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Lobang in Humburg?

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  • Lobang in Humburg?

    I will be going to Humburg for a business trip soon. Anyone know any watch shop in Humburg that I can visit during my frre time?

  • #2


    • #3
      There are several preowned stores scattered around the city. If I remember correctly there is a watch shop at Neustadt. Another one is not so far away located along Hermann-Blohm-Straße. You can go there by S-Bahn.

      Nevertheless, do indeed take advantage of high tax in Germany. You can get yourself a nice Rolex from Wempe and get back 19% MwSt.


      • #4
        Watch Shops in Hamburg

        Hi Daytonalover & Wenda,

        Thanks for your valuable info.



        • #5
          u r most welcome!!! Enjoy...and rem to post some pics when u buy a watch there...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Wenda View Post
            There are several preowned stores scattered around the city. If I remember correctly there is a watch shop at Neustadt. Another one is not so far away located along Hermann-Blohm-Straße. You can go there by S-Bahn.

            Nevertheless, do indeed take advantage of high tax in Germany. You can get yourself a nice Rolex from Wempe and get back 19% MwSt.
            Pardon my ignorance if this is a silly question. But a newbie like me would really like to know.

            some forumers (from another site) posted online that singapore authorities imposes gst on goods purchases above S$400 coming back to singapore. if this is true, does it mean that we would need to declare and pay gst upon arrival at Changi Airport? there is no way we can escape becos we would be bringing the box and accessories etc back and I can't think of any explaination for the box if being asked.

            Hope someone can enlighten.



            • #7
              Well, I remember reading a clause from Singapore customs, for personal consumption you are allowed to bring just one from overseas. It will be free from duty. This leaves a lot of grey area though. What if someone bringing in diamonds worth hundreds of thousands? Not so easy to detect IMHO. They will just close one eye (hopefully). If you bring many watches, then they can say that you have the intention to sell. Otherwise, if it's only a piece, I don't think it will matter very much. The trick is: leave the box empty and wear that watch that you have just bought. This way, it really is for personal consumption.


              • #8
                I was stopped last time at the customs with luxury goods. They told me more than $400 I will be charged with GST. Total price of the stuff around 10k

                And althou they charged 19% VAT , rebate only 11% only. And the more you purchase the more you get back. My 11% was for the 10K purchase.


                • #9
                  Ask for a different form. It's the green coloured one, in order to get back the full 19%, avoid Global Tax Refund. That way you get back about 15%.

                  I am not aware that it's only 11%. Maybe 11% when you are taxed in singapore again?


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