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The Great Singapore Sale

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  • The Great Singapore Sale

    I will be in Singapore by June and just right for the Great Singapore Sale! I am looking to buy a new laptop, anyone have ideas where I can see great deals on it specifically? Or pretty much everywhere in SG?

    Thank you in advance for the tips!

  • #2
    wait for IT show in june second week i think....
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    your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

    disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


    • #3
      I heard Suntec in Orchard will be good to buy electronics such as laptops. But not so sure, better wait for locals to answer.


      • #4
        want to buy laptop? i suggest sim lim.

        if you dont need the freebies, get sometimes get thru corporate is better if possible.
        if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

        i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

        kindly email with
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        4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

        if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

        your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

        disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


        • #5
          PC show is only good for the freebies, but for those expecting cheaper prices, look elsewhere.

          Why not use my suggestion: buy from the US online shop, send it to Singapore via vPost. Even with GST and shipping, it will be still cheaper than buying locally for most cases. I have been doing this for the past 2 years.


          • #6
            Thank you for the tips hilbero & triton, I will see where sim lim is and the suntec at orchard. Wenda thank you for the tip too but I am not from Singapore so I cannot afford to have a laptop shipped and wait.


            • #7
              Hi there is no suntec at orchard, suntec is suntec, orchard is orchard. If u want get IT Products, go Sim Lim or Funan Centre.
              "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

              One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


              • #8
                LOL. That's why I said you need to wait for locals as I am not that sure. Atleast I have helped in bumping your thread.


                • #9
                  As suggested by others, you can consider getting a laptop from Sim Lim or Funan. Since you are a tourist, you can also expect tax refund. If you come during the 2nd week in June, you may even get it during the annual PC show, though I am not sure where it is held. Hope that helps.


                  • #10
                    PC Show 2010 (Upcoming IT SHOW). 10 June - 13 June 2010.

                    Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre (Suntec City) Level 1,3,4 & 6 12pm to 9pm
                    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

                    Just me and my NT...


                    • #11
                      Maybe share whats your requirements, i will see what i can source for u... my wife is from IT...


                      • #12
                        You are a tourist, I suggest Funan. Sim Lim can be a bit rough.

                        Bell&Ross BR03-92 Blue
                        Corum Admiral's Cup LE
                        Panerai 351M


                        • #13
                          Thank you for all the advices.


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