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Singapore Election 2015 - who will you vote?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by bubble View Post
    Well I still vote opposition no matter how (lousy) they r. At least they won't lose their deposit.
    who cares about their deposit. I care about Singapore future not some dumb ass deposit.
    (Big Watch Siao)


    • #32
      Originally posted by b1ackop5 View Post
      Same here bro.

      I used to vote PAP but went against them in the 2011 election and more so for 2015 election.

      i already gave out the marching orders for my whole family father, mother, wife, brothers, sister etc to all vote against the PAP.

      However, I am willing to go back to PAP is someone can explain to me just 1 simple issue.

      I read all the papers, listen to all the talks but I cannot find the simple answer to ONE issue i am unhappy with- Foreign Talent.

      The government knows a lot of people are unhappy with the Foreign Talent issue here but I dont understand why they say they have reduced them by sending the "Blue Collar" workers home and that resulted in our factories suffering.

      I think most of us Singaporeans are unhappy with the "White Collar" foreign talent.

      THe blue collar workers are not competing with us in jobs, let them come!

      There was this advertisement on TV where this guy's air con broke down and when he called the air con service company they say short of staff. why should we stop these workers from coming!

      and contrast this with another TV advert
      this little boy was talking to a little girl on what they want to be when they grow up.

      the girl said she want to be a lawyer and the boy said I want to be a banker.

      The little girl said something like "my dad said most of the top paying banking jobs have gone to foreigners"

      and the little boy replied "it is ok as long as we do our job well" !!!!

      so the advert is telling us to live with it!?

      There are so many companies whose top bosses, board of directors, management staff are all FTs now and they bring in their whole kampong to fill up the middle management roles too.

      The new rules that you must advertise the job position for few months before you employ FT dont work because they just go through motion and say cannot find suitable singapore candidates after 3 months then they can bring more FT in.

      All these FT come to singapore, they see so nice they dont leave.

      I know so many singaporeans who are sidelines by the FTs and young singaporeans can't find jobs and are working as contract staff or temps (so on paper unemployment is low) cos still working.

      Companies can get MBAs staff from India for $2,500. how are your children going to compete next time?

      Can someone tell me if there is something I dont know that I should welcome more FTs?

      PLEASE CAN someone explain to me why I should accept the policy on FT, I am listening.
      I want to understand and accept if the reasons are reasonable.

      True FT talent ok i can accept. but come on , so many jobs done by FTs is not rocket science, any local fresh grads can do too.

      So lets back track the whole concern in 2011 with foreigner is overccrowding. if you look at the stats. Blue colar workers take up almost 80% of all Foreigners in Singapore. if the people KPKB say crowded then the 1st to reduce is the 80% to feel the impact.

      Now as for the so call white collar job. its all about MNC. MNC hire the most white colar works force in singapore. so much so well paid most shun the SME who are not able to pay as well. So is MNC Evil? no it helps the population with better paid jobs. And As in all MNC there will be executives that comes with it. thats part and parcel. kick n limited the execs. MNC won't come. and which is the worst of all evil? No Jobs or lower paying jobs? or slower economy? what do you want?

      Don't get all caught up with all the opposition bull**** of politics of envy or politics of jealousy. Are we better of then the others in the region? Question is yes. Travel and your eyes will open.

      IF you want to compare with the socalist policies in the west then that comes with the High Taxes. and can Singapore survived in Asia around us with those kind of high taxes and without any natural resources? I SAY WE WILL SURE DIE!.

      DONT GET FED THOSE BULL**** FROM THE OPPOSITION WHO PEDDLE HATE, JEALOUSY and POPULISTIC POLICIES. Coz they are all here for the short ride. If Singapore Goes to ****. There is no coming back.
      (Big Watch Siao)


      • #33

        Definitely opposition


        • #34
          Originally posted by Minority View Post
          who cares about their deposit. I care about Singapore future not some dumb ass deposit.
          Sorry I care cause 1st I don't like PAP as they r not doing a good job now. 2nd not letting the opposition lose their deposit means I know PAP will still win. Anyway I care about Sg future too that y I will vote opposition.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Minority View Post
            So lets back track the whole concern in 2011 with foreigner is overccrowding. if you look at the stats. Blue colar workers take up almost 80% of all Foreigners in Singapore. if the people KPKB say crowded then the 1st to reduce is the 80% to feel the impact.

