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Venting my frustrations...

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  • Venting my frustrations...

    Hi all,

    I just want to vent my frustrations here...

    I have a cousin in her early thirties. Recently her grandmother passed away. There is a 5 days chinese funeral. All the children and relatives should be at the funeral right? Guess what, she and her husband went to Batam for 2 days with her friends for holiday! Her excuse was that she and her friends made the apointment long ago and not nice to change!

    Well, I think she is sh*t becos if a person in her right mind will not have mood to enjoy if her grandma just passed away. Her friends would have understand her if she couldn't go.

    Her grandma only has 1 funeral but friends can meet anytime.

    I am a nobody but I feel sad and bad... Never tot there are such ppl in real life.

  • #2
    sorry to hear about your loss man. but in this world there are many type of characters. some colorful, others not as colorful. most important is, we take a step back and let everyone move on.
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    • #3
      For work, maybe no choice and can understand.

      For play, no excuse.


      • #4
        Sadly to say, I think we are getting more and more selfish liao... I think there wasnt a bond between your cousin and her grandma.. Even her grandma pass away, she is just another person..


        • #5
          Tis is too disrespect for the one who r leaving tis world. She should be there to send her her last journey of her life. Nowadays ppl r really different from the past, with more education they get n gotta learn more things, they tend to forget the very basic of human being n tat is KINSHIP.


          • #6
            Ya many ppl are becoming more snobbish as they have more wealth and education... Kind of sad really... I believe in karma, next time her kids will do the same to her.

            Makes my heart pain..


            • #7
              Next time will their childrens give the same excuses when they passed away??


              • #8
                Originally posted by Frogmen View Post
                Next time will their childrens give the same excuses when they passed away??
                If that happens, she not only failed as a fillial grand-daughter, but also failed as a good mother.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Haolian King View Post
                  Ya many ppl are becoming more snobbish as they have more wealth and education... Kind of sad really... I believe in karma, next time her kids will do the same to her.

                  Makes my heart pain..
                  I agree, many ppl now have long forgotten wat is kinship. All they know in their mind r business associate, bosses n ppl with status tat can help them on their career. Is not the world tat change, is the changing of human being change tis world into a cruel one.


                  • #10
                    This is not nice.. The only thing I can think of is that she is not in good terms with her grandmother, maybe some family feud or hatred going on. If none.. I just don't know.. as someone said here funeral is one time event, going out with friends can always be rescheduled..


                    • #11
                      sad to hear that. but no matter wat, filiality always 1st.. no excuse.


                      • #12
                        sorry for yr loss, i'm not siding with her but from another angle it cld be that she'd avoiding the funeral as it is too much to bear for her.
                        but if it is not the case then her absence is unexcusable.


                        • #13
                          I can understand yr disappointment. I am oso sorry to hear of yr loss. It's her own coinscience she hv to deal with. Take care bro

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                          • #14
                            Originally posted by hilbero View Post
                            This is not nice.. The only thing I can think of is that she is not in good terms with her grandmother, maybe some family feud or hatred going on. If none.. I just don't know.. as someone said here funeral is one time event, going out with friends can always be rescheduled..
                            Correct, agrees with u. That the only excuse I can think of for her. Like maybe got really bad stuffs going between them that only a few know. U know lah, human r very strange creatures. If not then that lady is &(48;&@(( bro haolian don care about her too much lah


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by crazybay View Post
                              I agree, many ppl now have long forgotten wat is kinship. All they know in their mind r business associate, bosses n ppl with status tat can help them on their career. Is not the world tat change, is the changing of human being change tis world into a cruel one.
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