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  • #31
    Originally posted by 116520 View Post
    Relax bro...

    True true, Long wait for bus & MRT. Sometimes wait till give up. But I remember when I was working in the States, I got to drive 45mins to work. Traffic was so bad during fridays and saturdays that sometimes it took me double the time to reach home....

    I think HDB is still relatively cheap when compared with private housing. Take for an example Fernvale Ridge in Sengkang and Sembawang RiverLodge, prices start from $128,000 for a 3-room flat, $216,000 for a 4-room flat and $281,000 for a 5-room flat (source from Crazy HDB prices are only in hot locations where most people demanded... Batamboy, I hope I don't become a F**ker after posting this...

    Bro Fred mentioned about Fresh SG Uni & Poly grads r working in Tang & chasing ppl for survey & CC on e road, MRT & bus interchange. The problem with these SG Uni & Poly grads is that they ONLY want to work for BIG corp companies, feel good with their uniforms... I have friends who own small private companies having problem hiring local grads as these grads think that there is no future in small company and also complain about the office/factory location, long working hours, etc... ideally, they ONLY want to work in town at ang mo company...

    As for his frens who got retrenched from e same Co. 3x.... I must say... very unlucky...

    Bro Fred also mentioned that FT swamping out our old folks from their last possible jobs opportunity in Koufu, S11, BreadTalk, Food Republic, Shen Shiong and almost all hawker ctrs. Actual fact is that local ppl doesn't want to work long hours with low pay... Companies in these industries need labour who can work long hours but can't afford high salary... they have no choice but to look at FTs... BreadTalk's bread is already expensive, if they give high salary.... my friend's coffee shop at suntec faces the same situation, he told me that local young kids worked like a month or two jump boat, at least these Filipina kids are polite, hardworking and most importantly they work in contract basis so no worries about staff jumping boat...

    To make it short, I think Singaporeans only want the best but don't want to pay for it. If they can't get the best, they blame the govt. Life here is ok lah... cheers!
    Totally agree with you. The situation here is not perfect and there are things that I would rather they manage better but frankly, singapore is quite good in many ways already.
    Reminds me of a song that Hossan Leong sang (on youtube) which is about this.

    I have a few good friends from HK. Both husband and wife Uni grads fully employed early 30s and they can't even afford to buy a house in the outskirt...only renting and LL if rental goes up. They are saying our CPF really help people get a house.

    Young people need to manage their expectation. My staff first day at work ask if they can get to a certain position within x years. I asked back, 'what have I seen from you to even discuss this question?


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