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LKY wan Japan to 'copy' SG...

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  • LKY wan Japan to 'copy' SG...

    JAPAN, facing economic and social problems partly due to its ageing population, could take a leaf out of Singapore's book, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew said yesterday.

    It could study how Singapore turned to foreign workers to boost its economy, he said.

    He was asked how Japan could break its cultural and economic barriers in integrating foreigners at a dialogue to mark the 40th anniversary of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Singapore.

    He said: "Japan faces a difficult choice here. If it continues its policy, it will have an ageing population which does not consume much - old people do not change cars or televisions every year. One of the reasons why the Japanese economy is not bouncing back, despite stimulus packages, is because the consumer market is down."

    Japan has to consider letting the younger generation take up political and business leadership earlier, and to embrace women as part of its workforce.

    The "old system of women being house-bound" is no longer possible, MM Lee said.

    "They're educated, can make a living and don't want to be slaves to their husbands and their husbands' parents.

    "I know many Japanese women who married Singaporeans here. They don't have to look after their in-laws, they live in their own homes."
    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

    Just me and my NT...

  • #2
    Tell others countries how they should run their countries? Better take care of ourselves first. Small fragile country like us with not so friendly neighbours, no natural resources and heavily dependent on foreign investments & manpower. We should be the ones who is more worried instead.


    • #3
      Not enouf

      Japanese no care bout politics, war, terrorism, property bubble, recession, depression, low growth, *****y wife, high unemployment, PIGged headed husband, stagnant economy, Ah Lung, babies no enouf, marriage, divorce, ageing population, foreign worker or education...

      No one on the street tok & think bout about it.
      No one here can give a hoot.

      All they care is what they are going to eat this weekend in Hokkaido, what routine they are going to do in the gym tonite, what to do in the dance class trow, which pilates routine they will chose this Sat, which hotspring to go next weekend, where to get the next watch or handbag, what watch to buy next, which scarf to buy in Hermes & what type of suit they gonna make for next season, what dress to buy, what gift they gonna get for their luv one tis Xmas, Manga & etc.

      That's it....nothing more...nothing less
      They have no qualms of working a security guard, 7-11, fast food chain, cleaner, hospital attendant with low pay as they dun need too much $.
      Their houses are like boxes devoid of furniture.
      U sit, read, sleep, cook, eat & do everything in e living hall.

      No 55" LED TV, No B&W sound system, no JVC projector, nothing...

      It's the same with the Chinese in China.
      It's oso e same with HK ppl.
      It's oso like w most of middle & upper class ppl Western Europe & North Americas except for the furniture part.

      No one give a damn about how much, how less, how rich, how poor, how happy, how sad, how whatever my nephew goes to better school than my daughter, my fren's wife is more sexy, my fren's father-in-law has 3 one cares in Japan.

      Only Sporean, Msian Chinese, Taiwanese & Koreans think about politics, economy, unemployment, who buy what car, who buy what condo, who buy what watch, who just got a new mistress or wife, who just got divorced, who's son & daughter go wat school & got wat position in a class or how many As did one score in A levels, who's grandson got PSC scholar in MIT+Stanford+whatever....

      Frankly speaking, we all should stop worrying & let it be...

      Got work, we work.
      No work, we find work.
      Work too tough / stupid boss, we quit.
      Work high pay, we buy more watches, get more mistresses, sleep with more gfs/bf.
      Work low pay, we buy Citizeen
      Wife / Hubby is useless, we divorce.
      Food no nice, throw away.
      Bf/gf useless, get new one.
      Car got many prb, we sell & buy new one.

      Baby no enouf, we bring in Banglas.
      Wife no enouf, we bring in Vietnamese.
      Mistress not enouf, we bring in more Filipinas & PRC.
      GF or ladyboys not enouf, we bring in more Thais.
      Hubby or BF not enouf or not long enouf, we bring in more Ang Mor.
      Politicians not enouf, we ask LKY's grandson or increase MP's pay to attract more interest.
      Money not enouf, can stay at home watch TCS 8.

      My point is don't teach others when no one cares.
      To goto Japan & tell e Japs that they need more Thais, Banglas, Filipinas, Vietnamese is an insult to em.
      They dun need u to tell em what to do.


      • #4
        Fred, I agree with u!! this old man is Senile.
        "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

        One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


        • #5
          haha sometimes talking to free and easy but doing it is not the same


          • #6
            i like fred's post
            [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
            [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
            Blue 6694
            Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
            [U]"My collection"[/U]:
            [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


            • #7
              Bro Fred is right. This is how the world evolves. Nobody is the same & equal.


              • #8
                bro fred your are power


                • #9
                  i like japan to stay the way as it is..what fred said is right,the japanese will not listen to u! if they had wanted more foreigners to come to japan,they would have done it years ago...not wait till now.
                  i cant imagine seeing vietnamese,filipinos,thais,bangla,chinese etc... dominating the society.
                  if too many foreigners start integrating into the japanese society,it will lose its culture,identity n uniqueness..japan will not be the same japan anymore


                  • #10
                    My point precisely guys

                    Singapore became what it is today under a totally different circumstances, history & issues.
                    Japan is what it is for it's own.

