you should have? who wanna take the risk. later kenna sue for defamation. i rather keep my mouth shut and live a humble life
Keeping one's mouth shut can cause long term internal injuries and being sued for defamation has make one feel imprisonment. Bro, you make the right choice migrating. That is where life begin.
Wow... Fred... even though I don't agree with some of the things you mentioned, but I would defend to death your right to say it...
Anyway, what LKY said is nothing new... just taking a leaf out of a standard economic textbook. There are only 2 fundamental ways to improve GDP.
1) Squeeze more from current population (Increase productivity)
2) Get more population (Increase population)
Japan being an advanced industrialised nation has probably squeezed as much productivity as they can given all the robotisation, technology, etc. So the other logical way is to increase population. So that part, LKY's got it right, at least from a textbook perspective.
However, given Japan is pretty much a homogeneous society, integrating new immigrants is not as straight-forward as it is. So it's a matter of saying is easy... but doing is difficult... IMHO.