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What symptoms...sell watch?

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  • What symptoms...sell watch?

    For the sake of discussion, especially for those who often sell and buy watches. Are you aware of what you had gone thru' before you decide to put your watch(es) out on sale? Most of the time, when one starts to want to sell a watch, he/she often (consciously or subconsciously) display certain kind of "weird habits/actions" before he/she actually put the watch out on sale. Some of my observations include:

    a. isolating the watch for a long period (not wearing it anymore);
    b. constantly wearing it for a short period to gain realization if the watch is to go or keep;
    c. frequent changing of watch strap/bracelet on the particular watch to maintain interest for it;
    d. not talking/sharing information about the watch with watch buddies anymore; and
    e. finding excuses and justifying your decision to sell it.

    Even within the forum, I often see how some members openly described their affection for the watch that they just bought, posting beautiful pictures of it, only to see it on sale within a couple of months or two

    So, what actually goes thru' your mind when you start to feel like selling a watch? And are you aware of some actions you may display that indicate 'time is up' for a particular watch?

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    The Crown Of Achievement

  • #2
    I suppose it applies to some ppl only. I only sell my watch if i dun suffer any losses


    • #3
      Sell when the wife starts complaining the collection is getting to much.
      Also sell when I want to flip for something else.

      Underlying this is the need for a fair price as discipline dictates that you buy only what you can afford to ensure you are never in 'Real' need to sell


      • #4
        I sell a watch when it no longer gets my wrist time and has no sentimental value to me; or when I want to consolidate my collection and upgrade.


        • #5
          Money not enough ==> sell watch


          • #6
            I will sell current when i want to buy another new one for my liking.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Oceanklassik View Post
              For the sake of discussion, especially for those who often sell and buy watches. Are you aware of what you had gone thru' before you decide to put your watch(es) out on sale? Most of the time, when one starts to want to sell a watch, he/she often (consciously or subconsciously) display certain kind of "weird habits/actions" before he/she actually put the watch out on sale. Some of my observations include:

              a. isolating the watch for a long period (not wearing it anymore);
              b. constantly wearing it for a short period to gain realization if the watch is to go or keep;
              c. frequent changing of watch strap/bracelet on the particular watch to maintain interest for it;
              d. not talking/sharing information about the watch with watch buddies anymore; and
              e. finding excuses and justifying your decision to sell it.

              Even within the forum, I often see how some members openly described their affection for the watch that they just bought, posting beautiful pictures of it, only to see it on sale within a couple of months or two

              So, what actually goes thru' your mind when you start to feel like selling a watch? And are you aware of some actions you may display that indicate 'time is up' for a particular watch?

              Let's share
              I think sometimes when one doesn't read and understand a particular message or topic well enough, he/she will respond out of context

              I started the thread to share what one person (whether yourself or a friend/family/colleague) might display or do before he/she decides to sell a watch.

              It is NOT about what you will consider when you decide to sell a watch.

              Just to explain clearer, I have a friend who, when he starts to lose interest in a watch that he has, would keep wearing that watch everyday (despite owning ..40 over watches). And after about a week, he would throw it out for sale. When I asked him why, he would always say this,

              "When I started to want to sell a watch, I want to make sure I really really have grown tired of it. So I wear it often to determine if I will keep or flip it."

              A relative of mine, would often show signs of flipping a watch, when he keeps changing straps on that particular watch. So when after 2-3 strap changes, and realizing that the watch no longer interests him, he would sell the watch.
              The Crown Of Achievement


              • #8
                i will put in a isolation ward (seperate winder) and set to non-wind mode.. so whenever i see the time is incorrect, i will take out and wind it and put back.. repeat this step till i get bored of repeating the step.. than it time to say goodbye..
                twenty-eight : 28 : XXVIII


                • #9
                  Good point!


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