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STOP at One.

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  • #16
    The poison is potent here!!


    • #17
      How to stop at one? The poison is too deep!


      • #18
        Everybody is been poisoned....


        • #19
          The R.I.P. is always out there to rip ppl. And quite a number of these folks are willing to be rip, on their savings or their wages just for the name on their wrists such that when in socialization, guests can recognize and read out the names with envious expressions.
          The envious folks gets rip as well... sooner or later depending how well they can hold their determination on not be a victim to the brands.

          Watch collecting and possession shouldn't be build upon speculation{ç‚’}. Frankly speaking, mass produced models looses their value much higher, eventually when one decides to flip, he/she gets rip as the buying party will lowball to unexpected "value price"(judging on the period of possession + period on wrist + period of maintenance and breakdowns).

          If one's disposable income can get him an expensive/luxurious piece easily without having to starve for months, go ahead, hoot as much as you can afford. Nobody can stop you, because you earn it, with your status in your profession and your pay grade.

          But to some who scrimp and save for months, for years just for the name... think hard and long before you swipe that card of yours. Installment is convenient, but a definite no no if you're not in that kind of pool with expensive water where few elite folks swam in. Think of the risks first, as well as the most important question,"can you afford it? and how long you intend to possess it?"

          I myself have a good savings now that i can splurge on either one of the luxury names beginning with either R, I, P. But i am not going to do it because i don't have much confidence whether how long i can still be able to hold on with the current good pay job... btw... 2017 is just a few years away... and its better to save as much as possible, since we have no idea what kind of impact the financial tsunami make have on us, our hobby...


          • #20
            With that being told Ed i agree, however the trick is to spend the money you won`t miss, if you spent all your saving or even buy it on credit/install then you are always wrong with that.......Buying a Watch just to show off and let people see what Brand you can wear is i.m.o also not the right way, however these days it`s normall.

            Trick is to buy sharp on the price, this way you won`t make a big loss or even break even on it! Rolex Sports are always easy to sell all day long and why trade in at the AD while you can easily sell them all day long here or anywhere else online??!

            AD`s don`t like used stuff so they will always lowball you as it`s not their main biz!

            But Watches is just like cars, you see more, learn more and want more, not to show off but as it`s like falling in love and it takes over control and at the end you go out and buy it.

            Buying to increase in value are just a few pieces from Rolex, good example is the 116598RBOW Watch came out on the market but Rolex had troubles with the quality of the stones so the production stopped. I have seen them being sold for loads more $ then that they have payed for it as the demand increase and Russians like to throw with $$$

            Good investment was for example Patek Philippe 5131J They increased crazy in value above the listprice


            • #21
              Try asking your wife to stop at 1 branded bag.
              No way!
              Likewise with men owning branded watches


              • #22
                yup! No way!


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