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Confession of a Rafflesian elite: We don't mixed with others

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  • Confession of a Rafflesian elite: We don't mixed with others

    Apr 3, 2010
    Scoring high in grades but not in values
    Elite school students who never mix with others lose perspective
    By Sandra Leong

    OVER the past two weeks, the words 'meritocracy' and 'elitism' have stirred feelings of loyalty, indignation and dismay all at once.

    Just ask the old boys of St Joseph's Institution (SJI), who have been making a very public case for and against the lowering of the school's entry requirements to enable more students from its feeder schools to make the cut.

    Meritocracy must prevail, argues one camp. Easing entry requirements will only cause academic standards to slip. But SJI must not become elitist, counters the rival camp. Boys from the Christian Brothers' schools, based on that affiliation alone, should qualify.

    The imbroglio once again puts the focus on the uneasy relationship between meritocracy and elitism. A cynical take is that the race to the top will always leave behind stragglers, and those who cross the line first are bound to look down on their weaker counterparts. Given this attitude, it does not surprise me that some SJI alumni are campaigning fiercely against the 'E' word.

    I attended Raffles Girls' School (RGS) and Raffles Junior College (RJC), both elite institutions. I confess that as a young adult, I was conceited and felt unsympathetic to the world around me. These days, when people ask me what is my alma mater, I often say I'm a Rafflesian - but a 'recovering' one.

    Before I incur the wrath of Rafflesians past and present, let me say I am grateful for the all-rounded education I received. Way before the term 'holistic learning' became a Ministry of Education catchphrase, my $300-a-month secondary school fees in RGS paid for classes in speech and drama, etiquette and philosophy.

    My teachers did not teach us to be snobs. But neither did they teach us not to be snobs. As a Rafflesian, one never spoke in terms of examination pass rates. It was the number of As one got that signified one's mettle.

    We felt entitled to big things in a merit-driven society where mental dexterity equated strength of character and virtue. We felt so because we had trumped the system, even if it was the 'system' that had allowed us to get this far in the first place.

    Intellectual snobbery can be a scary thing. A running joke when I was sitting for the A-level examinations in RJC was that the National University of Singapore law faculty half consisted of Rafflesians. The other half came from 'students from OJ' - other junior colleges.

    I did not have a single friend from a neighbourhood school. In our world, we did not see a need to venture beyond what we knew.

    Many of my friends came from rich families and lived in the Orchard or Bukit Timah areas. I remember a then 15-year-old friend asking me where I lived.

    'Siglap,' I said. She asked quizzically: 'That's where all the Malays live right?'

    I never learnt that failure was sometimes an unavoidable option. Two years ago, I sank into a *censored* when I did not get a scholarship. A non-Rafflesian friend jolted me to my senses when he asked: 'How many people even get to think about doing a master's?'

    Growing up this way, you lose perspective. You forget that you belong to a privileged minority, that in the real world there are those for whom a C grade (and not an S-paper distinction) represents the pinnacle of academic achievement - but who may be wiser in many ways than the academically gifted.

    It was only when I left the comforts of my flock that I realised how close-minded I was. Unlike some of my peers, I did not win a scholarship or study overseas. I studied at Nanyang Technological University, where classmates told me they were initially wary of me because I was a 'Raffles girl'.

    I learnt that brandishing my elite school background, from the way I spoke 'proper English' to wearing my RJC physical education T-shirt around my hostel, rubbed people the wrong way. I learnt there were other ways to win respect without riding on the coat-tails of a brand-name education.

    My work as a journalist also quickly brought me crashing down to earth. Loftiness goes out of the window when you have to talk to everyone from politicians to cancer patients to victims of natural disaster.

    I hasten to add that for every misguided smart-aleck I encountered among Rafflesians, there were others who were humble and well-adjusted. Still, an Old Rafflesians' Association president once quoted in this paper defined the Rafflesian character as 'predominantly achievement-oriented and goal-driven' - traits I dare say which tend to create a type of ultra-competitiveness that leaves little room for empathy and humility in the absence of a countervailing value-system.

    Many of my schoolmates went on to become civil servants, lawyers, bankers and doctors. They keep to the same small social circle they grew up in, married within it and will probably wish the same life for their offspring as well.