            Now as for the so call white collar job. its all about MNC. MNC hire the most white colar works force in singapore. so much so well paid most shun the SME who are not able to pay as well. So is MNC Evil? no it helps the population with better paid jobs. And As in all MNC there will be executives that comes with it. thats part and parcel. kick n limited the execs. MNC won't come. and which is the worst of all evil? No Jobs or lower paying jobs? or slower economy? what do you want?

            Don't get all caught up with all the opposition bull**** of politics of envy or politics of jealousy. Are we better of then the others in the region? Question is yes. Travel and your eyes will open.

            IF you want to compare with the socalist policies in the west then that comes with the High Taxes. and can Singapore survived in Asia around us with those kind of high taxes and without any natural resources? I SAY WE WILL SURE DIE!.

            DONT GET FED THOSE BULL**** FROM THE OPPOSITION WHO PEDDLE HATE, JEALOUSY and POPULISTIC POLICIES. Coz they are all here for the short ride. If Singapore Goes to ****. There is no coming back.
            Yup, don't get fed by those bull**** from the opposition who peddle, hate jealousy and populistic policies. There r no reasons to. But recently it seems to me that it is the current PAP that r trying all ways to (fix) the oppositions. Not that they have much to offer anyway. Always the same old AHPTEC issue lol instead of trying to fix country interests. Who cares about a small domestic quarrel. Just take care of your own area 1st lol. Just vote some creditable oppositions to provide balance and check. Yup, travel and see for yourself. Sg is good but declining. It time for a gradual change.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Minority View Post
              So lets back track the whole concern in 2011 with foreigner is overccrowding. if you look at the stats. Blue colar workers take up almost 80% of all Foreigners in Singapore. if the people KPKB say crowded then the 1st to reduce is the 80% to feel the impact.

              Now as for the so call white collar job. its all about MNC. MNC hire the most white colar works force in singapore. so much so well paid most shun the SME who are not able to pay as well. So is MNC Evil? no it helps the population with better paid jobs. And As in all MNC there will be executives that comes with it. thats part and parcel. kick n limited the execs. MNC won't come. and which is the worst of all evil? No Jobs or lower paying jobs? or slower economy? what do you want?

              Don't get all caught up with all the opposition bull**** of politics of envy or politics of jealousy. Are we better of then the others in the region? Question is yes. Travel and your eyes will open.

              IF you want to compare with the socalist policies in the west then that comes with the High Taxes. and can Singapore survived in Asia around us with those kind of high taxes and without any natural resources? I SAY WE WILL SURE DIE!.

              DONT GET FED THOSE BULL**** FROM THE OPPOSITION WHO PEDDLE HATE, JEALOUSY and POPULISTIC POLICIES. Coz they are all here for the short ride. If Singapore Goes to ****. There is no coming back.

              Thank you for your note above bro.
              my parents think the same as you because they are old and retired and dont know the job market out there now.

              I am not influenced by the opposition,my views are feedback from close friends,relatives and their children , true singaporeans struggling against wave after wave of white collar FTs in their quest for jobs.

              In engineering, law, medicine, IT, banking and almost every field of work, a lot of the good jobs have been taken by FTs holding top management positions.

              They in turn bring in more middle management FTs.
              SO the FTs are now Top and middle management and singaporeans the lower levels.
              you know what our young graduates are left with? contract jobs.

              I give you an example , my friend who worked in a company for 8years, after his team leader resign.the FT bosses could have promoted him to team lead but the top management FT bring in a new FT team leader from overseas who never been to singapore, know nothing about the work and process here.

              my friend and the team have to teach this new FT team leader how to do the job and how to supervise all of them.

              and the new FT team leader gets paid 5 figures salary, like Spore so much not leaving, can buy new car and condo and move whole family here.

              That is why the government received feedback from the ground and recently i read in papers said they listed some companies who hired so many FTs. the Govt said they are going to be more strict in their screening but this kind thing is hard to filter IMO.


              • #37
                Funny how some PAP supporters can praise every action and move they make no matter how blatantly wrong it is.

