1) Instead of passing the funds directly to Stardusz aka Brenda (a Moderator in Hardwarezone), we will be consolidating 100% of the funds received from SG-ROC first before passing it to her on 28 June 2009 since she has been in direct contact with Charmaine's mother.
2) The details posted on this thread is mostly copied from Stardusz's original thread in hwz here. Please do REFER to her thread for more information on how she is going to pass the $, etc.
3) To keep things transparent, we would update all the names of those who have donated (confirmed received payment) on this thread. However, you will need to let us know if you want us to mask the amount or to hide your nick totally. Eg,
Normal Cases: Louisoh - $20
Hide Donation amount: Louisoh - xxxx
Does not want your nick to be shown: xxxxxxx - $20
etc etc
4) Once payment has been passed to Stardusz from HWZ, we will ask for a confirmation that she has received the $ from SG-ROC. We'll then post it here for transparent purposes.
5) Lastly, this is not a compulsory donation. Simply donate whatever you are comfortable with. Thanks for your kindness.
*All donations from SG-ROC will be kept by me

Please note that any post not related to this project will be deleted away
Who are we helping?
Charmaine Lim, a 4 year-old girl
Why are we helping?
Here's a little history:
Little Charmaine is down with cancer Neuroblastoma, stage 4, high risk. This is a form of cancer that occurs in infants and young children. For Charmaine case, hers is high risk as her cancer has spread to her bone marrow and bones.
Her doctor, Dr. Aung, has sent her family an email saying that they can bring little Charmaine to New York for treatment, however they need to pay an upfront deposit of USD $350,000 (About SGD $507,955 basing on the exchange rate of USD $1: SGD $1.45)
So far, according to the conversation that I had with Charmaine’s mummy, Cynthia, They have gathered about $50,000; this includes all their savings. However, that’s a far cry from the amount needed for the treatment.
Ok, how can we help then?
I understand that we are not born with silver spoons in our mouths. But, I feel that we should help those in need. Please donate an amount within your own means; any amount will bring little Charmaine one step closer to the treatment she need.
If you are interested in lending a helping hand, [*Account will be updated as soon as i have confirmation*].
Before you perform any bank transfer, please PM triton OR louisoh with the following details:
Name (Nickname): [Nickname will be updated in the thread]
Please put your subject header as: [Donation] - Charmaine Lim's Medical Fund
Can I donate via Paypal?
No. This is because Paypal will deduct some money that will serve as their admin & service charges. But what I really want is for little Charmaine to receive all the money.
How to long will this drive last?
This drive will start from today and continue to run till 28th Jun 2009, 23:59. Reason being, the original donation drive at HWZ will end on 29/06/2009.
Is there anything else to take note of?
Yes. Please take note that if Charmaine were to unfortunately does not survive before the money was handed to her parents, the money will be donated to Children Society, Singapore. I’ve spoken to Charmaine mother on this and she is agreeable to this decision.
Any where for me to read more?
Yes. Here’s some links that you can visit:
To read more about Charmaine current status, please click here:
To view some videos or pictures of Charmaine, please click here:
Final note: I would like to express my heartfelt thank to all the helpful ones who have donated. You guys and gals really make this place a better and warmer world to live in. Let’s hope and pray (for those who have a religion) that little Charmaine pulls through this and get well soon.
All the best Charmaine, you must be strong!
1) Instead of passing the funds directly to Stardusz aka Brenda (a Moderator in Hardwarezone), we will be consolidating 100% of the funds received from SG-ROC first before passing it to her on 28 June 2009 since she has been in direct contact with Charmaine's mother.
2) The details posted on this thread is mostly copied from Stardusz's original thread in hwz here. Please do REFER to her thread for more information on how she is going to pass the $, etc.
3) To keep things transparent, we would update all the names of those who have donated (confirmed received payment) on this thread. However, you will need to let us know if you want us to mask the amount or to hide your nick totally. Eg,
Normal Cases: Louisoh - $20
Hide Donation amount: Louisoh - xxxx
Does not want your nick to be shown: xxxxxxx - $20
etc etc
4) Once payment has been passed to Stardusz from HWZ, we will ask for a confirmation that she has received the $ from SG-ROC. We'll then post it here for transparent purposes.
5) Lastly, this is not a compulsory donation. Simply donate whatever you are comfortable with. Thanks for your kindness.

*All donations from SG-ROC will be kept by me

Please note that any post not related to this project will be deleted away
Who are we helping?
Charmaine Lim, a 4 year-old girl
Why are we helping?
Here's a little history:
Little Charmaine is down with cancer Neuroblastoma, stage 4, high risk. This is a form of cancer that occurs in infants and young children. For Charmaine case, hers is high risk as her cancer has spread to her bone marrow and bones.
Her doctor, Dr. Aung, has sent her family an email saying that they can bring little Charmaine to New York for treatment, however they need to pay an upfront deposit of USD $350,000 (About SGD $507,955 basing on the exchange rate of USD $1: SGD $1.45)
So far, according to the conversation that I had with Charmaine’s mummy, Cynthia, They have gathered about $50,000; this includes all their savings. However, that’s a far cry from the amount needed for the treatment.
Ok, how can we help then?
I understand that we are not born with silver spoons in our mouths. But, I feel that we should help those in need. Please donate an amount within your own means; any amount will bring little Charmaine one step closer to the treatment she need.
If you are interested in lending a helping hand, [*Account will be updated as soon as i have confirmation*].
Before you perform any bank transfer, please PM triton OR louisoh with the following details:
Name (Nickname): [Nickname will be updated in the thread]
Contact No: [To inform you that I’ve receive your donation]
Bank Acct no: [To check for bank transfer]
Amount donated: [Amount donated will be updated in the forum]
Privacy Info: To mask amount / To HIDE nick from this thread totally, etcBank Acct no: [To check for bank transfer]
Amount donated: [Amount donated will be updated in the forum]
Please put your subject header as: [Donation] - Charmaine Lim's Medical Fund
Can I donate via Paypal?
No. This is because Paypal will deduct some money that will serve as their admin & service charges. But what I really want is for little Charmaine to receive all the money.
How to long will this drive last?
This drive will start from today and continue to run till 28th Jun 2009, 23:59. Reason being, the original donation drive at HWZ will end on 29/06/2009.
Is there anything else to take note of?
Yes. Please take note that if Charmaine were to unfortunately does not survive before the money was handed to her parents, the money will be donated to Children Society, Singapore. I’ve spoken to Charmaine mother on this and she is agreeable to this decision.
Any where for me to read more?
Yes. Here’s some links that you can visit:
To read more about Charmaine current status, please click here:
To view some videos or pictures of Charmaine, please click here:
Final note: I would like to express my heartfelt thank to all the helpful ones who have donated. You guys and gals really make this place a better and warmer world to live in. Let’s hope and pray (for those who have a religion) that little Charmaine pulls through this and get well soon.
All the best Charmaine, you must be strong!