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[HELP] Donation Drive for Charmaine Lim Medical Treatment

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  • [HELP] Donation Drive for Charmaine Lim Medical Treatment

    1) Instead of passing the funds directly to Stardusz aka Brenda (a Moderator in Hardwarezone), we will be consolidating 100% of the funds received from SG-ROC first before passing it to her on 28 June 2009 since she has been in direct contact with Charmaine's mother.

    2) The details posted on this thread is mostly copied from Stardusz's original thread in hwz here. Please do REFER to her thread for more information on how she is going to pass the $, etc.

    3) To keep things transparent, we would update all the names of those who have donated (confirmed received payment) on this thread. However, you will need to let us know if you want us to mask the amount or to hide your nick totally. Eg,

    Normal Cases: Louisoh - $20
    Hide Donation amount: Louisoh - xxxx
    Does not want your nick to be shown: xxxxxxx - $20
    etc etc

    4) Once payment has been passed to Stardusz from HWZ, we will ask for a confirmation that she has received the $ from SG-ROC. We'll then post it here for transparent purposes.

    5) Lastly, this is not a compulsory donation. Simply donate whatever you are comfortable with. Thanks for your kindness.

    *All donations from SG-ROC will be kept by me

    Please note that any post not related to this project will be deleted away

    Who are we helping?
    Charmaine Lim, a 4 year-old girl

    Why are we helping?
    Here's a little history:
    Little Charmaine is down with cancer Neuroblastoma, stage 4, high risk. This is a form of cancer that occurs in infants and young children. For Charmaine case, hers is high risk as her cancer has spread to her bone marrow and bones.

    Her doctor, Dr. Aung, has sent her family an email saying that they can bring little Charmaine to New York for treatment, however they need to pay an upfront deposit of USD $350,000 (About SGD $507,955 basing on the exchange rate of USD $1: SGD $1.45)

    So far, according to the conversation that I had with Charmaine’s mummy, Cynthia, They have gathered about $50,000; this includes all their savings. However, that’s a far cry from the amount needed for the treatment.

    Ok, how can we help then?
    I understand that we are not born with silver spoons in our mouths. But, I feel that we should help those in need. Please donate an amount within your own means; any amount will bring little Charmaine one step closer to the treatment she need.

    If you are interested in lending a helping hand, [*Account will be updated as soon as i have confirmation*].

    Before you perform any bank transfer, please PM triton OR louisoh with the following details:
    Name (Nickname): [Nickname will be updated in the thread]
    Contact No: [To inform you that I’ve receive your donation]
    Bank Acct no: [To check for bank transfer]
    Amount donated: [Amount donated will be updated in the forum]
    Privacy Info: To mask amount / To HIDE nick from this thread totally, etc

    Please put your subject header as: [Donation] - Charmaine Lim's Medical Fund

    Can I donate via Paypal?
    No. This is because Paypal will deduct some money that will serve as their admin & service charges. But what I really want is for little Charmaine to receive all the money.

    How to long will this drive last?
    This drive will start from today and continue to run till 28th Jun 2009, 23:59. Reason being, the original donation drive at HWZ will end on 29/06/2009.

    Is there anything else to take note of?
    Yes. Please take note that if Charmaine were to unfortunately does not survive before the money was handed to her parents, the money will be donated to Children Society, Singapore. I’ve spoken to Charmaine mother on this and she is agreeable to this decision.

    Any where for me to read more?
    Yes. Here’s some links that you can visit:
    To read more about Charmaine current status, please click here:
    To view some videos or pictures of Charmaine, please click here:

    Final note: I would like to express my heartfelt thank to all the helpful ones who have donated. You guys and gals really make this place a better and warmer world to live in. Let’s hope and pray (for those who have a religion) that little Charmaine pulls through this and get well soon.

    All the best Charmaine, you must be strong!
    Last edited by louisoh; 24-06-09, 11:42 AM.
    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

    Just me and my NT...