                Well so far the opposition besides WP in AHPTEC seems like random teams put together for the election, have to see the candidates before deciding.

                Agree that most people having a good life would want to continue voting for PAP, they do not face the risk of getting their jobs stolen by FTs, CPF retirement sum going to be >400k by the time people here retire, housing prices, COE car . . . . . well most such issues only affect those who cannot afford to pay and ALOT of people can afford to even if they complain and say they are overcharged.

                Hope better oppositions can join the election, for now i'm praying the next batch of MP be it PAP or OPPO focus on important issues and policies more than making sure the ward is clean and rubbish is collected because apparently that is the most important KPI for many of my fellow citizens. And of course hope PAP can stop with the damn opposition fixing and insults, if you are indeed the best party, please win the election with your "strong" team sent there, for now it looks like all the PAP can do is to try showing them in a bad light to make voters think twice about voting for them again, but yet have no balls to put their "popular" ministers and MPs to compete. Yes Son of Punggol now son of AMK!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by kjy View Post
                  Funny how some PAP supporters can praise every action and move they make no matter how blatantly wrong it is.

                  Well so far the opposition besides WP in AHPTEC seems like random teams put together for the election, have to see the candidates before deciding.

                  Agree that most people having a good life would want to continue voting for PAP, they do not face the risk of getting their jobs stolen by FTs, CPF retirement sum going to be >400k by the time people here retire, housing prices, COE car . . . . . well most such issues only affect those who cannot afford to pay and ALOT of people can afford to even if they complain and say they are overcharged.

                  Hope better oppositions can join the election, for now i'm praying the next batch of MP be it PAP or OPPO focus on important issues and policies more than making sure the ward is clean and rubbish is collected because apparently that is the most important KPI for many of my fellow citizens. And of course hope PAP can stop with the damn opposition fixing and insults, if you are indeed the best party, please win the election with your "strong" team sent there, for now it looks like all the PAP can do is to try showing them in a bad light to make voters think twice about voting for them again, but yet have no balls to put their "popular" ministers and MPs to compete. Yes Son of Punggol now son of AMK!
                  Haha that was mean he got 2 cars, TPE to Amk very fast and NEAR Lah


                  • #39
                    Can anyone tell me if it true these are all said by our MP? I found this article. Alex Yam
                    - scold his cck residents for not understanding the plight of the pinoy drummer
                    - - 'bodily waste' left at backdoor of PAP Yew Tee office after he said he wanted to protect his residents from loan sharks and their runners

                    Alvin Yeo
                    - As a lawyer, he overcharged his client by over $1 million in legal fees in a case involving the Singapore Medical Council and a Doctor. (initially charged $1.33 million, then lower to $370,000 by the taxation hearing processing)

                    Amy Khor
                    - say Michael Palmer ( a sex pervert from the PAP who commit adultery) "did the right and honourable thing"
                    - Singaporeans also can leave Singapore just like new citizens

                    Ang Wei Neng
                    - help Singapore Enrich Group to give out scam industry award

                    Baey Yam Keng
                    - singaporeans should reflect whether they are acting like pigs to China ppl
                    - “The Singapore Food Museum could tell us why Hong Kong noodles did not originate from Hong Kong, why we cannot find Sing Chew Bee Hoon in Singapore, why our Hainanese chicken rice is different from that found in Hainan Island, and why Yu-Sheng is popular here but not in China.
                    - MPs are "able to exercise good judgment to distinguish 'wayang' from reality."
                    - $2.50 nasi padang saga
                    - ST quote Baey that PAP should consider legal action on wiki edit on PAP page. After that, he said "Therefore, advocating legal action for this instance is never on top of my mind, nor is it PAP's priority," then tell ST to 'policy shift' that he did not call on PAP to take legal action for the wiki edit
                    - Hint that PAP know who vote for PAP or opposition during election by saying this "I’m very sure, I’m 100 per cent sure that not everyone is a PAP member. I’m very sure there are people who voted for opposition. And you have to take my word for that because I know more than you on CCC."

