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Anyone knows where to get a cat cage..

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  • Anyone knows where to get a cat cage..

    For about $150 or so? I don't mind 2nd hand ones, or even renting one.

    I found a badly injured stray and sent it to the vet. Vet says it needs to be kept in a cage to prevent it from running or jumping around. The bill for the stray is close to $600 currently and so I don't want to spend too much on a cage.

    Any cat owners or anyone knows? Or if I can rent one from you... pls let me know! I'll appreciate any inputs.

    Thanks in advance..

  • #2
    Hi U very caring for animals ah. U can try Pet Lovers Corner, they do sell them.
    "夫君子之行:静以修身,俭以养德;非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。" - 诸葛亮

    One should seek serenity to cultivate the body, thriftiness to cultivate the morals. Seeking fame and wealth will not lead to noble ideal. Only by seeking serenity will one reach far. - Zhugeliang


    • #3
      I tried looking at pet lovers already, they only got cages for small animals like hamsters & rabbits. I'm looking for 2nd hand ones as a brand new cat cage costs $300 and up. =S

      Any cat owners here who can give some tips on where to get one?


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