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  • #16
    What's the name of this forum? Why can't anyone just state what it is?
    Yachtmaster2 116688
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    • #17
      Originally posted by illusion84 View Post
      XXisXxxunxx lor.just combine my answer with mis lucifer and u will get the answer
      Maybe this will answer your question

      Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


      • #18
        I have to agree with Andrew on this.
        "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

        One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


        • #19
          I am sure the mods have no intention to reject any new members.

          Why is it so difficult to be forgiving and re-register?

          This mountain out a molehill is unnecessary.


          • #20
            if indeed it is spamming reasons that got the registration rejected then give them the benefit of the doubt.
            if not; then you can continue to voice your anger. tho i can understand why you are angry for being "discriminated" against.
            [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
            [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
            Blue 6694
            Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
            [U]"My collection"[/U]:
            [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


            • #21
              Originally posted by Andrew Tay
              i fully agreed with u.....

              that is why there is a old saying....dun mess with woman.....
              Wah lao.... you messing with it now...


              • #22
                Originally posted by Andrew Tay
                i fully agreed with u.....

                that is why there is a old saying....dun mess with woman.....
                so this has become a gender thing.
                Don't trust anyone too much, even your own shadow leave you when you are in darkness.


                • #23
                  Don't be too sensitive la...

                  It is not about gender.... Trust me, they also approved my registration, so it is not about gender.

                  I registered long ago when there were less spammers attacking that site.

                  Sometimes when there are a lot of spam emails.... I also sometimes delete my friend's email accidentally.


                  • #24
                    i had already re-register and i believe it was purely a misunderstanding.

                    let's forgive and forget, its just the start of the new year so let's try to make 2010 better..


                    • #25
                      i sure hope people will not complain that sg-roc is strict since WL is more tightly controlled.

                      Originally posted by Andrew Tay
                      thou wristlounge is new and more tightly controlled.......
                      if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

                      i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

                      kindly email with
                      1. subject heading indicating your issue
                      2. your nick
                      3. your corresponding email address
                      4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

                      if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

                      your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

                      disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


                      • #26
                        we are not in msLucifer's position. so we cannot feel how msLucifer feel.

                        i dont think msLucifer set out to make a mountain out of a molehill. msLucifer was voicing an opinion. when everyone else express one's opinion, it can lead to an issue.

                        then again, if msLucifer did not make a mountain out of a molehill. would WL realize this issue of rejecting potential genuine members? honestly, i tried to register, Darkangel did, so did jazzcieman. All had rejection email. so from a normal user perspective, a way to handle spammer's registration email process did not turn out right.

                        msLucifer has pointed out the issue. WL should thank msLucifer for pointing out an issue with registration. rather than thanking msLucifer, forum members seems to criticizing msLucifer for making a feedback.

                        why did msLucifer react in such a way initially? have we all took a step back and look @ things from a different perspective?

                        Originally posted by edsonchan View Post

                        Why is it so difficult to be forgiving and re-register?

                        This mountain out a molehill is unnecessary.
                        if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

                        i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

                        kindly email with
                        1. subject heading indicating your issue
                        2. your nick
                        3. your corresponding email address
                        4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

                        if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

                        your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

                        disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


                        • #27
                          Mr Poseidon aka triton,

                          when did you n darkie register and got rejection email? Thought Darkie registered with wristlounge when long time ago? I believe wristlounge system of reducing spam was only recently? You yourself register as triton and poseidon, it was ok. How can it be rejected? I just wonder..........

                          Originally posted by triton View Post
                          we are not in msLucifer's position. so we cannot feel how msLucifer feel.

                          i dont think msLucifer set out to make a mountain out of a molehill. msLucifer was voicing an opinion. when everyone else express one's opinion, it can lead to an issue.

                          then again, if msLucifer did not make a mountain out of a molehill. would WL realize this issue of rejecting potential genuine members? honestly, i tried to register, Darkangel did, so did jazzcieman. All had rejection email. so from a normal user perspective, a way to handle spammer's registration email process did not turn out right.

                          msLucifer has pointed out the issue. WL should thank msLucifer for pointing out an issue with registration. rather than thanking msLucifer, forum members seems to criticizing msLucifer for making a feedback.

                          why did msLucifer react in such a way initially? have we all took a step back and look @ things from a different perspective?


                          • #28
                            Alamak, sorry to hear such unfortunate incident... sometimes we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. I kena a lot of times. Sometimes the day goes smoothly and everything is uneventful; there are days where anything can go wrong, went wrong x1, x2, x3. Guess that's bad luck for me.

                            "It’s not what happens to you; it’s what you do about it" - W Mitchell

                            Hope you put this incident behind you and calm down.


                            • #29
                              yes, i registered nicks long time ago when system started. so, i just registered a new random nick with random email address only the day before and yesterday. it was to test the system if what TS and fellow forum members mentioned were true.

                              do i need to inform everyone in concern what nick i registered? since you brought this up, i decided to test my theory - 'only people whom you know gets approved, or is it everyone gets the same message'

                              saturday registration revealed that all gets the same message. so it is more likely the system is to reject all first. on sunday, i use another nick to register. it was not approved, yet jazzcieman was approved. so it seems that when user makes a known outcome which is not approved, WL then approves the nick.

                              this leads me to wonder is it that if no one reveal to WL that the nick they tried to register which is rejected, the nick will not get approved. i registered a nick close to 24 hours ago. yet jazzcieman who registered later than me got approved. i wonder why. is WL exclusive only to people they know?

                              Originally posted by kafvyn View Post
                              Mr Poseidon aka triton,

                              when did you n darkie register and got rejection email? Thought Darkie registered with wristlounge when long time ago? I believe wristlounge system of reducing spam was only recently? You yourself register as triton and poseidon, it was ok. How can it be rejected? I just wonder..........
                              if you have issues with your account, click here for self help and read forum rules here. 90% of your answers can be found in Forum FAQ

                              i DO NOT respond to any pm regarding account issues

                              kindly email with
                              1. subject heading indicating your issue
                              2. your nick
                              3. your corresponding email address
                              4. state what you were trying to do and what the system prevented you to do

                              if you receive no response in pm or email, it means your answers can be found in the Forum FAQ here

                              your kind understanding is very much appreciated.

                              disclaimer : all opinions expressed are personal


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by kafvyn View Post
                                Mr Poseidon aka triton,

                                when did you n darkie register and got rejection email? Thought Darkie registered with wristlounge when long time ago? I believe wristlounge system of reducing spam was only recently? You yourself register as triton and poseidon, it was ok. How can it be rejected? I just wonder..........

                                My original intention is just to see what are others perspective on the issue that i face, pretty much abt the same if i walk in to a watch shop and get F**ked Up service and sharing my experience on that and say i never buy from that shop again. of coz there could be on a good day, someone got good service from that shop and call my bluff, another possibility is that shop is own by someone's god brother and wishes to set things right.

                                Fine with me if you want to call it a women's wrath, or trying to make a molehill mountain. Following the posts makes this almost as interesting as T**wan blue and green, yet it deters from the original objectives.
                                Don't trust anyone too much, even your own shadow leave you when you are in darkness.


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