                    Charles Chong
                    - Call Singaporeans "lesser mortals"

                    Chan Chun Sing
                    - kee chiu
                    - "you go to Peach Garden, you eat the S$10 XO Sauce chye tow kuay (fried carrot cake), you can be quite happy right? Because you are satisfied with the service and so on. On the other hand, you can go to a hawker centre, even if they charge you S$1.50, you might not want to eat it if the quality is not good.”
                    - general of lanfang republic

                    Chee Hong Tat
                    - Last time say "Foolish to advocate the learning of dialects" to defend the government policy. Now u-turn and use hokkien to introduce himself as the new candidate in 2015.

                    Chia Shi Lu
                    - (hospital bed crunch) "might be due to the holiday season rather than a spike in illnesses."
                    - “When you have a double holiday like this, Christmas and the New Year around the same time with school holidays as well, you get problems on the demand side.
                    - “During these holidays, some polyclinics and specialist clinics are closed, so you may have a few more people going into the emergency departments instead. Among these people, you may find a higher chance of someone needing to be admitted.”

                    Cedric Foo
                    - 'White horse' classification......
                    the term was used to identify sons of influential persons to ensure such enlistees were not given preferential treatment.

                    Eileen Lee
                    - “For anyone to do well in anything, competition is necessary,” the Straits Times quoted her as saying. “We need to have the foreign talents to provide that competition… and motivate Singaporeans to rise to the occasion.”

                    Gan Kim Yong
                    - (on hospital cost)"if all of us fall sick and don't take care of our health, we will have to continue to build more and more hospitals, and the costs will keep going up."
                    - To Keep cost of Healhcare low,elderly should stay active and work

                    Gan Thiam Poh
                    - on PM salary
                    "The PM is our leader, he has to be responsible for 3.5million of people. Thus his salary can follow that of the population. One dollar per person for a year, would add up to 3.5 million dollars. The PM is generous to give everyone a discount."
                    - "If you need a job, come and look for me,"
                    - help Singapore Enrich Group to give out scam industry award

                    Goh Chok Tong
                    - TPL drag down my performance
                    - Found "steel" in tin pei ling
                    - victim of own success
                    - net happiness
                    - "Retrenchment is good for singapore. If there is no retrenchments, then I worry."
                    - I would want to form an alternative policies group in Parliament, comprising 20 PAP MPs. These 20 PAP MPs will be free to vote in accordance with what they think of a particular policy. In other words, the whip for them will be lifted. This is not playing politics, this is something which I think is worthwhile doing.
                    - Fair-weather Singaporeans will run away whenever the country runs into stormy weather. I call them "quitters. (but his own daughter is living with her English husband in London now)
                    - Swiss standard of living in Singapore
                    - scold sinkies for littering at garden by the bay and need foreigners help to clean up
                    - "“just like good chilli crab will sell, no matter where the stall is located" (trivialised the impact of redrawing of electoral boundaries )

                    Grace Fu
                    - "When I made the decision to join politics in 2006, pay was not a key factor. Loss of privacy, public scrutiny on myself and my family and loss of personal time were. The disruption to my career was also an important consideration. I had some ground to believe that my family would not suffer a drastic change in the standard of living even though I experienced a drop in my income. So it is with this recent pay cut. If the balance is tilted further in the future, it will make it harder for any one considering political office." (on ministerial pay cut)
                    - "For patients of dengue fever, it’s also important for them to prevent themselves from (getting bitten by) the mosquitoes."

                    Halimah Yacob
                    - "For example, the price of chicken may be rising fast, but we can encourage Singaporeans to turn to alternative sources of protein, such as fish"
                    - "Stay in Singapore during National Day long weekend" (end up many people go travel oversea)

                    Heng Swee Keat
                    - "We cannot stop the earth from cracking. No one can. But we can fight these cracks with our bonds, our friendships, our love and respect and care for one another. This last week, I learnt: the bond between people who truly care for one another - no force on earth can break. This is the human spirit. We can overcome the darkest tragedy with the human spirit,"

                    Indranee Rajanee
                    - put up a wayang show for Prince William's singapore visit

                    Intan Azura Binte Mokhtar
                    - Help Foreign Talent Yang Yin to come to Singapore (who went on to cheat $40m from widow, lie about his degree etc)
                    - "I don't know what does Internet Hiding means"

                    S. Iswaran
                    - say Netizens went too far in the Jover SLS saga, when PAP/CASE/SPF has done nothing for the past 20 years regarding the SLS situation