                    Together with Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Indonesia all have their own history, religions, cultures, ways of doing things, paths & directions.

                    Japan have more than 1000 years of written history.

                    Even Malaysia has >2000 years of unbroken rule in some states.
                    The last empire here, the Mallaca sultanate, once rule half of South East Asia for 100 years.

                    Chinese has known the same border for same period and they are the people who introduced silk, paper & gunpowder.
                    Tang, Sung & Ming dynasty produced far more golden years than 10x Singapore years combined.
                    And the Chinese may have longer history than the Egyptians.

                    Sumerians, Egyptians & Babylonians have 10,000 years of history and were the pioneer in astrology, mathematics, farming and writing.

                    The Indian have the great Mughals and huge contributions in astrology and mathematics.

                    The Macedonians, Greeks & Romans are mighty for a thousand year with huge contributions in science, astrology & philosophy.

                    Our 6 years of primary & secondary schooling are started by Macedonians when they conquered half of the world.

                    The Indonesian has Srivijaya & Majapahit empires that rules South East Asia & lasted 10x longer than Singapore.

                    The Muslim have the Abbasids, Mamluks & Ottomans with huge contribution in art, architecture, medicine, chemistry, astronomy & literature for 1000 years when Europe was in dark age.

                    The Europeans have the great enligtenment & industrial revolution for 500 years after emerging from the dark age.

                    Americans with their industrial, innovation & technology might in last 60 years that propel the world into today.

                    The Japanese have Toyota, Mitsubishi, Matsu****a, Toshiba, Nikon, Canon, NEC, Sharp, Nissan, Mazda, Daikin, Nitendo, Sanyo with life-changing impact in last 50 years.

                    The Koreans have Samsung, Hyundai & Kia right now.

                    What do Singapore have or have contributed in term technology, architecture, philosophy, art, astrology, science & mathematics since 1965?

                    PAP? COE? ERP? HDB? MOE? SPG? CBD? SGH? MRT? CPF? MOH? MINDEF? SIA? SingTel? CSM? PSA? NS?

                    If trow Singapore were to dissapear from the world, do you think anyone cares?
                    The ships waiting out in the south will just need to divert to PTP in Johor.
                    Planes will just divert away to KLIA or Suvarnabumi.

                    No one will die over us or for us.

                    Common LKY, pls go in peace & leave the world alone...
                    We will not die without you.

                    Your were once helped by good ppl like Goh Keng Swee & Toh Chin Chye.
                    You're perceived to lead a good government thanks to these 2 irreplaceable stalwart.
                    You only know how to prosecute opposition.
                    Singapore's HDB, CPF, MINDEF & SIA was not your idea or your hardwork.

                    Even Mahathir has come out with ideas of Petronas, Proton, TNB, Langkawi, LIMA, Guthrie, Sime Darby and make them happen half way half cooked or not.

                    LKY merely jail ppl & make ppl bankrupt.
                    Nothing else.

                    What your team did was to clean up Singapore....that's all to it...nothing more...clean this clean that...well very clean! So what?

                    The moment these 2 great ministers retire, your team from Richard Hu's time till Vivian right now are mere shadow in the wind living on legacy of the bygone past.

                    We are so desperate now that we have to close almost the entire CBD for host Formula 1 for 2 weeks every year.
                    Hardly any MNC is coming here since 1998.
                    We are so desperate now that we have to ask our ppl to be cleaner, chambermaid, prostitute, gigolo, groupier, cashier, gardener, waiter, sales assistant, valet, security guard, bell boy, porter & mama-sans in our soon to be opened IRs.

                    Our desperations were exasperating when we have the break our reserves to tide us over last 10 mths.
                    Malaysia never done need to.
                    Indonesia oso no need to break any bank.
                    Why Singapore?

                    Senile ppl should just watch the pigeons


                    • #11
                      bro fred.. u said nothing BUT the TRUTH!!! we all salute u!


                      • #12
                        Thank you Bro Fred_Tan for your insight
                        Ex-leader of a small country should keep the mouth shut instead of making useless suggestion to others with longer history/culture... ...


                        • #13
                          one should look themselves in the mirror before commenting on others.
                          [U]Currently wearing[/U]:
                          [SIZE="1"]TT Datejust with diamond dial - sold!
                          Blue 6694
                          Seiko SD-lookalike[/SIZE]
                          [U]"My collection"[/U]:
                          [SIZE="1"]Blue 6694; TT DJ w diamond dial.[/SIZE]


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Fred_Tan View Post

                            My point is don't teach others when no one cares.
                            To goto Japan & tell e Japs that they need more Thais, Banglas, Filipinas, Vietnamese is an insult to em.
                            They dun need u to tell em what to do.


                            • #15
                              I remembered there are a few brothers here who previously said they support the govt...Maybe we should have your comments too.. feel free to talk. No harm for discussion. Here we should have freedom of speech..


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