End of season(Spring/Summer) Sale is here already! Wah I saw all the ads on the papers. So far Tommy Hilfiger,RL and a few other brands have started advertisng,that means the other brands will start anytime already. So either watch out for the papers or go down to the stores and check it out
Burberry should be coming soon...at most within 1 week they will advertise. OR you can go down to Taka during the weekends to check out if they started sale already. Coz that time I went the sale started at the store but they havent put on papers until like a week later
Gucci leh? I want to check out Burberry but next week exam.
I think I can understand the phase that leslie gone thru.
At one stage top to toe must be branded. Now cant be bothered and only go for what i term 'understated extravagant' for accessories i.e. bags/sandals/shoes etc with no logo but only those who know what it is will undertsand its value. More shiok than having a polo/shirt that everyone knows/has.
Stupid PRL now horsee so big super beng lah...I pai kia but I not ah beng...so cannot buy liow.
I think I can understand the phase that leslie gone thru.
At one stage top to toe must be branded. Now cant be bothered and only go for what i term 'understated extravagant' for accessories i.e. bags/sandals/shoes etc with no logo but only those who know what it is will undertsand its value. More shiok than having a polo/shirt that everyone knows/has.
Stupid PRL now horsee so big super beng lah...I pai kia but I not ah beng...so cannot buy liow.
i also like understated... dont care for branded goods, only when i see the "worth"... ie. my watch
[U]Currently wearing[/U]:
[SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
Blue 6694
Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
[U]"My collection"[/U]:
[SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]
I think I can understand the phase that leslie gone thru.
At one stage top to toe must be branded. Now cant be bothered and only go for what i term 'understated extravagant' for accessories i.e. bags/sandals/shoes etc with no logo but only those who know what it is will undertsand its value. More shiok than having a polo/shirt that everyone knows/has.
Stupid PRL now horsee so big super beng lah...I pai kia but I not ah beng...so cannot buy liow.
correct lor..last time from top to toe must be branded stuffs..no brand ones dun even consider..t-shirt hunting world, jeans armani or versace, wallet gaultier, shoes versace.. nowadays as i get older..i boh chup clothing brands liao..just a good watch is nice enough for me..
correct lor..last time from top to toe must be branded stuffs..no brand ones dun even consider..t-shirt hunting world, jeans armani or versace, wallet gaultier, shoes versace.. nowadays as i get older..i boh chup clothing brands liao..just a good watch is nice enough for me..
I think I can understand the phase that leslie gone thru.
At one stage top to toe must be branded. Now cant be bothered and only go for what i term 'understated extravagant' for accessories i.e. bags/sandals/shoes etc with no logo but only those who know what it is will undertsand its value. More shiok than having a polo/shirt that everyone knows/has.
Stupid PRL now horsee so big super beng lah...I pai kia but I not ah beng...so cannot buy liow.
i also like understated... dont care for branded goods, only when i see the "worth"... ie. my watch
I am at that stage Hahahaha...
But now I also starting to tone down abit la...luckily it was only for a short while nia. Not like others who start later wah jialat...coz they take longer time to "REALISE" haha. Now into stuff which is like wad sci70716 said...low profile stuff which only those who know will understand. Just like my wallet now...though it's prada...it's low profile,looks just like any normal men's wallet and the logo is black also. It's the kind of stuff that only I enjoy and others dun stare hard at me
But...I like PRL leh! Hahaha...the horse quite big i hav to say..i got like 3 or 4 big 1s But PRL too common and lots of fake liao....moved onto Burberry already
Gucci leh? I want to check out Burberry but next week exam.
I exam in 2 weeks time But now stressed coz projects all have to hand in like NEXT WEEK! and i havent finish yet. But probably sunday or monday I will go take a break...and shop abit...cannot tahan liao
Gucci all these should be starting soon,but not sure as of now. Until I go down and see or they advertise on papers. Coz I know they sometimes dun advertise on papers 1....just have a sale at their store...n sometimes they take awhile b4 they advertise.
Hmm...I think Marineguy should know when the Gucci sales is...once he see his CC bill !!
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
these days lacoste also very common...my bro and dad are lacoste fans but..me die hard RL fan! Burberry somehow wear liao the feel diff..stil prefer RL
Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)
Nobody here uses Agnes B polos? Quality is good and they are made in Portugal. I have 4 of them. PRL is a lot cheaper to get from states and hk. Have about 20 of them and 10 Lacoste. PRL must look to offload already. Anyone tried to offload stuff at flea markets? Better not OT here...