                    Janil Puthucheary
                    - never do NS

                    K Shanmugam
                    - want to sue blogger, cannot find scroobal
                    - minister of foreign AFFAIR
                    - "This is where most people make a mistake…I have tried to explain that we are different. We are a city. We are not a country," (on singapore)

                    Khaw Boon Wan
                    - $8 bypass surgery
                    - "Singaporeans could consider living in nursing homes in Johor Baru. It would be cheaper."
                    - HDB flat size remain unchanged for the past 15 years
                    - Smaller Medisave means you're lazy and work less
                    - "We can live very comfortably despite a higher population density"
                    - say he was deceived similar to how 祝英台 deceive people (during the Sengkang columbarium saga)
                    - during NKF saga " Were the regulators responsible for the NKF problem? Remember that the NKF was, and still is, a non-government organisation, a private company. Was there gross or wilful negligence on the part of the government officers who regulated the former NKF? Did they fail to take reasonable efforts to look into the former NKF under the prevailing regulatory framework?"
                    - “However, in the case of a large entity like the NKF, because of its scale of fundraising, and the patronage that government leaders lent to the NKF, the government had a heavier responsibility to satisfy ourselves that the organization was properly run. We failed in not doing so earlier.”
                    - “The chemo overdose errors in KKH were human errors. They should not have happened, but they did. We are sorry for the mistakes and are all saddened by the incidents.” (when a cancer patient got overdosed of chemotherapy drug and is in serious condition)
                    - TTS overcrowding "“On hindsight, his ministry made a mistake …by not building the new [Khoo Teck Puat] hospital two years earlier.”"
                    - IVF mix up " “LAPSES in procedure and human error were the reasons behind the mix-up of sperm used in an in-vitro fertilisation treatment at Thomson Medical Centre.”"
                    - during Brompton Bikes saga “It looks like NParks has bought the right equipment. However, it also looks like NParks might have gotten a better deal if there was greater participation in this quotation.”


                    • #40
                      - “We have a few foreign workers’ dormitories. What if some quarrels erupt, leading to fights or worse? These are possible scenarios, given the concentration of foreign workers in one locality.”
                      - offer to debark dog if too noisy
                      - during AIM saga “The councils ‘acted in good faith in the interests of their residents’, and awarded the contract to AIM as the price was fair for software that was nearly obsolete, among other things.”
                      - during Fernvale land saga "“And because temples or churches are non-profit- making, we just assumed that (for-profit) companies will not be taking part in a non-profit-making venture…”"
                      - "AIM was not an ordinary $2 company. It was set up by the PAP specifically... to help its PAP MPs do a better job running their town councils.. AIM was the only PAP-owned company."
                      - "Singapore will not be caught out by a shortage of hospital beds again" (2010)
                      - "If they cannot find jobs, what is the point? You own a degree, but so what? That you can't eat it. If that cannot give you a good life, a good job, it is meaningless."
                      - went into internet hiding when BCA (under Khaw) tio stir for the Pasir Ris One saga
                      - "Public housing will always be affordable … I am confident because we are the ones who set the price for new HDB flats….. That is a promise that we can deliver."
                      - AGO found irregularities in procurement and payment at Admiralty Citizens' Consultative Committee (CCC)., sembawang grc under khaw boon wan(
                      - illegally used SWAMI location for PAP press conference to intro new PAP election candidates, but no punishment at all

                      Lam Pin Min
                      - During the Sengkang-columbarium saga, govt admitted they made a mistake and they have awarded a tender to "Eternal Pure Land" for places of worship without religious tie. Lam Pin Min said he was lied by HDB that it has been done before was not aware that there's such rule because it is in fine print.
                      - before that claim HDB nv hide anything although the "may include a columbarium" is in fine print too
                      - lied by HDB and URA that current regulations did not restrict the type of company that can develop a place of worship (Khaw Boon Wan say this is the first time)
                      - accused (on facebook that) the Indians of being intoxicated with alcohol and condemning them without any proof that they were drunk, although investigation still going on
                      - post photos of singapore flags on the ground by his grassroot members, not knowing that singapore flags are not allowed on the ground. Silently removed the facebook post & the comments after he got sexposed of the photos

                      Desmond Lee
                      - "BTO flats quality improved significantly over the years, comparable to private developments"

                      Lee Bee Wah
                      - Suggest having license for bicycle
                      - allegedly conflict of interest (he civil and structural engineer company of PAP MP of Nee Soon GRC, Lee Bee Wah, won the contract for the building of two 14-storey HDB building in Yishun Ring Road, Khatib – an area right where she is also the MP-in-charge.)

