Bot a canon ix120 for $439. Given items: two 8gb sd cards+two original canon batts+one digi-cam pouch+one big canon calculator+one big notebook bag+mini cam tripod.
Went Best denki after n found out: same cam selling for $469. Given items: one 8gb sd card+one digi-cam pouch ONLY!
Bot a canon ix120 for $439. Given items: two 8gb sd cards+two original canon batts+one digi-cam pouch+one big canon calculator+one big notebook bag+mini cam tripod.
Went Best denki after n found out: same cam selling for $469. Given items: one 8gb sd card+one digi-cam pouch ONLY!
fwah, then guess I have to consider gg there to squeeze like mad le..sigh..sianz hor?
I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........