Triton, I have tried with your comments, but the look of the original rolex logo (blurred) + a new font rolex wording (not blurred) looks weird.. so I thought of another 2 designs instead, TA DA.....
1) Original rolex logo and wording (both blurred)

2) Original rolex logo + new font rolex wording (both not blurred)

The last one will be the original rolex logo + new font rolex wording (both blurred)... however, this look no different from (1)... so I never post... you take a look and consider.. if you want the rolex logo (blurred) + a new font rolex wording (not blurred), also can.. let me know... enjoy....
1) Original rolex logo and wording (both blurred)

2) Original rolex logo + new font rolex wording (both not blurred)

The last one will be the original rolex logo + new font rolex wording (both blurred)... however, this look no different from (1)... so I never post... you take a look and consider.. if you want the rolex logo (blurred) + a new font rolex wording (not blurred), also can.. let me know... enjoy....