If you like to play a game, just PM me. Bro darkie boy and bro louisoh please join us for lunch after the game and help us to give away prizes hehe it boring for two of you looking as us play 18 holes lasting 4 to 5 hours each round. And it could be dangerous for you like when you hear someone shout " FORE !!!! " and you look up.......we don't want anything to happen to two of you....The most Esteem member of SGROC

I am planning a Batam or Bintan golf trip soon, and this trip you will like it. Golfers head for golf course, non golfers head for town to shop and massage etc. Only meet for meal before heading back home.

2009 is a tough year for everyone, but we just find a little time for simple pleasure like a golf game or just putting on our Rolex....we will brave ahead the tough times.
God Bless !