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  • triton
    Originally posted by louisoh View Post
    dunno wat are the famous ex batik shirt..
    what you mean ah?

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  • louisoh
    haha..same thing la... got ex ones.. but generally they are cheap .. dunno wat are the famous ex batik shirt..

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  • triton
    thought batik shirts are expensive?

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  • louisoh
    err.. i dunno hw to explain la.. but it's those flowerly flowerly shirt... eg, like u go genting.. u wear singlet cannot go in.. they will rent u those batik shirt.

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  • triton
    Originally posted by egstring View Post
    now can only afford BATIK
    what is BATIK?

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  • Darkangel
    Originally posted by pet View Post
    wow, u sama sama same me leh. ... my jeans can last me quite some time, thn hor u know lah levis cost 100+ in spore. i ask sis buy in usa, 1 time less thn $200, 5 pair, i think include my present jeans, can last me 5 to 8 yrs leow ... my siss ( single ) on the other hand always into gadget n HP, me same get those contract free HP, .. cos from experience hor, before contract expire HP spoil leow, cos drop lah, kanna water etc. even if u pay 1000 for the HP, 2 yrs later u sure change 1. thn i got alot of branded polo T free. cos my mom play golf, thn competition always gv free polo T ( usually man's ), all branded 1s but nothing fancy.

    guess whn young, people think different mah too, now regret ... those stupid nights at pub/ kara etc... spend $$ gain sh*t frm there ... so me no go leow, i go fishing, instead of visitng gold fish ... hahhaaha... so DARKIE !!! me past tense leow ... u still got hope .. hahahaha
    Ok...muz listern to my seniors...dun spend too much money on those rubbish pubs next time. I shall only spend money on clothing and watches,well phones once in a while. Can already....

    Originally posted by egstring View Post
    zhun bo?? waiting for me?? chang she fu say so la

    anyway for me, only addiction is BAGS!!!!! *typical*
    clothes can cheap cheap *This Fashion etc*, shoes $10 type.

    Last time from top to toe must got brand one den wear, like RL, burberry, iceberg, versace, valentino, etigner etc. Now go market buy clothes
    Yeah...every girl needs it..BAGS!!!Some guys too

    Maybe for now I shall wear the branded time then change...aiyah next time then talk about this la..

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  • louisoh
    Buy sotong for wat huh ?... hehehe...

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  • D[e]smond
    Originally posted by egstring View Post
    everyday eat sotong!!!! will die of high cholestrol $$ but bo mia to wear the watch ar...
    buy sotong must remember to buy those with head one... whahahaha

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  • D[e]smond
    Originally posted by pet View Post
    hahhaa... lucky this one is tcss thread... can OT all u wnt , somemore start by des ... no complain 1 ... can gv u non stop ... n jialark jialark ... hahaha
    errrr. what u mean start by des huh???
    i read all the msg also need 20mins sia wah lao...

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  • egstring
    now can only afford BATIK

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  • pet
    so remember to buy patek, can pass to yr next generation...

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  • egstring
    everyday eat sotong!!!! will die of high cholestrol $$ but bo mia to wear the watch ar...

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  • pet
    sotong eat sotong also leh ... hahaha ... tonight hi tide i think after midnight ... sometimes we go out ( sea ) can easily catch 200...sometimes whole night only a few.

    tht means everyday u makan sotong lah.. save money for watch ah ?? hahaa

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  • egstring
    yeah shld be some jetty bah, cos like tonight he said best tide for tonight is abt 10+ so he go out at 10+ to ask him

    U blur sotong still wan to jig sotong...same family le

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  • pet
    wow ... really ah?? jig off some jetty or something lah... ask leh .. reveal spot leh ... hahahaa... i blur sotong ...

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