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PAP : We are NOT flooding the country with new immigrants

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  • PAP : We are NOT flooding the country with new immigrants

    Foreigners? “We have been calibrating the inflows,” says NPS
    Saturday, 29 August 2009, 8:09 am | 309 views
    The following is a letter by Ms Quah Ley Hoon, Director, National Population Secretariat, to questioned raised in the media about the influx of foreigners. (Straits Times Forum Page, 29 August 2009)

    I REFER to the letters on the subject of foreigners and new immigrants, and Monday’s commentary by Ms Bertha Henson, ‘Keep a hand on the tap’.

    As Ms Henson acknowledged, Singapore faces a serious population challenge. Our total fertility rate of 1.28 is one of the lowest in the world. The Government will continue to support marriage and parenthood but, realistically, we will still face population and manpower shortfalls.

    Our ageing population will increase the burden on future generations. We, therefore, need to attract talent and immigrants, like what many other countries are doing.

    Closing our doors and refusing entry to newcomers will not reserve jobs for citizens. On the contrary, investments and job creation will shrink. Essential services like health care, education and transportation will be badly affected. Our ability to defend ourselves will be compromised. This will not benefit Singaporeans at all.

    The Government is mindful of the concerns of Singaporeans over foreigners and new immigrants. We have been calibrating the inflows, and adjusting our policies to best meet Singapore’s needs, while maintaining our identity and social fabric.

    We are not flooding the country with new immigrants. Indeed, 70 per cent of the foreigners here are transient workers and only 30 per cent are permanent residents (PRs).

    A key challenge is to integrate new citizens and PRs into our society. This will take time and effort on both sides. Our forefathers did not feel Singaporean when they first arrived here. But progressively, they and their children sank roots here, adjusted to one another, and developed a shared Singaporean identity and values. So in time should this new generation of newcomers and their children. The National Integration Council will foster this process.

    Our citizens’ interests will always be the priority of the Government. The Minister Mentor had reiterated this in his speech at the Tanjong Pagar National Day Celebration Dinner on Aug 13.

    Citizens enjoy greater subsidies in HDB housing, health care and education, as well as grants under the marriage and parenthood packages and surplus sharing schemes. But the way to ensure a bright future for our children, and for Singapore, is to remain open to new arrivals, and come together to build our nation.

    Quah Ley Hoon (Ms)

    Director, National Population Secretariat
    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

    Just me and my NT...

  • #2
    Originally posted by louisoh View Post
    Our citizens’ interests will always be the priority of the Government. The Minister Mentor had reiterated this in his speech at the Tanjong Pagar National Day Celebration Dinner on Aug 13.

    Citizens enjoy greater subsidies in HDB housing, health care and education, as well as grants under the marriage and parenthood packages and surplus sharing schemes. But the way to ensure a bright future for our children, and for Singapore, is to remain open to new arrivals, and come together to build our nation.
    Her words somehow made me refer to this thread here

    are we as citizens asking for too much and shld learn to be content with what is dished out at us or being 'citizens'?

    makes me wonder.
    I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


    • #3
      Rubbish article, Lying with eyes open. maybe can let some bangalas live near her home.
      "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

      One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


      • #4
        My biggest concern is with the increasing of new migrants, if economy turn for the worst when more jobs are lost or when disasters strikes, how the govt is gonna handle the situation for a small country without natural resources.


        • #5
          don need to do anything.

          these imigrants came because of pull factors here coupled with push factors at their own country. Once here have no more pull factors, they will start to look for elsewhere again.

          Rem the artcle where a Pr is saying that if they cant get proper education for their kids, then whats the point of staying? this is the diff as they can go elsewhere. we cant.
          I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


          • #6
            Originally posted by exxondus View Post
            don need to do anything.

            these imigrants came because of pull factors here coupled with push factors at their own country. Once here have no more pull factors, they will start to look for elsewhere again.

            Rem the artcle where a Pr is saying that if they cant get proper education for their kids, then whats the point of staying? this is the diff as they can go elsewhere. we cant.
            agree. if i was a migrant worker, i would be looking for a place to settle down. but if i cant find a place to settle down, i will find an alternative. sadly singapore is the alternative; once experience is gained, i will go elsewhere and further my knowledge (experience) and once i have saved enough, i can always move onto greener pastures. singapore has no natural resources, relies heavily on the service sector, and has a small manufacturing base.
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            • #7
              Originally posted by louisoh View Post

              A key challenge is to integrate new citizens and PRs into our society. This will take time and effort on both sides. Our forefathers did not feel Singaporean when they first arrived here. But progressively, they and their children sank roots here, adjusted to one another, and developed a shared Singaporean identity and values. So in time should this new generation of newcomers and their children. The National Integration Council will foster this process.
              Quah Ley Hoon (Ms)
              Director, National Population Secretariat
              chinese+malays+indian+eurasians+pinoys+bumese+viet s+europeans will become unique Singaporeans?
              Is that the goal of NPS?
              Did any level headed local sing will believe that?
              Whole load of bull **** by NPS and they should try to interact with these PRs at ground level to fully know what they think of sgp and its values!


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