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MM Lee tells yammerin' NMP where to put his highfalutin ideas

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  • MM Lee tells yammerin' NMP where to put his highfalutin ideas

    Like to share this article from Mr Brown website.

    Thursday, August 20, 2009
    MM Lee tells yammerin' NMP where to put his highfalutin ideas

    Wow, first day as NMP delivering his first speech, and Viswa Sadasivan kena the honour of being rebutted by MM Lee in Parliament.

    Viswa's 50-minute speech asked "that this House reaffirms its commitment to the nation building tenets as enshrined in the National Pledge when debating national policies, especially economic policies".

    If you want to read Viswa's speech in full, instead of just reading the ST summary, you can go to this blog:- http://nmpviswasadasivanmaidenspeech...speech-in.html

    Apparently, his ideas were so "false and flawed" that MM Lee, who rarely intervenes in Parliament, spoke after his physiotherapy session to demolish what he called Viswa's highfalutin ideas.

    I leave you to decide on whether Viswa's speech or MM Lee's rebuttal had merit. Me, I was more fascinated with something else: the use of wonderful words like "highfalutin".

    I have been known to use "cockamamie" myself. Here is a list of useful words you whippersnappers can afford to acquaint yourselves with:


  • #2
    The irony is, Viswa is right.

    This is what MM said. "We expressly stated in our Constitution, a duty on behalf of the government, not to treat everyone as equal. It’s not reality, it’s not practical. It will lead to grave and irreparable damage if we work on that principle. So, this was an aspiration."

    I disagree with MM Lee.
    Opportunities come once


    • #3
      Old World Descriptions...

      These were words used some time back and is more commonly heard among the older generation. Here is perhaps the word that MM could have used instead :

      Malarkey also malarky n. Slang - Exaggerated or foolish talk, usually intended to deceive: “snookered by a lot of malarkey”.
      Last edited by Taipan; 22-08-09, 11:29 AM. Reason: too long

      “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
      Abraham Lincoln (American 16th US President from1861-65, who brought about the emancipation of slavery from 1809-1865).

      “Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
      Watch your words, for they become actions.
      Watch your actions, for they become habits.
      Watch your habits, for they become character.
      Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”


      • #4
        If e National Pledge is 'an aspiration', then why do we recite everyday at school??? Now ppl whacked u then u say an aspiration?? Wtf?? gone senile???
        "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

        One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


        • #5
          Originally posted by Nooch View Post
          If e National Pledge is 'an aspiration', then why do we recite everyday at school??? Now ppl whacked u then u say an aspiration?? Wtf?? gone senile???
          Seems personal liao..
          The Crown Of Achievement


          • #6
            Just an opinion, that's my opinion.
            Sweet 16:
            PP Aquanaut
            VC Overseas
            AP ROO Black Themes
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            Rolex DSSD
            IWC Big Pilot
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            Omega Ploprof
            Breitling Super Avenger
            Glycine F104


            • #7
              Originally posted by Oceanklassik View Post
              Seems personal liao..
              In wat sense is it personal?? Did I curse anyone? Did I put a name?? U think too much.
              "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

              One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


              • #8
                i tried to read but totally no idea what they talking about

                too chim for me le haiz...
                I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch, I dont need another watch.........


                • #9
                  Not trying to fan any flames but a pledge reflects an ideology or several ideologies that remains aspirational.

                  Louis Althusser linked ideological attainment to the creation of 'false' (i.e. unnatural) consciousness that instills in the proletariat awareness of how the 'ideal' is supposedly accomplished, thus so, pledges when recited periodically, conditions and maintains consciousness of what is 'ideal' and should be worked towards. Having a sense of awareness and direction is not necessarily a bad thing.

                  Having stated so, any pledge or creed is thus aspirational and serves as a constant reminder of what is to be attained.

                  That said, I think that stating an opinion without malicious intention and specifics, hardly make things personal.

                  It is not my intent to begin a heated discourse on the role of ideologies or what is qualifies as 'personal'.

                  Nothing highfalutin, just an opinion and nothing personal.

                  Peace out!
                  Sweet 16:
                  PP Aquanaut
                  VC Overseas
                  AP ROO Black Themes
                  A.Lange & Sohne 1815
                  Breguet Type XXI
                  Blancpain 50 Fathoms
                  JLC Navy Seals
                  GO Senator 60s
                  GP Laureato
                  Zenith Pilot Extra Special
                  Rolex DSSD
                  IWC Big Pilot
                  Pam 112
                  Omega Ploprof
                  Breitling Super Avenger
                  Glycine F104


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