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Dropping jail term 'a one-off': Judge

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  • Dropping jail term 'a one-off': Judge

    Different sets of laws?

    SINGAPORE - A woman who drove a car without a licence because she wanted to get her son a toy successfully appealed yesterday against being sent to jail for the offence.

    Housewife Catherine Peter, 41, had in January been sentenced to six weeks' jail, fined $500 and disqualified from driving for four years on charges of driving without qualification and for other traffic offences. Her driving licence had been suspended for two years because of a drink-driving incident in April last year.

    In the August incident, Peter, the wife of a commercial airline pilot, had driven to a nearby mall when her six-year-old son, complaining of an earache, demanded that she get him a toy scooter. She decided not to wait for her husband and, after several fruitless attempts to get a taxi, drove to the mall, the court was told.

    Appealing to keep her out of jail, lawyer Naresh Mahtani said Peter had to take care of her children, aged six and nine, while her husband was away on flight assignments.

    Justice V K Rajah decided to set aside the jail sentence, saying that Peter was not likely to repeat the offence. He added that "this decision does not signify the present judicial status ... but it is a one-off case that commands a departure from the norm".

    Peter had paid the fine imposed earlier for drink driving, served five days in jail and been disqualified from driving.

    She now has to pay a fine of $2,500. Her four years' disqualification from driving stands. Ng Jing Yng
    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

    Just me and my NT...

  • #2
    If they keep dishing out these 'one-off' concessions to the expatriates...... soon it will become the norm..........


    • #3
      i really dunno wats so 'one off' abt this case.... women already on driving suspension cox of DRINK DRIVING...... and now driving without a license... so $2500 fine only....

      Wkend car never buy coupon... $5000 fine? maybe can quote this case and say 'my kid wan to buy a toy scooter'...
      A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

      Just me and my NT...


      • #4
        aiyo..get used to it liao lar...
        Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

        Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

        Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Anyone knows which lawyer she used?


          • #6
            Bet you that was not the only time she drove a motor vehicle while serving the disqualification for drink driving. What so big and urgent about buying a toy for her child, it's not like sending the child to the hospital becos of a life/death situation.
            Sickening news isn't it?


            • #7
              The judiciary system is becoming a joke. It may only take time before it soon emulates the American system.

              I really wonder if it was just a superb lawyer's argument that won the case or was it really that the 'ang moh' swayed it slightly. Either way, I doubt the same outcome would have happened for a 'local'.


              • #8
                In similiar cases, if someone appeals with such an invalid reason, the judge might even increase the punishment.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Haolian King View Post
                  In similiar cases, if someone appeals with such an invalid reason, the judge might even increase the punishment.
                  Personally, I can't see what valid reason they could use in this case.


                  • #10
                    Absolute miscarriage of justice!
                    I remember years ago this Bus Depot cleaner was caught digging out coins and 'misappropriating' over a dollar.
                    He was sentenced to a year in prison when he could not pay the fine.
                    Over a dollar!

                    Yet, a person who was clearly a repeat offender was spared because this was dismissed as a 'one-off' rush to placate a whiny kid.

                    This is the best excuse/mitigation they could come up with?!

                    Lawyer: Because my client was too stupid to discipline her child, book a taxi and had total disregard of the law since she was banned from driving but because for her love of her child and since she's not Romanian, can we let her off?

                    Judge: Not Romanian eh? Ok, the appellant is successful but in not wanting to make a mockery of our judicial system, the 'stern' fine of $2500 stands! No scooter for you! Hahaha! (Laughs like Million $ Man)

                    No offense intended but I'm beginning to think that vehicular accidents these days are the best ways to commit homicide given the light sentences dished out!
                    Sweet 16:
                    PP Aquanaut
                    VC Overseas
                    AP ROO Black Themes
                    A.Lange & Sohne 1815
                    Breguet Type XXI
                    Blancpain 50 Fathoms
                    JLC Navy Seals
                    GO Senator 60s
                    GP Laureato
                    Zenith Pilot Extra Special
                    Rolex DSSD
                    IWC Big Pilot
                    Pam 112
                    Omega Ploprof
                    Breitling Super Avenger
                    Glycine F104


                    • #11
                      she could easily book a cab and waited a while.

                      unless she stays in some jungle in singapore, i think its not impossible to get a cab..sounds like double standards just cos she's an ang mo?

                      wonder would there be any more 'one-off's if its a local?
                      I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                      • #12
                        They never stated her nationality, she might be local after all. Just caught the judge on a good day!
                        Sweet 16:
                        PP Aquanaut
                        VC Overseas
                        AP ROO Black Themes
                        A.Lange & Sohne 1815
                        Breguet Type XXI
                        Blancpain 50 Fathoms
                        JLC Navy Seals
                        GO Senator 60s
                        GP Laureato
                        Zenith Pilot Extra Special
                        Rolex DSSD
                        IWC Big Pilot
                        Pam 112
                        Omega Ploprof
                        Breitling Super Avenger
                        Glycine F104


                        • #13
                          i see no link between earache and getting a toy leh....earache go to see specialist lar....getting a toy can cure earache?

                          i tink the judge is a nice bloke lar...din expect the news to turn negative...let live and live...afterall we are all humans...
                          Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

                          Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

                          Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by feilong108 View Post
                            i see no link between earache and getting a toy leh....earache go to see specialist lar....getting a toy can cure earache?

                            i tink the judge is a nice bloke lar...din expect the news to turn negative...let live and live...afterall we are all humans...
                            Can cure...I got a child like that, I'll take the scooter and whack him on the head, sure to cure the ear-ache, haha!
                            Sweet 16:
                            PP Aquanaut
                            VC Overseas
                            AP ROO Black Themes
                            A.Lange & Sohne 1815
                            Breguet Type XXI
                            Blancpain 50 Fathoms
                            JLC Navy Seals
                            GO Senator 60s
                            GP Laureato
                            Zenith Pilot Extra Special
                            Rolex DSSD
                            IWC Big Pilot
                            Pam 112
                            Omega Ploprof
                            Breitling Super Avenger
                            Glycine F104


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kenlinliu1419 View Post
                              The judiciary system is becoming a joke. It may only take time before it soon emulates the American system. ...
                              it has already become the american system. no wonder crap like this is happening more often.
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