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SAF serviceman killed in parachute jump

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  • SAF serviceman killed in parachute jump

    Channel NewsAsia - Thursday, May 21SINGAPORE:

    A Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) regular serviceman died during a free—fall parachute training session in Bloemfontein, South Africa, on Wednesday.

    The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) said First Warrant Officer (1WO) Tan Poh Eng was part of a six—man team that jumped off a Republic of Singapore Air Force C—130 aircraft at a height of 12500 feet to conduct a formation jump.

    When the formation broke off at 3500 feet to deploy their parachutes, 1WO Tan, 53, spiralled downwards to the ground.

    He was found unconscious at about 4.45pm (Singapore time), and given immediate medical attention by an SAF doctor and a medic on—site.

    He was evacuated by helicopter at 5.15pm and arrived at about 5.35pm at the Pelonomi Hospital in Bloemfontein.

    1WO Tan, a parachute jump instructor from the Commando Training Institute, was pronounced dead at 5.57pm in the hospital.

    He was part of a 51—member SAF Commando team participating in SAF freefall training which is being conducted from April 27 to May 24. The SAF conducts freefall training in South Africa once every two years.

    Mindef and the SAF extend their deepest condolences to the family of the late 1WO Tan and is investigating the incident. All SAF freefall training has been temporarily suspended.

    — CNA/yt
    "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

    One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang

  • #2
    It's very unfortunate. Life is very unpredictable as accident can strike anytime when least expected



    • #3
      so sad


      • #4
        we (ex-commando) know the danger,every 5xx,xxx jumps will have 1 training incident ,it is a historical fact ! but we die for what we love to do !
        FOR HONOR & GLORY !


        • #5
          so sad... rest in peace...


          • #6
            "1 for the PJI in the sky" !!!!
            The hardest thing in life is making the 1st million CASH !
            The 2nd hardest thing in life is not spending it !
            The 3rd hardest thing in life is get the whole family together for a simple dinner !


            • #7
              btw LSL u also ex-commando ???
              The hardest thing in life is making the 1st million CASH !
              The 2nd hardest thing in life is not spending it !
              The 3rd hardest thing in life is get the whole family together for a simple dinner !


              • #8
                Originally posted by LSL View Post
                we (ex-commando) know the danger,every 5xx,xxx jumps will have 1 training incident ,it is a historical fact ! but we die for what we love to do !
                FOR HONOR & GLORY !
                Whoa ex commando ! Next time we go watch bargaining, please follow us to .......

                *** EMMANUEL***


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