like they said, its now for ManU to loose...Arsenal was in the same position too.. They blew it... ManU blew it b4 too... Hopefully, they won't this season... Winning 3 out of 4 remaining fixture sounds easy, but it aint. If they win at chelsea, then title chase over... Like ManU surrendered the EPL 2 seasons ago when Chelsea won at OT.
Last nite indeed Arsenal played very well in 1st half... Ronney and Ronaldo were lost bcos mid field not holdg or feeding these ppl...
When Teves and Anderson came on, bth teams were then more balance and exciting... Mid field battle made a difference when these two came on.
In all fairness, Arsenal played damn well, never in a long time but they didnt take their chances... There were toooooo many damn decent opportunities to capitalise, they blew it... Arsenal goal was 200% handball... After the match, stayed till the end of the punters discussion to review Arsenal goal.. Punter who are nt ManU fan also agreed that if tat goal allowed Arsenal to win, it would been very cruel... As its a dishonest goal. But despite that, Aderbayol, van persi (love this fella) and bentner had good chances... At some pt in the game, Arsenal even had 13 man playing for them... brown n ferdinand... Almost gave me a heart attack!! But had Arsenal played like this all season, they wld hv surely stressed Man U to catch up... Tats wat exciting play is like... But like the match commentator was saying, they pass the ball too many times... Even when the person hv a clear and gd chance, bentner choose to pass???
Chelsea??? Pls define how they play soccer?? Damn boring... Nothing compared to even Liverpool.
Am comfident that next season if Grant is still there, it will then be a 3 team competition btw Man U, Arsenal and Pool...
Sum up for arsenal last 7 - 8 matches tht contribute to losing EPL & CL title..... NO LUCK...damn sway !! it's either OG, penalty award to opp team, penalty not award to ars, ars offside when it's not, opp team offside but goal given, striker kanna long term injury etc....
but ars ( to me ) still .. 2nd still possible, but no trophy...
Yes, they persevere bro!! Can see they crippled Ronaldo in the first half.
Man u heng as got penalty so their morale went up..
Exactly. First half manU playing like sh*&. Kept losing their balls. Arsenal was fast and furious last night... If only they've played like this in the earlier games...
ManU heng only lah. Cristiano Ronaldo and Rooney were like 2 lost sheep in the Arsenal's half. If not for the penalty, they would not have won
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