                      Ellen Lee Geck Hoon
                      - help Singapore Enrich Group to give out scam industry award

                      Lee Hsien Loong
                      - “I give you an example: you put out a fun podcast, you talk about ‘bak chor mee’; I will say “mee siam mai hum”, then we compete.”
                      - chilli & onion to prevent rain
                      - on Mas Selamat "What to do, it already happened. Lets move on"
                      - Make China environmental jokes to US businessmen*
                      ""Beijing residents joke that to get a free smoke all they have to do is open their windows!""
                      "[In] Shanghai, if you want some pork soup, you just turn on the tap,’" he said.
                      His audience appeared doubtful if that was good taste, until he added: “That's their joke, not mine!’’
                      - "Is it better to take your medicine sooner or stretch it out? Take medicine once or two times? I prefer to make my medicine early..."- PM Lee Hsien Loong on reason for hike on GST from 5% to 7%
                      - "GST hike is to help the poor."
                      - People support CPF cuts because there are no protest outside parliament.
                      - People could buy frozen food instead of more expensive fresh food" "They could opt for house brand goods, which cost less than others.
                      - Right now we have Low Thia Khiang, Chiam See Tong, Steve Chia. We can deal with them. Suppose you had 10, 15, 20 opposition members in Parliament. Instead of spending my time thinking what is the right policy for Singapore, I'm going to spend all my time thinking what's the right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes, how can I solve this week's problem and forget about next year's challenges?"
                      - 'Accident serious, but could have been worse'
                      - "Satisfied people don't have time to go onto the Internet. Unhappy people often go there,"
                      - Singaporean crime rate is higher then foreigners (Little India riot saga)
                      - "They are a disgrace to Singapore." (Singaporeans who post on Philippine Independence Day celebrations facebook)
                      - tell sinkies to work pass 65 years old
                      - Singapore belong to everyone CITIZENS, PRS AND FOREIGNERS TOO
                      - go slap Suppiah Dhanabalan on the face across the table
                      - I wear shirts with holes all the time
                      - "Is it better to take your medicine sooner or stretch it out? Take medicine once or two times? I prefer to make my medicine early..."
                      - "In principle, we are not talking about high salaries, what we want are realistic and correct salaries. " about the ministers salary
                      - "At that time, we thought we were doing the right thing, pacing it, measuring it out, building it when we needed it and not spending resources until we needed to spend them. It turned out that things didn't pan out the way we expected "
                      - "Singaporeans want the PAP to govern Singapore"
                      - "When we're ready we will call, as soon as we are ready" (on when the GE will be will only be when PAP is ready)
                      - "“We will manage immigration to make sure Singapore doesn’t become too crowded."
                      - "Our funds are accountable to the government. I would not believe that transparency is everything"

                      Lee Yi Shyan
                      - "4-person Singapore households spend S$1,250 a month on essentials"

                      Raymond Lim
                      - Based on figures provided by ComfortDelGro, Singapore’s biggest taxi operator, cabbies are pocketing about $11 more a day, earning about $318.

                      Lim Hng Kiang
                      - I regret making the decision because, in the end, the baby continued to be in intensive care, and KKH now runs up a total bill of more than $300,000..." (regretting the decision to save a baby's life because KKH ran up a $300K.)
                      - Save on one hairdo and use the money for breast screening."

                      Lim Biow Chuan
                      - Bukit Batok got rat infestation, blame dogs and residents for feeding dogs, PAP not at fault for neglecting to get rid of the problem when first reported

                      Lim Swee Sway
                      - cheaper better faster
                      - feel rich looking at the CPF
                      - Ask workers to "bite 3 bullets"
                      - opposition will form rojak govt
                      - we are deaf to all these criticism
                      - always go Din Tai Fung and take half box of toothpick home
                      - Prepare for retirement 'by using less CPF money when young
                      - "If you’re the best today, strive to be better. If you’re better today, strive to be ‘betterer’ and if you’re ‘betterer’ today, strive to be ‘betterest’ so that over time, Singapore’s service standards can just keep getting better, ‘betterer’ and ‘betterest’."

