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Confession of a Rafflesian elite: We don't mixed with others

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Tua Pao Xian(CannonDeity) View Post
    USually those who speak good english just remain that way, just SPEAK and nothing else. Usually all talk and achieve nothing.

    Being a graduate from RI (Rubbish Institute) or RGS (Rubbish Girl Sch)..haha or issit Raffles Institute and Raffles Gal Sch..anyway does not matter..

    All i wanna say is that coming from top sch just prove that you have academic prowness and thats all=)

    Being able to succeed in life have nothing to do with it, success is all about attitude and discipline in life, as well as having the guts and the Eye of the Tiger=)

    Passing with Aces just prove are academically able, does not make you elite or whatever most Singaporean call them.

    YOu see alot of So-called Top Brain or Elite from these top sch..but where are they after they graduate? I know where they are!..LoL, they ended up working for the less educated folks whom they sneer at and called stupid.

    Becoz u see, those Top sch blokes got all the knowledge in the world, but they lack something. They do not have balls to try things out=) They usually analyse too much to even take action.

    All are just dreaming about being CEO or joining some profession with ahem! Iron rice bowl=) this type of mentality, how to success?

    Alot of our millionaire folks do not even speak boomastic english, some do not even write=) But yet they can success in life, while those high educated ended up working 9 to 5 like herds of sheep.

    I am not saying education is bad, education is good and essential but it is not the key to success=)

    In life, cash is king, whoever have the cash, he is the elite, the top brain or whatever you call it. Tats life and reality is cruel....

    hahaha! I like the way you put it , all so true and in this funny way
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    • #62
      wow....solid lar....ur explainations are very on in fact...
      Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

      Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

      Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


      • #63
        Folks, my 2 cents worth (a bit long!)... interesting topic. Though along the way, we digressed a bit. But I am sure most will agree with me:
        (a) not all Rafflesians can be categorized as Eliteist,
        (b) not all neighbourhood students can be categorised as non-Eliteist

        I think it is presumptuous to say an ‘Eliteist’ = a Rafflesian who has a (foreign) tertiary education, makes fistful of cash, works in an Ivory tower and is completely disconnected from the rest of the world.

        If we have Rafflesians (or ACSians for that matter) who ‘believe’ they are elite --> they are sad cases and it is their loss that no one enlightens them. Moreover, the measurement of ‘success’ is different for everybody,
        - being successful does not mean one must be elite in the first place
        - Being elite does not guarantee one will be successful.

        In this context, an ‘elite’ appears to be associated with one with access to higher (premium / overseas) education. If we are honest, every one of us in SG here has equal access to good local education, though not necessarily need to be an expensive overseas one. Based on the circumstances that we were in then , some of us choose not to do it, some of us could not do it, some of us follow other priorities --> today, we are where we are.

        Nobody is saying that education = success. But without education, it is harder.
        Case in point – someone pointed out earlier that even successful people like Li Ka Shing did not have much of an education, yet they expound the importance of education on their descendants.

        So people, being different should not mean one becomes Elite vs Non-Elite. There are all types of people in this world. Hence we have millionaires who speak poor English (from lack of education) - do we like them more than millionaires (Eliteist?) who speak good English (from good education)? Live & let Live, don’t get too hung up on it man…


        • #64
          Originally posted by Tua Pao Xian(CannonDeity) View Post
          Being a graduate from RI (Rubbish Institute) or RGS (Rubbish Girl Sch)..
          Name-calling works huh. Remarks like these are divisive, hurtful and alienate bros and sis' here who are from these schools. I'd think that most of we would want to keep the sg-roc community inclusive.

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