才知道难忘 ; 笑了才体会美丽!



        • #5
          Originally posted by Goemon View Post
          I guess the main issue is not how Singapore has transformed today. It is about the truth & recognition who is the real personal who has done the job & was been declined for a man whom he deserve to continue to contribute. Was he short change just because someone wanted that hot seat?
          Quoted by respondent in that forum.
          The answers are right before our eyes!
          Dr Goh is too old at 65 to contribute but it is perfectly fine for LKY at 87 and Nathan at 85.
          Now ask ourselves this, who is sitting on the throne ?
          Now ask ourselves one more time, would Dr Goh respect a leader that still needs his papa to hold his hands ?
          Let’s cut the pretence, it is a national shame.
          Don’t take my word for it, ask around.
          National shame?????!!!! Donno who that person is asking around, but if he/she had asked me, I sincerely pray that LKY sits on the 'throne' as long as he can.
          "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence,
          three times is enemy action and
          over 600 is clearly the work of an ancient Sumerian demon or some sh*t


          • #6
            I want to know how much he was earning at the time he was the Finance Ministar and Defence Ministar ... any one knows?

            He seemed pretty thrifty to me, especially reading the story of how he only used half a tissue paper and keep the other half for later use. When I do that, my wife says I am stingy?!!!

            He should be a super wealthy billionaire if he were to live his lifestyle.


            • #7
              Stingy has nothing to do with how much wealth you have. I read an article about an incident regarding Warren Buffett. He went to a restaurant to eat and the manager offered him FOC an expensive bottle of wine as he was their honored guest. Warren Buffett asked them to keep the wine but instead give him the amount the bottle cost as a 'credit' against his dinner bill.


              • #8
                i support wat Ender say. seriously, without LKY, singapore will still be a fishing village. i cannot imagine wat will singapore be without LKY or when LKY not around. i really hope LKY sit on the throne and control as long as he can.
                just my personal views. no offence


                • #9
                  hehehe this comment from the forum is interesting...

                  If you watched ancient dynastic serial, when the emperor succeeded in stablizing his country, the first thing he would do is to kill his right hand men or asked them to retire. This is because he is worried that they have become very powerful over the years, and a possibility of revolting, meaning they also want to groom their own successors.

                  It is not a strange them that the batch of comrades were all renewed and GKS asked to step down and make way.

                  honestly, singapore is becoming very dynastic in its approach. if they would install another person from their family, then we should have 宫女和太监.


                  • #10
                    I will rather not believe in this world, one self will proclaims one's is indispensible.
                    One's who simply choose to believe are usually the kind with a weaker mindset & characteristic. Only a Parasite will always be dependable on another in order to survival. No matter what happens to this world, the earth will continue to evolves.

                    Let's hope for a better tomorrow.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Woo Keng Chung Sylvester View Post
                      i support wat Ender say. seriously, without LKY, singapore will still be a fishing village. i cannot imagine wat will singapore be without LKY or when LKY not around. i really hope LKY sit on the throne and control as long as he can.
                      just my personal views. no offence
                      LKY n GKS each of them has their strength. Together they o rather we Singaporeans, work as one together towards the nation's interest...Though some ppl cant agree with the way LKY handle things.

                      Anyway, may DR Goh RIP..


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Woo Keng Chung Sylvester View Post
                        i support wat Ender say. seriously, without LKY, singapore will still be a fishing village. i cannot imagine wat will singapore be without LKY or when LKY not around. i really hope LKY sit on the throne and control as long as he can.
                        just my personal views. no offence
                        Originally posted by Ender View Post
                        National shame?????!!!! Donno who that person is asking around, but if he/she had asked me, I sincerely pray that LKY sits on the 'throne' as long as he can.

                        LKY was good, in the past.

                        for the future, the way things are going for singapore/singaporeans in the future, doesn't bode well.

                        -incremental/exponential cost of living
                        -aging population
                        -competition from overseas talents
                        -rising property prices
                        -increase of health care costs
                        Opportunities come once


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mille View Post
                          LKY was good, in the past.

                          for the future, the way things are going for singapore/singaporeans in the future, doesn't bode well.
                          That's the reason why LKY has to be know one's time was up, gave up absolute powers and ensured successsion was no trivial matter. Just look at our neighbouring strongmans Mahathir, Sukarno, Marcos and even Mao.

                          And if anyone thinks that it is dynastic here, you just have to go to cambridge university and will realize what a legendary figure our current PM is regarded there.

                          Btw, I am not a born Singaporean nor a PAP member.


                          • #14
                            He opposes Minister's salary pegged to private sector once. Then old man remove him and other old guards to make way for newer generations and go ahead with the Ministerial pay hikes. Dr Goh is a thrify person who believes to serve the people you do not need super high salary but a good heart and passion. Too bad old man thinks otherwise.

                            At e end of the day he still has credits but old man take e credit from him.
                            "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

                            One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by alex168lim View Post
                              That's the reason why LKY has to be know one's time was up, gave up absolute powers and ensured successsion was no trivial matter. Just look at our neighbouring strongmans Mahathir, Sukarno, Marcos and even Mao.

                              And if anyone thinks that it is dynastic here, you just have to go to cambridge university and will realize what a legendary figure our current PM is regarded there.

                              Btw, I am not a born Singaporean nor a PAP member.
                              Then you have no way of knowing what dirt is under the carpet. I will rest here in case of somethings I have to say which may be sensitive.
                              "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

                              One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


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