  • #2
    Tentative Doners:

    1) SGROC - $xxx
    2) Andrew - $100 - Received
    3) Anonymous - $100 - Received
    4) Edimars - $300 - Received
    5) honestdeal - $110 - Received
    6) g9corolla007 - $200 - Received
    7) wilsonawt - $100 - Received
    8) 116520 - $100 - Received
    9) Henneth - $200 - Received
    10) renoquotient - $200 - Received
    11) seabird33 - $100 - Received
    12) Cellini - $100 - Received
    14) Pingpong - $100 - Received
    14) Refresh - $100 - Received
    15) akhong - $100 - Received
    16) Teenalow - Donated Winders which Vernitez bought - No $ to Collect
    17) vernitez - Bought Donated Winders from Teenalow at 1k - Received $1000
    18) Turbocharged - $500 Bought 1 Donated Winder from Teenalow - Received
    19) Jazz_sam - $100 - Received
    20) rogeryeo76 - $360 - Bought 1 Donated Winder from Teenalow - Received
    21) Daewatch - $100 - Received
    22) dfstan - $200 - Received

    Updated - 29/09/2009 - 1:50PM

    Have already made the POSB transfer to stardusz's DBS Savings Plus.
    Acknowledged by her via HWZ PM.
    For Further Updates, please refer to the official donation thread in HWZ on when she pass the $ to Charmaine, etc.

    * Do note that there is still a 2nd payment to be send over to stardusz.

    Juz a slight update. Have contacted stardusz from hwz on the donation and that sgroc will transfer the amount to her on 29 June tho we are closing the donation on 28 June.

    In addition, i'll be overseas from 26/06 Friday to 28/06 Sunday. So please dun be alarmed if i never reply or update your donations. Do keep them coming tho...... Thanks to all who have helped in 1 way or another..
    Last edited by louisoh; 29-06-09, 09:52 PM.
    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

    Just me and my NT...


    • #3
      A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

      Just me and my NT...


      • #4
        bros, please make it sticky please.

        will keep her in the midst of the prayers....

        is there any way in which we could contact MOH or any govt organisations to step in?? it seems like after all the efforts which have been placed in, its quite tough to raise even 15% of the required amount, which is 507k....
        Opportunities come once


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mille View Post
          bros, please make it sticky please.

          will keep her in the midst of the prayers....

          is there any way in which we could contact MOH or any govt organisations to step in?? it seems like after all the efforts which have been placed in, its quite tough to raise even 15% of the required amount, which is 507k....
          I doubt those organization would help.... anyway, i'm sure the mother already tried....

          P.S: Personally, to be frank, i'm not very enthusiast about these kind of donations myself.... looking back at the Huang Na case sometime back, so much donations and what did the mother did with it? Build a big and nice home back in China. However, IMO, this is a different scenario whereby the little girl still have some hope of surviving tru this rare cancer. Lets just hope for the best shall we...
          A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

          Just me and my NT...


          • #6
            Would like to give a helping hand

            Hi! So what account should i transfer to?
            [SIZE="2"][U][B]My Humble Collection[/B][/U]

            [COLOR="SlateGray"][I]Rolex GMT Master II YG
            Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust SS
            Rolex Submariner W/Date SS
            Rolex Submariner TT
            Rolex Submariner ND SS
            Rolex GMT Master II Coke

            [COLOR="Black"][B][U]Sold Items[/U][/B][/COLOR]

            Ball Fireman Night Train[/I][/COLOR] - [COLOR="Red"][B]Sold[/B][/COLOR] - Thanks to SG-ROC & Vince_Hiro (Buyer)

            [B][U]Wishlist by end of Year 2008[/U][/B]

            [COLOR="Orange"]Rolex Daytona - 116523WD :love: [/COLOR]

            :laugh: ** To me, money is not a problem but my only problem is I don't have money ** :laugh: [/SIZE]


            • #7
              Originally posted by Eric-W View Post
              Hi! So what account should i transfer to?

              Please PM me the amount and/or whether you would like to mask the amount, etc.

              I'll reply you the details once i receive your PM.
              A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

              Just me and my NT...


              • #8
                Article in today's TNP, Thurs - 18 Jun

                Readers donate $40,000 despite downturn

                THE downturn may be hitting many Singaporeans hard, but it has not stopped them from reaching into their wallets to help those in need.

                After The New Paper ran a story about 4-year-old cancer patient Charmaine Lim on Saturday, there has been an outpouring of messages from readers offering donations to help the little girl seek treatment overseas.

