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  • #46
    Originally posted by pegasi View Post
    Prefer the original look, more cute...hehehe
    Astro Boy got modern look and original look ha? How to tell? The recent movie of The Astro Boy consider new modern look is it? Another interesting item after the Torch Light is Bro Pegasi old sewing machine. My mother would love to have the old Singer sewing machine where you move the needle by paddeling using your legs..OLD SKOL!

    Originally posted by cheng View Post
    i used to collect 1/500 diecast commercial airplanes....stopped couple of years back cos no place to display them ...
    So far got how many already Bro, as in exsisting ones?

    Originally posted by Cop View Post
    Haha, cos last time often go out sea wid friend,go camping,trekking at weired mountain overseas.
    An Explorer...! You must be wearing the Explorer II while adventuring is it?

    Originally posted by crazybay View Post
    was addicted to drinking n nightlife. Almost everynite will be at either club, ktv or pub drinking.
    Sound like me back then too Bro... An addiction , thats what watches are now for us..

    Originally posted by maxsohbc View Post
    12" GI joes , Vacuum tubes (old tech hifi)
    GI Joe...Nice. But not too sure what are vacuum tubes though.Hehe.


    'It ain't how hard you hit;
    it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward.
    How much you can take, and keep moving forward.
    That's how winning is done.'


    • #47
      Originally posted by Ryuden View Post
      Sound like me back then too Bro... An addiction , thats what watches are now for us..
      Yeah, bro. Lost too much time drinking n clubbing back then tats y now addicted to watches to catch time back.


      • #48

        currently i have abt 300+ at home...only display, abt 200 ... the rest are in special box set, hence kept in cupboard...


        • #49
          Originally posted by cheng View Post

          currently i have abt 300+ at home...only display, abt 200 ... the rest are in special box set, hence kept in cupboard...
          200 on display...?! You must have a big 'hanger' to 'park' all the airlines. Hehe.

          I guess the one in the special box set could fetch some good price for it in the future.

          Wonderful passion.


          'It ain't how hard you hit;
          it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward.
          How much you can take, and keep moving forward.
          That's how winning is done.'


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