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First Electricity.. now Gas ?

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  • #16
    haha pet u r funny kong tao by viet gals


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mille View Post
      why are Singaporeans tekaning Singaporeans?

      when i was young, i told myself that i must love Singapore...because our country gives us hope and a destiny for the future..

      seriously, this place...isn't what it used to be..

      I strongly agree with you...Its seems to be not the place where i grew up..


      • #18
        Relax guys.. more increase in bills awaits the nation. JUST IMAGINE.. Their million dollar pay n BILLION dollar losses! Of cos something has to be done to recoup the losses.. Deo bo?


        • #19
          Gas tariffs..

          In my subjective opinions, I think in the next GE, there are seemingly more issues to grind with the ruling party across all the income segments.

          It is a challenge to manage expectations when the nation has arrived to where it is.

          For me:

          1. Despite a team of Minister, MOS and Perm Sec, I am a little surprised that we never quite get the car scrapping, COE projection and allocation, and car growth issue correct.
          I think it took the government a while to "frankly discuss" that there was an "ineffective" method being used. This was done in the recent Parliament debate.

          For a long while, since dunno 2008 or even before, frenz were lamenting the amount of cars on roads on weekdays and weekends. Every other road are seemingly packed with cars, despite the COE, road tax and ERP.
          Of course, the justication from the Ministry is that this is a "It is now easier to own a car, but the taxation is on usage" policy.

          2. This is a small place. For all the liberalistion and "open market competition" strategy for the telco industry, we are NOW without a firm schedule for World Cup broadcast.
          And mind you, we are the few elite nations in Asia without a World Cup broadcast confirmation. How elite and first world is that.

          Last time, when I read economics, I was always told by my lecturers and tutors that open market comm is always good.

          For a small island like ours, it is not always so. The consumer market is unlike some of our Asian neighbours.

          Soccer is a unifying sports. Whether you like soccer or not, it does not diminish its nation and people unifying power. When I sat in Kallang stadium, the Malay friends infront of me, the Indian friends behind me, we all jeer in unison towards the referee "Kayu" in the Malaysia Cup days. Many of you would remember paying $1 like I did, and reaching the Stadium early to "jiam wee" (book place).

          For all the "leave it to the market forces" policy, we are still left high and dry for 2010 World Cup broadcast.

          For me, the equation is simple. Get the World Cup broadcast fixed soonest.

          That is my minimal passing KPI. But then, it could be just me and my soccer Singaporeans.


          • #20
            What goes up but never come down????


            • #21
              That's because there is no Singaporean want to sell chow kwai tiao... no singaporean want to wash toilet, no singaporean want to be waitresses, no singaporean giving birth..... relax bro.....

              Originally posted by Nooch View Post
              really sad nw becomes like this.. everywhere u see is PRCs, Filipinos, Indian from India n Myanmmars, u buy Chow Kwai Tiao, China lady ask u in mandarin, wtf man


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