    I'm not saying they grew up into mean-spirited, Ayn-Rand spouting adults just because they excelled in what they did. The pursuit of intellectual excellence is a virtue that our educational system quite correctly promotes. But the pursuit of intellectual excellence to the exclusion of character or value excellence breeds an exclusionary attitude to the rest of society. Many of the products of our top schools forget they have to give back to the society that allowed them so many opportunities.

    It is especially worrying when the exclusionary attitudes bred in school become accepted life values. You judge success using markers that only you and your like-minded friends agree upon. For example, my unmarried girl friends tell me they will never date a man without a degree, a car or a 'respectable' job - and they are entirely unapologetic about it.

    These are people who live for years without having to step outside their comfort zone, leading a bubble-wrapped existence.

    The sooner that wrap is removed, the better.
    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

    Just me and my NT...

  • #2
    I know a few rafflesians who are actually very nice and humble people

    elitism is always there. just think of certain companies who only looks at grades prior to allowing you to get into their companies?

    A-StaR is one such company that I will never forget. Many years back, when they came to my uni for recruitment talk, they only emphasise abt 2nd upper and above credentials.

    When someone raised their hands and asked the speaker if they got 2nd lower, can they apply, the speaker was like blurred for a while. Then he stammered and say, ya of course we will erhm..consider.....blah blah blah...

    well, when I graduated, my grades does not allow me to apply for a place in A-Star nor WOULD I EVER RENDER my services (which doesnt mean anything to them in the first place) to A-Star.
    I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


    • #3
      Agreed that there are nice n humble Rafflesian around la... of course this article does not apply to all...

      No offence to any Rafflesian here ok...
      A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

      Just me and my NT...


      • #4
        Originally posted by louisoh View Post
        Agreed that there are nice n humble Rafflesian around la... of course this article does not apply to all...

        No offence to any Rafflesian here ok...
        wah faster post disclaimer?
        I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


        • #5
          Agree with the bros here... Just like in life, a barrel will always have good and bad apples. I have met and know quite a few humble guys who are from Christian Brothers School
 pursuit of the next crown...


          • #6
            Raffles like not Christian brother school leh
            I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


            • #7
              i feel that it is all about individual lar...sch got nothing to do about it....i have seen former sch mates that were from heartland areas but want to ya ya around too....
              Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

              Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

              Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


              • #8



                • #9
                  OK, own up, who are the Rafflesians here?

                  I am from neighborhood sec sch, CJC and NUS (no honours degree).

                  Don't think I really have any Raffles school friends though. Mainly neighborhood schools, NUS and christian schools friends. Majong/drinking/holidaying kakis, none from Raffles.

                  Have business dealing with raffles people, they are ok.


                  • #10
                    me from the most imfamous sec sch in the east...heartland guy from head to toe....have dealings with raffles ppl and most are polite and frenly at least in front of me...hahaha
                    Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak

                    Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

                    Quoted from Sir Winston Churchill


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by commoner View Post
                      OK, own up, who are the Rafflesians here?

                      I am from neighborhood sec sch, CJC and NUS (no honours degree).

                      Don't think I really have any Raffles school friends though. Mainly neighborhood schools, NUS and christian schools friends. Majong/drinking/holidaying kakis, none from Raffles.

                      Have business dealing with raffles people, they are ok.
                      CJC high pregnency rate leh...but I think in recent years over taken by ACJC....what are your thoughts on this, no more lumber 1 liaoz
                      I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                      • #12
                        i got 1 friend from raffles. now a lawyer. seems quite a nice guy


                        • #13
                          My boss is a rafflesian, a very humble and helpful man, even though he's filthy rich and highly positioned in a listed company.

                          As what many bros said, not everyone is the same though they may come from the same school...


                          • #14
                            CJC not high pregnacy rate during my time, just high abortion rate,,,

                            when you mix the CHIJs and SJIs, well what can you expect from both unisex schools when they get the chance....


                            • #15
                              U from SJI? Nice school!

                              Btw, need to be pregnant than can abort mah. Assuming 10 pregnant n only 9 abort, then pregnancy is higher. If all 10 abort, then on par. Cannot b 10 pregnant and 11 abort?

                              I pass my bio one ok. Don pray pray
                              I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


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