                So far, about $40,000 in donations have been collected.

                The New Paper had reported that the little girl had a 20 per cent chance of surviving neuroblastoma, even after she finishes her ongoing treatment at the National University Hospital.

                Neuroblastoma is a kind of cancer that occurs in infants and young children. But her chances of survival could jump by 40 to 50 per cent, if she receives an alternative form of treatment that is offered in the US.

                The treatment, which costs slightly more than $500,000, was something that Charmaine's mother Ms Cynthia Lim, 35, could ill afford.

                The New Paper has received at least 40 calls and e-mails after the report ran. All were strangers to the little girl, but all warmly expressed their desire to donate and help Charmaine.

                Online forums like Hardwarezone, Singapore Motherhood and other photography forums have also chipped in, with ongoing donation drives.

                Another $410,000 needed

                This brings the total amount raised for Charmaine's treatment, including earlier donations and Ms Lim's own savings, to $90,000. This means another $410,000 is needed in order for Charmaine to receive treatment.

                One of the two largest donors so far is a businessman in the manufacturing industry, who is in his late 40s. The donor, who wanted to be known only as Mr Toh, gave $5,000, directly to the Lims. It is understood he is one of the two such donors. The other donor wanted to remain anonymous.

                Mr Toh said that two years ago, his son had suffered from testicular cancer, but recovered after treatment. His son was then 19. Mr Toh said: "I know how it feels to see someone young go through this. It's very sad."

                He said he donated despite the economic gloom because he could afford it.

                "I'm blessed so why not bless and help other?"

                He added that he hopes Charmaine will be cured, and live a long and fruitful live.

                Another reader Mr L Yap, 61, who works in a bank, wrote to The New Paper, saying that he wanted to donate a "few hundred dollars".

                Having been diagnosed with stage three colorectal cancer last October, he said he knew exactly what it was like to go through painful cancer treatments. He just completed his eighth round of chemotherapy last month.

                The outpouring of good wishes has been overwhelming, said Ms Lim, who had quit her job as a project manager at a water treatment company in April this year to look after her daughter.

                She told The New Paper on the phone from the KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) yesterday that Charmaine will be undergoing a six-hour surgery today to remove her tumour.

                She will be hospitalised for about a week.

                Ms Lim admits the last couple of days have been hard as she has been anxious over her daughter's surgery. She said: "Half of my tears are because I'm so worried and the other half are of happiness, because of all these Singaporeans who have come forward to help me."

                "I'm very grateful and touched and it makes me very proud to be a Singaporean."

                The Crown Of Achievement


                • #9
                  $100 from me. Please PM me a posb account. Once done i will let you know.



                  • #10
                    Thanks alot for the donations guys... lets just give that family at least some hope for the little girl..

                    For those on the list already. Do check your PM for details on the transfer.
                    A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office.

                    Just me and my NT...


                    • #11
                      Louis if u need any assistance and I am able to help out with the donations thing just give me a call

                      Sometimes forgotten, but always contactable. Darkangel (2007-2014)


                      • #12
                        bro, can PM me the account? thanks.
                        State of flux : choice between two rolexes


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by louisoh View Post
                          Updated: 19/06/2009

                          Tentative Doners:

                          1) SGROC - $xxx
                          2) Andrew - $100
                          3) Anonymous - $100
                          4) Edimars - $300
                          5) Eric-W - $100
                          6) honestdeal - $100

                          COME ON !! 541 readers and only 6 donors ? I guess any amount goes a long way for this young girl.


                          • #14
                            Proceeds to Charmaine Lim - Our Feisty Princess : Porsche P6000 in Titanium

                            Hi all,

                            Would like to put up a Porsche Design P6000 in Titanium in NEAR MINT condition, with BOX and Paper for sale/auction.

                            Willing to let go for at least SGD 2,000. This watch is from my personal collection and all money recieved from this sale will go the Charmaine's medical fund.

                            As I am not sure of how to go about selling my watch here, will write seperately to the moderator for help. Please look out for this sale.

                            Thank you.


                            • #15
                              Proceeds to Charmaine Lim - Our Feisty Princess : Porsche P6000 in Titanium

                              Hi all,

                              The watch looks like the one in the below link.




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