Originally posted by Foxbat
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Are you willing to defend S'pore?
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Singaporeans are very lucky to have a good and elite government who geniune cares for the average peasant. Straits Times echo the same views as me that PAP MPs whose outpouring of sympathy for the poor is adequate and exceptional.
Simplistic ideas like a social safety net or unemployment benefits and minimum wages is not going to solve the problem and is also not good for a country. With such an approach, our MPs will not get a chance to show that they care and justify their high class salary.
Look at USA. They are in hugh debts and yet still going to increase the minimum wages for their people. Their economists say it will have little negative impact on the economy but look at the facts. Thats why their politician are paid peanuts compared to our elite minister. Luckily our government works in a reverse way by minimising wages instead of minimum wages so as to attract more talents.
They are not only good at keeping our citizen at toes but also help our 3th world neighbours with jobs. By working here, they can definately retire like a king when they go back home. However, the beauty thinking of our elite government is not easily appreciated.
personally,if the garmen make us feel as singkiaporeans,then its worth even to die 4 the state. imagine..its damn easy to get a sg PR as compared to other countries. so wat tat speaks abt our motherland? the garmen just to bring in more population,''willing'' to lower our status to invite all this foreign talents in. i not against the foreign ppl, but it seems tat we local ppl r same priority as PRs, even balloting at PRI 1 sch registsration 4 instance. such basic priority if cant be given to local ppl 1st, then wat is a place call home to local ppl? like tat to fight 4 the land, aiya, dun waste time la.
Originally posted by Andrew Taybatamboy, r u sure that local and PR's kids are enrol in Primary school, with no priority to singaporeans first? have u hear of phase 1A or 1B or even 2A or 2B? either u r living in a well or u dun know much abt singapore.
non sporean & non pr = phrase 3.
being a parent thn u will know the headache, esp those kanna phrase 2c, stay less thn 1km still need balloting... it's stressful, i can understand those who dont get in.... sure KPKB 1... hahahhaa
But Andrew, I have a lot of Indonesian friends who had studied in sg before, now their children enjoying the same priority as me (singaporean) for the first few phrases... and their children are just "so-called PR", in other words, once finish their education in sg, they will go to USA, UK, Aus, etc and then go back to Indonesia....
Originally posted by Andrew Taypeter...not totally true. if take for example i am from acs, my step-bro got priority to enrol into acs first....and in future my son too.
i bet pr...who study in their own country....dun have priority.
Originally posted by Andrew Taypeter...not totally true. if take for example i am from acs, my step-bro got priority to enrol into acs first....and in future my son too.
i bet pr...who study in their own country....dun have priority... anyway, during my time already alot of indo pr leow...
but...if the pr also from acs, the son also earlier phrase mah...
thn, if teacher a pr, kids also earlier phrase mah
thn, a pr volunteer at sch, also earlier phrase mah,.....
basically is the same opportunity loh.... example, maybe only those new pr or even new sporean citizen hv no previous roots/ education here kanna the phrase 2C... ( but most sporean also 2c) 116520 & my daughter also same mah, kanna phrase 2c, and i am a sporean born here....anyway... there's always other way, example, Jet Li, new citizen, i am sure his kids can go any sch in spore using the eaarlier phrase, cos he contribute to society/ spore .. eg, dontation/ foundation etc. .. bottom line, sporean no advantage, given tht most PR on ave are higher earner thn ave sporean. ...
i hv no complain lah... think its fair, but again, wwhn my kids dont go in, i think i might think otherwise, so i really understand/ sympathise those who dont go in and complaint... very jia lark one leh... tht's why u see ppl use other address/ rent etc just to get their kids close to 1km..also chor traffic warden .... jst to get to the earlier phrase...hahahah
Originally posted by Andrew Tayprecisely......that is the what i am trying to say. how many pr actually studied in sg when they r young and thus, have the same opportunity to get into the primary school? 5% to 10% of total PR or 100% of total PR?
i can safely say that only a small number of PR's kids get enrol early......also individual situation, present locality, current status...and also past 'history'...etc...
Phrase 1, phrase 2a1, 2a2, 2b2 got priority, but basically only phrase 2a1, 2a2 = parent studied there b4..... and tis is usually about 20-30% of the total avail seat ( data varies yr to yr, and i base on a few of those nearby sch whn applying for daughter )... the rest of the 70 to 80% goes to other phrases. there's a lot of ppl who's outta tis phrase ( Phrase 1, phrase 2a1, 2a2, 2b2) .. . . .
for those who complain, they are def not frm the earlier phrase... earlier phrase sure go in, why complain... hahahha
( again, PR can be in any of the earlier phrase too ).
as for the last phrase 2c, most kanna tht, but usually pr hv a slight advantage, cos they already target which properties to buy, within tht 1km leow... (higher chance)
But I think it is still a fair system for the pri registration system.... if you are "capable", can buy a house next to the school, donate a swimming pool to the school and become a broad member in the school sure can go in... if you can't afford that, if you happen to be staying <1km, you still have a chance to try to get in...
Back to the topic, I think why Singaporeans don't want to defend/fight for singapore is because they feel that if Singapore is under attack, those PRs will be the first one to run... so if they are running away from a war even they were enjoying what Singaporean is enjoying, then why Singaporean should fight?
Don't forget that most of our biggest assets,at least for the most of us, is our properties, be it HDB flats or private houses. What will happen to our biggest assets, if we do not stay back and defend our homes? Can you take your house and run away?
I think that is the reason why our goverment encourages all S'poreans to buy their own houses..so that in times of crisis, you would have no choice but to remain rooted to defend not only your country, but also your own unmovable assets.
BTW, if there is a war in singapore, properties in sg will be worthless... and we might be sleeping in MRT stations... so defend or not also no use.... ha ha... joking....
Originally posted by dennlow View PostDon't forget that most of our biggest assets,at least for the most of us, is our properties, be it HDB flats or private houses. What will happen to our biggest assets, if we do not stay back and defend our homes? Can you take your house and run away?
I think that is the reason why our goverment encourages all S'poreans to buy their own houses..so that in times of crisis, you would have no choice but to remain rooted to defend not only your country, but also your own unmovable assets.
Originally posted by 116520 View PostBTW, if there is a war in singapore, properties in sg will be worthless... and we might be sleeping in MRT stations... so defend or not also no use.... ha ha... joking.......come on guys, have fate in our SAF...
honestly, till today I still don't know how SAF will call ppl back to fight..... by handphone? by TV broadcast? or do we "walk" to our camp when we know someone is bombing us???
Originally posted by dennlow View Postfor sure..if you stay back there is still a fighting chance but if you run away......come on guys, have fate in our SAF...
No need to have a war to bring down our properties price. When investors dont find Sgp attractive anymore, you will see your assets plummeting.
So for those who has the $$$ better prepare yourselves for more alternatives, be it a PR, citizenship or investment in other countries(never pull all eggs in one basket).
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