                      Lim Wee Kiak
                      - no high pay , no dignity
                      - tell low thia khiang to tune up his hearing aid during white paper debate
                      - "NS is a privilege"
                      - Say M'sia not straightforward in the MH370 case handling, and Singapore is better, then later retracted the comment after PAP comrades disagree
                      - help Singapore Enrich Group to give out scam industry award

                      Penny Low
                      - use hp during national anthem

                      Mah Bow Tan
                      - new flats are affordable
                      - invent COE, ERP
                      - spend S$400k to rename Marina Bay to Marina Bay
                      - Upgrading for all wards, but PAP ones first

                      Ng Eng Hen
                      - "Cutting Ministers' pay won't trim fat. You're getting a
                      bargain for the ministers' pay. As a surgeon, I worked half as much
                      and made 5 times more."
                      - Singaporeans find the cost of living high because we have high aspiration to buy lots of expensive things
                      - WP is wayang party because they cannot bring the price of oil down, stop factories from pulling out of Singapore and find you jobs and bring down the price of rice, a loaf of bread, a cup of coffee

                      David Ong
                      - Rat infestation in Bukit Batok MRT reported to town council for months, but no actions taken. Rat hill video went viral, David Ong blame sinkies for causing the rats to appear

                      Denise Phua
                      - help Singapore Enrich Group to give out scam industry award

                      Seah Kian Peng
                      - abuse of authority and tell LTA officer not to issue summon at the people who park their cars illegal at his grassroot event party

                      Seng Han Tong
                      - tio beaten up, and then tio burn
                      - "because they are Malays, because they are indians, they can't converse in English well enough."

                      Sim Ann
                      - Women can walk on the streets without fearing for their safety

                      Sitoh Yih Pin
                      - those nv vote for me, better cooperate
                      - "When a candidate goes campaigning, it is like stepping into the boxing ring. At the sound of the bell, ding ding, he steps forward to throw his punches. The more punches he throw, the more shiok he becomes."

                      Tan Chuan Jin
                      - "Singaporeans should say no to bigotry" (on Pinoys large scale celebrating independent day in Singapore)
                      - "CPF is your money"
                      - Some of these (cardboard) collectors were doing this “to supplement” what they have, and “as a form of exercise”


                      • #41
                        Josephine Teo
                        - "No matter how good our MRT system is, if every commuters chooses to board and travel at the same time, this is very difficult for our MRT to cope"
                        - "service for the country cannot be measured in dollars and cents"
                        -1.5 yrs after govt want to review the complicated cab fare, she say “there was no easy solution to harmonise the fares. the best solution was to leave the fares as they are for now.”

                        Teo Chee Hean
                        - "What do you think?"
                        - Only 1 car out of 75 million vehicles breach woodland checkpoint
                        - “If we don’t do that (increase the Ministers’ pays by 60%), in the long term, the government system will slowly crumble and collapse.”
                        - "You're going to swallow up FengShan? For what purpose? To serve the residents of FengShan? Or is FengShan delicious because you want to add it to the pot? And help the town council with the deficit?" (meltdown when Sylvia Lim post a instagram photo of herself eating food at FengShan)

                        Teo Ser Luck
                        - More than 300 firms waiting to employ ITE and Poly students
                        - dedicate workout routine "LKY91" to LKY
                        - cheer for himself during rally LOL

                        Tharman Shanmugaratnam
                        - can buy flat with $1k salary
                        - SG is a city, not a country
                        - increase petrol duty rate to encourage less car usage and reduce carbon emissions

                        Tin Pei Ling
                        - kate spade
                        - i don't know what to say
                        - regret bringing parents to USS

                        Vikram Nair
                        - Nigeria scam
                        - drink "death water"
                        - "I am not PAP attack dog"

