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Last night (11 Apr's) Singapore Talking

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  • Last night (11 Apr's) Singapore Talking

    There was a discussion for the current HDB issues. Anyone watched?

    Quite interesting. Esp when the 2 guests kept saying singaporeans need to lower our expectations when buying houses and the host suddenly butt in and say something like this.

    "We have always been told to strive and go for the best, be the best, etc. But when it comes to ourselves, housing, we are now being told to lower our expectations."

    the guests stun keke..cant rem what they replied but was laffing non stop cos really makes sense loh
    I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........

  • #2
    hahaha.i was watching it also. the MP kanna trapped by the lady. in the end the lady is like saying so i shld just settle for rental.

    all the MP can say is keep quoting figures ratios etc. he told her impossible to not be able to get HDB because ratio is 2.8:1 and the woman kept repeating she can't afford cov 50k even for low end condo.

    haha in the end the host comes up with ''commercial break'' and ''insufficient time'' to save the MP...hahaha so funny. my wife thought i gone crazy....the best statement however i think comes from the host..he said sthg like singaporeans think very deep now into all possible scenario...haha to me is like telling the MP,we are not stupid and stop telling us numbers,charts, the hack is that gonna solve anything?


    • #3
      Originally posted by iMac08 View Post
      hahaha.i was watching it also. the MP kanna trapped by the lady. in the end the lady is like saying so i shld just settle for rental.

      all the MP can say is keep quoting figures ratios etc. he told her impossible to not be able to get HDB because ratio is 2.8:1 and the woman kept repeating she can't afford cov 50k even for low end condo.

      haha in the end the host comes up with ''commercial break'' and ''insufficient time'' to save the MP...hahaha so funny. my wife thought i gone crazy....the best statement however i think comes from the host..he said sthg like singaporeans think very deep now into all possible scenario...haha to me is like telling the MP,we are not stupid and stop telling us numbers,charts, the hack is that gonna solve anything?
      ya ya, i rem that part also. I was laffing my head off. the host quite sarcastic. he give the kinda look like, "ya whatever you say MP"

      then got the single mother call in the MP also ask her wait for a while. Then the host retort.

      "oh, so she should wait and suffer in the meantime."

      LOL!! those two MPs go there to be slaughtered de lah. Its pretty obvious prices are so unaffordable now. and the Chinese MP says, COV used to be zero many years back Question is, would that happen again?

      If it happened, does it mean singapore economy is bad? Would we have to make sure our economy screws up in-order to be able to buy houses? Is that what Singapore should be heading? I wanted to call in but haiz...sianz...only 30 min show.
      I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


      • #4
        Didn't watch it last night.... will try to find it in youtube...


        • #5
          116520....u are missing out the gd stuffs....i think the host gonna get fire..or the tax man will hunt him down..

          u know when is commercial break..i told my wife..gone case..they will strike a deal and paint a diff picture my surprise it din...


          • #6
            they cant fire the host. this is supposed to be 'free speech' right? keke....

            but then again, next week just see how he behaves loh. If tio warning then probably will be more toned down next week bah..hope they don. this is entertaining, and yes, we think more deeply.

            MPs keep saying that we should plan our marriage ahead, blah blah blah, etc. dint the gahmen plan ahead when they allow so much FTs in so as to boost our econmy? if they did, why now the scramble to build more houses?

            I mean, if govt wanted to increase population till 4m, shouldnt they also think that in the meantime, should prepare more houses, roads so that its in sync when the time comes? I know. easier said then done. But if thats the case, why now they start asking us to plan ahead blah blah blah. they cant even do it!
            I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


            • #7
              you know wat they will tell u......bring out the chart,ratio,figures again...hahahhaa..

              they shld invite u next for the show...


              • #8
                Originally posted by iMac08 View Post
                you know wat they will tell u......bring out the chart,ratio,figures again...hahahhaa..

                they shld invite u next for the show...
                cannot lah, haha, if i go there shoot MIW with sensible qns, I will probably tio fired very soon or will be stucked where I am with no further advancements
                I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                • #9
                  haha...u will just disappear...hahaha..

                  i can't find it on you tube...damn..must show my friends esp those brain washed kids..talking big to me and ask me be thankful of what we have....


                  • #10
                    LOL. To be honest, I am thankful for a lot of things to the gahmen. Like security, peace, etc.

                    there is no perfect gahmen,. But hopefully, ours will spare a bit more tht abt the commoners. Progressing is good and a necessity. but shld also find someway to balance certain stuff. Having said that, we also must know that there is no way to please EVERYONE.

                    A few things I cant agree is, paying ministers millions as 1 of the method to ensure no corruption, as well as paying millions to athletes who win at olympics, but giving goody bags worth only $40 bucks to the poorer heartlanders, etc.

                    btw, those 2 talented guests who only talks about figures and stats are the ones in the group getting millions per annum?
                    I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                    • #11
                      This might work:

                      1. Buy a house in Batam
                      2. Get a speedboat.
                      3. Commute to Singapore using speedboat whenever you want it.

                      That will be much cheaper in the long run :P


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Wenda View Post
                        This might work:

                        1. Buy a house in Batam
                        2. Get a speedboat.
                        3. Commute to Singapore using speedboat whenever you want it.

                        That will be much cheaper in the long run :P
                        And a year or 2 later, gahmen feels that need to reduce congestion and you will have ESP (Electronic Sea Pricing) gantries being set up.
                        I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                        • #13
                          haha..Wenda is thinking out of the box. sounds like an idea...and after there will be ESP and COE and sea tax for the speed boat...haha....can anybody find the you tube for it? i can;t locate it


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Wenda View Post
                            This might work:

                            1. Buy a house in Batam
                            2. Get a speedboat.
                            3. Commute to Singapore using speedboat whenever you want it.

                            That will be much cheaper in the long run :P
                            I remember during the mid ninties when my company requested assistance from Economic Development Board for assistance(quotas) to hire foreign labours (only MNCs have the luxuries to hire)due the our nature of our biz, locals werent keen to work. Instead of assisting the SMEs, my company was told that we could always relocate to Batam or Malaysia to start you biz.

                            Thank god, we did re-locate our operations and we are even better off today than if we didnt at the mercy of their regulations.


                            • #15
                              Helicopters are too expensive, more difficult to get pilot's license and the idea that I give might work. You can dock the boat at Pasir Panjang. There are plenty of lots available. Tanah Merah may be too far away.

                              I will research more on how we can do this down to the cost I know the boat doesn't cost more than a car in Singapore.


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