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On MC, pls dun post anything stupid on Facebook

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  • On MC, pls dun post anything stupid on Facebook

    Home > Breaking News > World > Story
    Nov 22, 2009
    Facebook costs her insurance

    MONTREAL - FACEBOOK can be a double-edged sword, a Canadian woman learned when an insurance company cut her health benefits, claiming she was healthy after seeing pictures of her smiling in bikini at the beach.

    Nathalie Blanchard, 29, took long-term sick leave from her job at IBM in Bromont, Quebec, more than a year ago for severe depression. She was receiving monthly benefits from her insurance company, Manulife.

    When Ms Blanchard called Manulife to inquire why the payments dried up, the insurance company said that 'I'm available to work, because of Facebook,' she told CBC television.

    She said that Manulife cited several pictures Blanchard had posted on her social networking website page, including some showing her enjoying herself during a male strip-tease show at a Chippendales bar, celebrating her birthday and bathing in the sun.

    Based on these postings, the firm claimed Ms Blanchard was no longer depressed.

    Ms Manulife declined to comment on the incident but said in a statement that 'we would not deny or terminate a valid claim solely based on information published on websites such as Facebook.' But the company did recognise that it uses such information to learn more about their clients. -- AFP
    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

    Just me and my NT...

  • #2
    worst, if u go out... eg... mc dont go fishing


    • #3
      actually makes sense loh. depressed but still so hei-pi contradicts mah...

      she should have post more sad and depressed pics on facebook instead so that manulife may UP her to make her more hei-pi.

      i refering to up her payments lah!
      I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


      • #4
        Lucky, I didn't sign up to facebook or any social networking portals.


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