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Tribute to Dr Goh Keng Swee

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  • Tribute to Dr Goh Keng Swee

    To all fellow members,

    While all of us are enjoying with what we have in Singapore, lets not forget one of our founder, the late Dr Goh Keng Swee.

    Thanks for bringing your strong believes that changed the standard of living in Singapore!



    * Thanks to SROC for bringing us together *

  • #2
    DRSD-1665 mk4
    SD-16660 matte mk1
    Sub-1680 red mk6
    Sub-5513 matte/ meter first
    Date Just-116234 MOP
    MS no date-67480


    • #3
      RIP Dr Goh


      • #4
        Hmm.. i got an idea to commemorate him, how about declaring 14th May a Public Holiday, then those so called ppl who love him can slowly stay at home and think of him..

        Another way to pay about maybe burning some josspaper, paper benz etc etc..LoLz..

        and nah..he ain't tat great as the media portrait him to big deal...its time for him to go..


        • #5
          He will be remembered truly as the greatest leader and brain child of Singapore. Just wondering who will be the next to go......


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tua Pao Xian(CannonDeity) View Post
            Hmm.. i got an idea to commemorate him, how about declaring 14th May a Public Holiday, then those so called ppl who love him can slowly stay at home and think of him..

            Another way to pay about maybe burning some josspaper, paper benz etc etc..LoLz..

            and nah..he ain't tat great as the media portrait him to big deal...its time for him to go..
            I dun think it is up to anyone of us to comment about whether he is tat great or not unless u can achieved wat he have done for all in his whole life. Just my point of view.


            • #7
              Well this Forum..anyone can feel free to express how they feel about anything=) No hard feeling and no offense=)

              Dun say until he so great, he also got High Pay and tons of incentive mah, what work for Singapore blah blah..this world dun haf ppl so kind de..Its every man for himself..

              If u dun take pay, come out own money, and contribute to country, then you call yourself a hero, brainchild or lovechild or whatever child.

              Take High Pay, got tons of benefits, then after tat die liao be hero, everyone also can do it mah, I let you do it, you also can do=) Why not? right?

              Beside, our so call Top Brain way of doing things is, asking the ppl under them to come up with idea, then if idea gd, Top Brain take it and implement it, then call it their own idea. This type of Brainchild, chin cai ask ah pig ah dog also can be brainchild=)


              • #8
                Oh ya...the next to go would be another Brain Child, the dun say i tink u also know=) he nowadays maybe always watch Yip Man, starting to dress like Yip Man liao...or could be due to watching Wong Fei Hong..haha

                This Brain Child sibei tok kong one, Long Chong Bao Ka Liao, Bao Sua, Bao Hai, Bao Ti, Bao Te(land)


                • #9
                  No worry, feel free to voice out ur thinking no one going to stop u except the mod. Everybody have their own thinking, u have urs n i have mine. I just wanna voice out wat i think n after all i have already say tat it is just my point of view.


                  • #10
                    sure bro=) take care and nice to hear from u


                    • #11
                      He was the one who implemented National Service right?
                      [FONT="Verdana"][B]The Best Dive Is Always The Next One[/B][/FONT]


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by caeden View Post
                        He was the one who implemented National Service right?
                        Yes, he is the one.


                        • #13
                          Singapore is no country too small to defend herself
                          I own a Rolex !


                          • #14
                            Architect of Singapore Success

                            Dr Goh Keng Swee is the architect of many of Singapore's ministries esp Defence and Finance and its foundational policies. Of course he cannot do it alone and he had a good team with him. He is one of the founding pioneers of Singapore and its success today!


                            • #15
                              Yes... Singapore's today is no one man's job... but we need leaders like Dr Goh in order to get things in place and in order...


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