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Witnessed a road accident this am

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  • exxondus
    revenge only begets revenge

    now the camry will rem the subaru license plate and chase after him. The bus driver will rem the camry license plate and chase after the camry.

    The TP will come and record all license plate and chase after all of them.

    the main loser? -> 1248614 cos he never see any license plate so cannot buy 4D

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  • 1248614
    BTW, you guys should travel to India... see how the road users there abuse the roads... completely no lane discipline, no protocol, every one has the right of the way... damn 'happening'

    so, you can put things into perspective... what a way to start the weekend... feel sorry for bus driver... who would have expected a car to suddenly stop in middle of a 'highway'

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  • 1248614
    Originally posted by exxondus View Post
    erhm, whats the camry's license plate?
    I only see in my rear view mirror leh...
    if I can see the no. sure PM you... but cannot see lah

    sigh... many angry drivers on the road... this need not have happened... but the rule of the thumb from TP perspective is that if you knock the car in front, it is your fault rite? so does it mean it is the bus driver fault?!?!?

    sibeh sway man....

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  • KuchingKu
    The accident looks like the bus driver at fault. So, the bus driver must have caught the number plate of the Camry and the Subaru. The commuters on the bus can be witnesses. Subaru driver is the most guilty party in this accident for dangerous obstruction. Bus driver may be slightly blamed for not keeping safe distance and so crash onto the Camry.

    Camry driver may not be blamed. His earlier dangerous act of swerving into the 2nd lane was not consequential to this accident. In this accident, he was not the cause. He merely break as the car in front stopped!

    I hate this type of Subaru driver (not all subaru drivers but this type) who thinks he can take things into his own hands. If his car also knocked, then he deserves it.

    I also hate this type of Camry drivers (not all but I noticed quite a number + Vios/Altis too) They are mostly in their 40s/50s who drive like people should stop for them. Just cut in anywhere without signal and totally oblivious to the cars around. I have many times experience this when they come into Highway thru slip road and swing straight into lane 2 or even signal, no handwave after my car had to make emergency brake behind. In fact, I am not even sure if he knows he caused me to do that. Just drive on like nothing happened!

    I also hate this type of bus driver (not all type but the type that thinks because they are big, the rest must give way). More than 10 years ago, I was ramp on the side by a bus. I was making a right turn but my old car stall as I was making the turn. Then a bus coming, saw my car stop in middle of road, instead of slow down, just honk and ramp straight into my passanger side. Lucky no one was sitting there cos the car spun 2 rounds. He ask me why I stop in the middle of road. I said, of course something wrong lah. If not why would I do that! I ask him....if you see a car stopped there, your brain did not tell you to slow down or stop, just honk and drive on? He said, I thought you will move off as I come nearer and honk!

    Drive safe everyone!

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  • exxondus
    erhm, whats the camry's license plate?

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  • pilotsnoopy
    Originally posted by 116520 View Post
    Maybe you should report to TP about the incident.... what happened to the subaru?
    if no loss of life then why bother? feel the camry deserves it in some ways.

    it could have happened to the subaru as well...camry cuts into his lane, he has to jam his brakes and vehicle behind him not expecting it bangs into the subaru...

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  • louisoh
    OMG.... tats bad... but then tat Camry also shouldn't move out like he owned the road...

    Alot of bad drivers... they sld make it compulsory for all drivers to go back refresher lessons every 3-5 yrs...

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  • 116520
    Maybe you should report to TP about the incident.... what happened to the subaru?

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  • 1248614
    started a topic Witnessed a road accident this am

    Witnessed a road accident this am

    This morning after turning into Nicol Highway from the national stadium side road, I noticed this accident from my rear view mirror:

    a Toyota camry also did the same turning to join Nicol highway. Except that he did not filter into lane 3, the slower speed lane- he went straight to lane 2 on Nicol highway

    what happened next left me speechless momentarily

    the black Subaru impreza who was on lane 2 was probably upset that the camry swerved into his lane without checking. He swerve his impreza around the camry to avoid hitting the camry

    the impreza drag his horn, turn on his hazard lights and slow his car down in front of the camry till complete stop. In the middle lane of Nicol highway.

    'still no accident, mah' you must be thinking. Along came a bus on lane 2 and he could not brake in time and crashed into the back of camry

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