                        Vivian Balakrishna
                        - "Do you want to eat 3 meals in the Hawker Centre, Food Court or Restaurant?"
                        - spend S$400k to rename Marina Bay to Marina Bay
                        - Youth Olympics Expenditure Over Budget by 300%
                        - Flooding, Not Ponding.
                        - “If you want to dance on a bar top, some of us will fall off the bar Top. Some people will die as a result of liberalising bar top dancing… a young girl with a short skirt dancing on it may attract some insults from some other men, the boyfriend will start fighting and some people will die.”
                        - "I want to make it(hawker) an attractive and honourable profession for singaporeans" (hope more people will become hawker)
                        - Rental costs a 'small fraction' of running a hawker stall

                        Lawrence Wong
                        - after PM exchange speech's audience tio sexpose got many PAP members, damage control that its just so happen that only a handful are PAP members, and they are minority.
                        - say that the $800k "Hybrid natural" grass (at Sports Hub) just needs time to grow. (but Sports Hub grass tio complain by Juventus coach, Brazil coach, Japan coach, local and oversea footballers). then install $1.5m light to grow the grass. few months later, Sports Hub give up and change to artificial grass.

                        Yaacob Ibrahim
                        - Singapore flooding = once every 50 years event
                        - want to turn malay into a foreign language instead of mother tongue
                        - read the 'right' thing in state media

                        Zainudin Nordin
                        - Gang rape is democracy in action
                        - "We need to let the boys to learn how to win or lose" (after the team lose bunch of matches)

                        Zainal Sapari
                        - Voting for the PAP is like using a ladder "to climb up". Vote for oppositing is "climb up using a pole. A pole is only useful if you want to go down quickly,"

                        EX PAP
                        Michael Palmer
                        -farking pervert go fark someone else wife and have a extra-marital affair

                        George Yeo
                        -Christian less likely to riot

                        Choo Wei Khiang
                        - "One evening, I drove to little india and it was in complete darkness. not because there was no light, but because there were too many indians around"

                        Hri Kumar
                        - The CPF forum invitation with opposition members saga
                        - 76 years old lady beg Hri Kumar to return CPF money at CPF forum
                        - The Peak@ TPY RC SAGA
                        - "Many people come to me and say, oh but the PAP you know you have the Whip, and so all of you must vote the same way….That’s true. That’s the system we inherited, for party discipline. But nonetheless, you still have PAP MPs giving different views in Parliament"

                        Lui Tuck Yew
                        - MRT breakdown
                        - Say oppositions = mushroom, PAP = tree
                        - PRC bus drivers strike due to lower wages, suggest to rectify by bus fare adjustment in 2013
                        - "For those who find the ERP charge is a burden, then maybe the possibility is for them to shop on Sunday instead" reply to calls for ERP orchard road removal on Saturday
                        - "“We are very prudent in managing public funds.”"

                        Wong Kan Seng
                        - Mas Selemat (either he still in singapore or he is not in singapore)
                        - “The PAP Government has always thrived on its ability to anticipate problems.”


                        • #42
                          I think these are actual quotes from our wise ministers.

                          the worst i read is from vivian, see this article



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by kjy View Post
                            Funny how some PAP supporters can praise every action and move they make no matter how blatantly wrong it is.

                            Well so far the opposition besides WP in AHPTEC seems like random teams put together for the election, have to see the candidates before deciding.

                            Agree that most people having a good life would want to continue voting for PAP, they do not face the risk of getting their jobs stolen by FTs, CPF retirement sum going to be >400k by the time people here retire, housing prices, COE car . . . . . well most such issues only affect those who cannot afford to pay and ALOT of people can afford to even if they complain and say they are overcharged.

                            Hope better oppositions can join the election, for now i'm praying the next batch of MP be it PAP or OPPO focus on important issues and policies more than making sure the ward is clean and rubbish is collected because apparently that is the most important KPI for many of my fellow citizens. And of course hope PAP can stop with the damn opposition fixing and insults, if you are indeed the best party, please win the election with your "strong" team sent there, for now it looks like all the PAP can do is to try showing them in a bad light to make voters think twice about voting for them again, but yet have no balls to put their "popular" ministers and MPs to compete. Yes Son of Punggol now son of AMK!

                            agree 100% well said


                            • #44
                              I will vote for PAP. I do not dare to imagine the economy status when we have opposition party in.


                              • #45
                                Haha the economy is already bad. Well I guess have to kanna bitten then will know the pain lol.


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